
libao Binding for the Ada Programming Language


This a thick binding, so the rough edges of C have all been filed off. In

 * ao_initialize/ao_shutdown are now automatic
 * ao_option/Option_List objects are deallocated when they go out of scope
 * ao_device/Device objects are automatically closed upon program end
 * All error codes have been converted to exceptions

A short example program is available in /example/.


An Ada 2012 compiler and standard library (build)
A C compiler and standard library (build)
gprbuild (build)
libao (run)

Build Instructions

Ensure that all dependencies are installed, including any developer or header
packages for libao. Then the following commands will build and install the

    gprbuild aao.gpr
    gprinstall -p -m aao.gpr

The other gpr file, example.gpr, can be used to build the short example
programs provided.

Further Information

C API of libao:

Credits and Legal

This binding and the short Ada example were written by Jedidiah Barber.

The short C example program was written by Stan Seibert.

All code of this binding and example programs is released into the public
domain. Consult unlicense.txt and the header of the C example program for
further information.