with FLTK.Widget.Group.Window.Double; with FLTK.Widget.Input; with FLTK.Widget.Button.Ret; package Editor is package Window renames FLTK.Widget.Group.Window; type Editor_Type is new Window.Double.Double_Type with private; function Create (X, Y, W, H : in Integer; Label : in String) return Editor_Type; private type Editor_Type is new Window.Double.Double_Type with record Replace_Dialog : Window.Window_Type; Replace_Find : FLTK.Widget.Input.Input_Type; Replace_With : FLTK.Widget.Input.Input_Type; Replace_All : FLTK.Widget.Button.Button_Type; Replace_Next : FLTK.Widget.Button.Ret.Return_Type; Replace_Cancel : FLTK.Widget.Button.Button_Type; end record; overriding procedure Initialize (This : in out Editor_Type); overriding procedure Finalize (This : in out Editor_Type); end Editor;