with Interfaces.C; with System; use type System.Address; package body FLTK.Menu_Items is function Shortcut (Key : Pressable_Key) return Shortcut_Key is begin return This : Shortcut_Key do This.Modifier := Mod_None; This.Keypress := Key; end return; end Shortcut; function "+" (Left, Right : in Modifier_Key) return Modifier_Key is begin return Left or Right; end "+"; function "+" (Left : in Modifier_Key; Right : in Pressable_Key) return Shortcut_Key is begin return This : Shortcut_Key do This.Modifier := Left; This.Keypress := Right; end return; end "+"; function "+" (Left : in Modifier_Key; Right : in Shortcut_Key) return Shortcut_Key is begin return This : Shortcut_Key do This.Modifier := Left or Right.Modifier; This.Keypress := Right.Keypress; end return; end "+"; function "+" (Left, Right : in Menu_Flag) return Menu_Flag is begin return Left or Right; end "+"; function new_fl_menu_item (Text : in Interfaces.C.char_array; CBack : in System.Address; -- Data : in System.Address; Key : in Interfaces.C.unsigned_long; Flags : in Interfaces.C.unsigned_short) return System.Address; pragma Import (C, new_fl_menu_item, "new_fl_menu_item"); procedure free_fl_menu_item (M : in System.Address); pragma Import (C, free_fl_menu_item, "free_fl_menu_item"); procedure Finalize (This : in out Menu_Item) is begin Finalize (Wrapper (This)); if This in Menu_Item then free_fl_menu_item (This.Void_Ptr); end if; end Finalize; function Create (Text : in String; Action : in FLTK.Callbacks.Callback; Shortcut : in Shortcut_Key := No_Key; Flags : in Menu_Flag := Flag_Normal) return Menu_Item is begin return This : Menu_Item do null; end return; end Create; end FLTK.Menu_Items;