with FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Double; with FLTK.Widgets.Inputs; with FLTK.Widgets.Buttons.Enter; with FLTK.Widgets.Buttons.Light.Check; package body Windows.Find is package WD renames FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Double; package IP renames FLTK.Widgets.Inputs; package BU renames FLTK.Widgets.Buttons; package EN renames FLTK.Widgets.Buttons.Enter; package LC renames FLTK.Widgets.Buttons.Light.Check; procedure Find_M (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is use type BU.State; type Find_Window_Access is access all Find_Window; Dialog : access Find_Window := Find_Window_Access (Item.Parent); begin if Dialog.Callback /= null then Dialog.Callback.all (Dialog.Find_What.Get_Value, Dialog.Match_Case.Get_State = BU.On, Forward); end if; end Find_M; function Create return Find_Window is My_Width : Integer := 350; My_Height : Integer := 130; Button_Width : Integer := 140; Button_Height : Integer := 40; Input_Line : Integer := 10; Case_Line : Integer := 50; Button_Line : Integer := 80; Input_Width : Integer := 240; Input_Height : Integer := 25; Input_Margin_Right : Integer := 10; Check_Width : Integer := 100; Check_Height : Integer := 20; Case_Margin_Left : Integer := 50; Text_Size : Integer := 12; begin return This : Find_Window := (WD.Double_Window'(WD.Create (0, 0, My_Width, My_Height, "Find")) with Find_What => IP.Input'(IP.Create (My_Width - Input_Width - Input_Margin_Right, Input_Line, Input_Width, Input_Height, "Find what:")), Match_Case => LC.Check_Button'(LC.Create (Case_Margin_Left, Case_Line, Check_Width, Check_Height, "Match case")), Cancel => BU.Button'(BU.Create ((My_Width - 2 * Button_Width) / 3, Button_Line, Button_Width, Button_Height, "Cancel")), Start => EN.Enter_Button'(EN.Create ((My_Width - 2 * Button_Width) * 2 / 3 + Button_Width, Button_Line, Button_Width, Button_Height, "Find")), Callback => null) do This.Add (This.Find_What); This.Add (This.Match_Case); This.Add (This.Cancel); This.Cancel.Set_Callback (Hide_CB'Access); This.Add (This.Start); This.Start.Set_Callback (Find_M'Access); This.Set_Callback (Hide_CB'Access); This.Set_Icon (Logo); This.Set_Modal; end return; end Create; function Create (X, Y, W, H : in Integer; Label_Text : in String) return Find_Window is begin return Create; end Create; function Create (W, H : in Integer) return Find_Window is begin return Create; end Create; procedure Set_Find_Callback (This : in out Find_Window; Func : in Find_Callback) is begin This.Callback := Func; end Set_Find_Callback; procedure Do_Callback (This : in Find_Window; Dir : in Direction := Forward) is use type BU.State; begin if This.Callback /= null then This.Callback.all (This.Find_What.Get_Value, This.Match_Case.Get_State = BU.On, Dir); end if; end Do_Callback; end Windows.Find;