with FLTK.Widgets.Menus, FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows, FLTK.Text_Buffers, FLTK.Asks, Windows.Editor, Windows.About, Windows.Find, Windows.Replace, Windows.Jump, Change_Vectors, Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; package body Adapad is -- Forward declarations of helper functions. procedure Set_Title; function Safe_To_Discard return Boolean; procedure Do_Save; procedure Do_Save_As; procedure Load_File (Name : in String); procedure Save_File (Name : in String); procedure Centre (Win : in out FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class); -- Global state of the text editor. Editor : Windows.Editor.Editor_Window := Windows.Editor.Create (800, 500); Buffer : FLTK.Text_Buffers.Text_Buffer := FLTK.Text_Buffers.Forge.Create; About : Windows.About.About_Window := Windows.About.Create; Find : Windows.Find.Find_Window := Windows.Find.Create; Replace : Windows.Replace.Replace_Window := Windows.Replace.Create; Jump : Windows.Jump.Jump_Window := Windows.Jump.Create; Changed : Boolean := False; Mod_List : Change_Vectors.Change_Vector := Change_Vectors.Empty_Vector; Filename : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String (0); -- Main program interface. procedure Show is begin Editor.Show; end Show; procedure Hide is begin About.Hide; Find.Hide; Replace.Hide; Jump.Hide; Editor.Hide; end Hide; -- Callbacks for the menu. procedure New_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin if not Safe_To_Discard then return; end if; Filename := To_Unbounded_String (0); Buffer.Remove_Text (0, Buffer.Length); Changed := False; Buffer.Call_Modify_Callbacks; end New_CB; procedure Open_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin if not Safe_To_Discard then return; end if; declare New_Filename : String := FLTK.Asks.File_Chooser ("Open File?", "*", To_String (Filename)); begin if New_Filename /= "" then Load_File (New_Filename); end if; end; end Open_CB; procedure Save_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin Do_Save; end Save_CB; procedure Save_As_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin Do_Save_As; end Save_As_CB; procedure Quit_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin if not Safe_To_Discard then return; end if; Hide; end Quit_CB; procedure Undo_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is use type FLTK.Text_Buffers.Modification; Bar : FLTK.Widgets.Menus.Menu_Reference := Editor.Get_Menu_Bar; Ch : Change_Vectors.Change; begin Buffer.Disable_Callbacks; if Mod_List.Peek (Ch) then if Ch.Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Insert then Buffer.Remove_Text (Integer (Ch.Place), Integer (Ch.Place) + Ch.Length); Editor.Set_Insert_Position (Integer (Ch.Place)); else Buffer.Insert_Text (Integer (Ch.Place), To_String (Ch.Text)); Editor.Set_Insert_Position (Integer (Ch.Place) + Ch.Length); end if; Editor.Show_Insert_Position; Mod_List.Pop; Changed := True; Set_Title; Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Redo").Activate; if Mod_List.At_Start then Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Undo").Deactivate; end if; end if; Buffer.Enable_Callbacks; end Undo_CB; procedure Redo_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is use type FLTK.Text_Buffers.Modification; Bar : FLTK.Widgets.Menus.Menu_Reference := Editor.Get_Menu_Bar; Ch : Change_Vectors.Change; begin Buffer.Disable_Callbacks; if Mod_List.Re_Push then Mod_List.Peek (Ch); if Ch.Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Insert then Buffer.Insert_Text (Integer (Ch.Place), To_String (Ch.Text)); Editor.Set_Insert_Position (Integer (Ch.Place) + Ch.Length); else Buffer.Remove_Text (Integer (Ch.Place), Integer (Ch.Place) + Ch.Length); Editor.Set_Insert_Position (Integer (Ch.Place)); end if; Editor.Show_Insert_Position; Changed := True; Set_Title; Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Undo").Activate; if Mod_List.At_End then Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Redo").Deactivate; end if; end if; Buffer.Enable_Callbacks; end Redo_CB; procedure Cut_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin Editor.Cut; end Cut_CB; procedure Copy_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin Editor.Copy; end Copy_CB; procedure Paste_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin Editor.Paste; end Paste_CB; procedure Delete_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin Editor.Delete; end Delete_CB; procedure Select_All_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin Buffer.Set_Selection (0, Buffer.Length); end Select_All_CB; procedure Find_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin Centre (Find); Find.Show; end Find_CB; procedure Find_Next_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin Find.Do_Callback (Windows.Find.Forward); end Find_Next_CB; procedure Find_Prev_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin Find.Do_Callback (Windows.Find.Backward); end Find_Prev_CB; procedure Replace_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin Centre (Replace); Replace.Show; end Replace_CB; procedure Jump_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin Centre (Jump); Jump.Show; end Jump_CB; procedure Count_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is Restore_Position : Natural := Editor.Get_Insert_Position; Current_Position, Result : Natural := 0; begin Editor.Set_Insert_Position (0); if Character'Pos (Buffer.Character_At (0)) > Character'Pos (' ') then Result := 1; end if; loop Editor.Next_Word; Current_Position := Editor.Get_Insert_Position; exit when Current_Position = Buffer.Length; Result := Result + 1; end loop; Editor.Set_Insert_Position (Restore_Position); FLTK.Asks.Message_Box ("There are " & Integer'Image (Result) & " words in the document."); end Count_CB; procedure Wrap_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin if FLTK.Widgets.Menus.Menu (Item).Chosen.Get_State then Editor.Set_Wrap_Mode (Windows.Editor.Bounds); else Editor.Set_Wrap_Mode (Windows.Editor.None); end if; end Wrap_CB; procedure Lines_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin if FLTK.Widgets.Menus.Menu (Item).Chosen.Get_State then -- 50 pixels should be enough for 5 digit line numbers. Editor.Set_Linenumber_Width (50); else Editor.Set_Linenumber_Width (0); end if; end Lines_CB; procedure About_CB (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin Centre (About); About.Show; end About_CB; -- Callbacks for the text buffer. procedure Mod_CB (Action : in FLTK.Text_Buffers.Modification; Place : in FLTK.Text_Buffers.Position; Length : in Natural; Deleted_Text : in String) is use type FLTK.Text_Buffers.Modification; Bar : FLTK.Widgets.Menus.Menu_Reference := Editor.Get_Menu_Bar; Pop : FLTK.Widgets.Menus.Menu_Reference := Editor.Get_Rightclick_Menu; begin if Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Insert or Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Delete then Changed := True; Set_Title; declare Ch : Change_Vectors.Change; begin Ch.Action := Action; Ch.Place := Place; Ch.Length := Length; if Action = FLTK.Text_Buffers.Insert then Ch.Text := To_Unbounded_String (Buffer.Text_At (Integer (Place), Integer (Place) + Length)); else Ch.Text := To_Unbounded_String (Deleted_Text); end if; Mod_List.Push (Ch); Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Undo").Activate; if Mod_List.At_End then Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Redo").Deactivate; end if; end; end if; if Buffer.Has_Selection then Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/Cu&t").Activate; Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Copy").Activate; Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Delete").Activate; Pop.Find_Item ("Cu&t").Activate; Pop.Find_Item ("&Copy").Activate; Pop.Find_Item ("&Delete").Activate; else Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/Cu&t").Deactivate; Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Copy").Deactivate; Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Delete").Deactivate; Pop.Find_Item ("Cu&t").Deactivate; Pop.Find_Item ("&Copy").Deactivate; Pop.Find_Item ("&Delete").Deactivate; end if; end Mod_CB; -- Callbacks for the extra dialog windows. procedure Do_Find_CB (Item : in String; Match_Case : in Boolean; Facing : in Windows.Find.Direction) is use type Windows.Find.Direction; Bar : FLTK.Widgets.Menus.Menu_Reference := Editor.Get_Menu_Bar; Current_Position, Select_Start, Select_End, Found_At : Natural; Was_Found : Boolean; begin Find.Hide; -- Is it possible to improve this abomination with a modulo type? if Buffer.Get_Selection (Select_Start, Select_End) then if Facing = Windows.Find.Forward then Current_Position := Select_End; else if Select_Start = 0 then Current_Position := Buffer.Length; else Current_Position := Select_Start - 1; end if; end if; else Current_Position := Editor.Get_Insert_Position; end if; if Facing = Windows.Find.Forward then Was_Found := Buffer.Search_Forward (Current_Position, Item, Found_At, Match_Case) or else Buffer.Search_Forward (0, Item, Found_At, Match_Case); else Was_Found := Buffer.Search_Backward (Current_Position, Item, Found_At, Match_Case) or else Buffer.Search_Backward (Buffer.Length, Item, Found_At, Match_Case); end if; if Item /= "" and Was_Found then Buffer.Set_Selection (Found_At, Found_At + Item'Length); Editor.Set_Insert_Position (Found_At + Item'Length); Editor.Show_Insert_Position; Bar.Find_Item ("&Search/Find &Next").Activate; Bar.Find_Item ("&Search/Find &Previous").Activate; else FLTK.Asks.Alert ("No occurrences of '" & Item & "' found!"); Bar.Find_Item ("&Search/Find &Next").Deactivate; Bar.Find_Item ("&Search/Find &Previous").Deactivate; end if; end Do_Find_CB; procedure Do_Replace_CB (Item, Replace_With : in String; Match_Case, Replace_All : in Boolean) is use type FLTK.Asks.Choice_Result; User_Response : FLTK.Asks.Choice_Result; Found_At : Natural; Current_Position, Times_Replaced : Natural := 0; begin Replace.Hide; while Buffer.Search_Forward (Current_Position, Item, Found_At, Match_Case) loop Buffer.Set_Selection (Found_At, Found_At + Item'Length); Editor.Set_Insert_Position (Found_At); Editor.Show_Insert_Position; if not Replace_All then User_Response := FLTK.Asks.Choice ("Replace?", "No", "Yes", "Cancel"); else User_Response := FLTK.Asks.Second; end if; exit when User_Response = FLTK.Asks.Third; if User_Response = FLTK.Asks.Second then Buffer.Remove_Selection; Buffer.Insert_Text (Found_At, Replace_With); Current_Position := Found_At + Replace_With'Length; Times_Replaced := Times_Replaced + 1; else Current_Position := Found_At + Item'Length; end if; end loop; if Times_Replaced > 0 then FLTK.Asks.Message_Box ("Replaced " & Integer'Image (Times_Replaced) & " occurrences."); else FLTK.Asks.Alert ("No occurrences of '" & Item & "' found!"); end if; end Do_Replace_CB; procedure Do_Jump_CB (Line_Number : in Positive) is begin Jump.Hide; Editor.Set_Insert_Position (Buffer.Skip_Lines (0, Line_Number - 1)); Editor.Show_Insert_Position; end Do_Jump_CB; -- Helper functions. procedure Set_Title is Title : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String (0); begin if Changed then Append (Title, "*"); end if; if Filename = "" then Append (Title, "(Untitled)"); else Append (Title, Filename); end if; Editor.Set_Label (To_String (Title)); end Set_Title; function Safe_To_Discard return Boolean is User_Response : FLTK.Asks.Choice_Result; begin if not Changed then return True; end if; User_Response := FLTK.Asks.Choice ("The current file has not been saved." & Character'Val (10) & "Would you like to save it now?", "Cancel", "Save", "Discard"); case User_Response is when FLTK.Asks.First => return False; when FLTK.Asks.Second => Do_Save; return not Changed; when FLTK.Asks.Third => return True; end case; end Safe_To_Discard; procedure Do_Save is begin if Filename = "" then Do_Save_As; else Save_File (To_String (Filename)); end if; end Do_Save; procedure Do_Save_As is New_Filename : String := FLTK.Asks.File_Chooser ("Save File As?", "*", To_String (Filename)); begin if New_Filename /= "" then Save_File (New_Filename); end if; end Do_Save_As; procedure Load_File (Name : in String) is begin Buffer.Load_File (Name); Filename := To_Unbounded_String (Name); Changed := False; Set_Title; Mod_List := Change_Vectors.Empty_Vector; Editor.Get_Menu_Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Undo").Deactivate; Editor.Get_Menu_Bar.Find_Item ("&Edit/&Redo").Deactivate; exception when Storage_Error => FLTK.Asks.Alert ("Error reading from file " & Name); end Load_File; procedure Save_File (Name : in String) is begin Buffer.Save_File (Name); Filename := To_Unbounded_String (Name); Changed := False; Set_Title; exception when Storage_Error => FLTK.Asks.Alert ("Error writing to file " & Name); end Save_File; procedure Centre (Win : in out FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class) is Middle_X : Integer := Editor.Get_X + Editor.Get_W / 2; Middle_Y : Integer := Editor.Get_Y + Editor.Get_H / 2; begin Win.Reposition (Middle_X - Win.Get_W / 2, Middle_Y - Win.Get_H / 2); end Centre; begin declare use FLTK; use FLTK.Widgets.Menus; Bar : Menu_Reference := Editor.Get_Menu_Bar; begin Bar.Add (Text => "&File", Flags => Flag_Submenu); Bar.Add ("File/&New", New_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'n'); Bar.Add ("File/&Open...", Open_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'o'); Bar.Add ("File/&Save", Save_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 's'); Bar.Add ("File/Save &As...", Save_As_CB'Access, Mod_Shift + Mod_Ctrl + 's', Flag_Divider); Bar.Add ("File/&Quit", Quit_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'q'); Bar.Add (Text => "&Edit", Flags => Flag_Submenu); Bar.Add ("Edit/&Undo", Undo_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'z', Flag_Inactive); Bar.Add ("Edit/&Redo", Redo_CB'Access, Mod_Shift + Mod_Ctrl + 'z', Flag_Inactive + Flag_Divider); Bar.Add ("Edit/Cu&t", Cut_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'x', Flag_Inactive); Bar.Add ("Edit/&Copy", Copy_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'c', Flag_Inactive); Bar.Add ("Edit/&Paste", Paste_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'v'); Bar.Add ("Edit/&Delete", Delete_CB'Access, No_Key, Flag_Inactive + Flag_Divider); Bar.Add ("Edit/Select &All", Select_All_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'a'); Bar.Add (Text => "&Search", Flags => Flag_Submenu); Bar.Add ("Search/&Find...", Find_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'f'); Bar.Add ("Search/Find &Next", Find_Next_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'g', Flag_Inactive); Bar.Add ("Search/Find &Previous", Find_Prev_CB'Access, Mod_Shift + Mod_Ctrl + 'g', Flag_Inactive); Bar.Add ("Search/&Replace...", Replace_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'h', Flag_Divider); Bar.Add ("Search/Jump To...", Jump_CB'Access, Mod_Ctrl + 'j'); Bar.Add ("Search/Word Count", Count_CB'Access); Bar.Add (Text => "&Options", Flags => Flag_Submenu); Bar.Add ("Options/&Word Wrap", Wrap_CB'Access, No_Key, Flag_Toggle); Bar.Add ("Options/&Line Numbers", Lines_CB'Access, No_Key, Flag_Toggle); Bar.Add (Text => "&Help", Flags => Flag_Submenu); Bar.Add ("Help/&About", About_CB'Access); end; declare use FLTK; use FLTK.Widgets.Menus; Pop : Menu_Reference := Editor.Get_Rightclick_Menu; begin Pop.Add ("Cu&t", Cut_CB'Access, No_Key, Flag_Inactive); Pop.Add ("&Copy", Copy_CB'Access, No_Key, Flag_Inactive); Pop.Add ("&Paste", Paste_CB'Access); Pop.Add ("&Delete", Delete_CB'Access, No_Key, Flag_Inactive + Flag_Divider); Pop.Add ("Select &All", Select_All_CB'Access); end; Find.Set_Find_Callback (Do_Find_CB'Access); Replace.Set_Replace_Callback (Do_Replace_CB'Access); Jump.Set_Jump_Callback (Do_Jump_CB'Access); Buffer.Add_Modify_Callback (Mod_CB'Access); Editor.Set_Callback (Quit_CB'Access); Editor.Set_Buffer (Buffer); end Adapad;