with Ada.Containers; package body Graph_Tests.Modify is function Insert_Check return Test_Result is use type Graphs.Cursor; To_Insert : Node_ID; To_Edge : Edge_ID; Copy_Graph : Graphs.Graph := My_Nonempty_Graph; begin To_Insert := Copy_Graph.Unused; if Copy_Graph.To_Cursor (To_Insert) /= Graphs.No_Element then return Fail; end if; Copy_Graph.Insert (To_Insert); if Copy_Graph.To_Cursor (To_Insert) = Graphs.No_Element then return Fail; end if; To_Insert := Copy_Graph.Unused; if Copy_Graph.To_Cursor (To_Insert) /= Graphs.No_Element then return Fail; end if; Copy_Graph.Insert (Graphs.Labeled_Node_Type'(To_Insert, Node_Label (+"HAHA"))); if Copy_Graph.To_Cursor (To_Insert) = Graphs.No_Element or else not Copy_Graph.Has_Label (To_Insert) or else Copy_Graph.Label (To_Insert) /= Node_Label (+"HAHA") then return Fail; end if; declare Insert_Nodes : Graphs.Node_Array := Copy_Graph.Unused (5); begin for N of Insert_Nodes loop if Copy_Graph.To_Cursor (N) /= Graphs.No_Element then return Fail; end if; end loop; Copy_Graph.Insert (Insert_Nodes); for N of Insert_Nodes loop if Copy_Graph.To_Cursor (N) = Graphs.No_Element then return Fail; end if; end loop; end; if Copy_Graph.Has_Edge (5, 9) then return Fail; end if; To_Edge := Copy_Graph.Unused; Copy_Graph.Insert (Graphs.Edge_Type'(To_Edge, 5, 9)); if not Copy_Graph.Has_Edge (5, 9) then return Fail; end if; if Copy_Graph.Has_Edge (5, 11) then return Fail; end if; To_Edge := Copy_Graph.Unused; Copy_Graph.Insert (Graphs.Labeled_Edge_Type'((To_Edge, 5, 11), Edge_Label (+"LOL"))); if not Copy_Graph.Has_Edge (5, 11) or else not Copy_Graph.Has_Label ((To_Edge, 5, 11)) or else Copy_Graph.Label ((To_Edge, 5, 11)) /= Edge_Label (+"LOL") then return Fail; end if; return Pass; end Insert_Check; function Delete_Check return Test_Result is use type Graphs.Cursor; use type Ada.Containers.Count_Type; Copy_Graph : Graphs.Graph := My_Nonempty_Graph; begin if Copy_Graph.To_Cursor (2) = Graphs.No_Element then return Fail; end if; Copy_Graph.Delete (2); if Copy_Graph.To_Cursor (2) /= Graphs.No_Element or Copy_Graph.Node_Count /= 3 or Copy_Graph.Edge_Count /= 1 then return Fail; end if; if not Copy_Graph.Has_Edge (9, 11) then return Fail; end if; Copy_Graph.Delete (Graphs.Edge_Type'(2, 9, 11)); if Copy_Graph.Has_Edge (9, 11) or Copy_Graph.Edge_Count /= 0 then return Fail; end if; return Pass; end Delete_Check; function Delete_Subgraph_Check return Test_Result is use type Graphs.Cursor; use type Ada.Containers.Count_Type; Copy_Graph : Graphs.Graph := My_Complex_Graph; Position : Graphs.Cursor := Copy_Graph.To_Cursor (2); begin Graphs.Delete_Subgraph (Position); if Copy_Graph.To_Cursor (2) /= Graphs.No_Element or Copy_Graph.Node_Count /= 7 or Copy_Graph.Edge_Count /= 9 then return Fail; end if; return Pass; end Delete_Subgraph_Check; function Swap_Check return Test_Result is use type Ada.Containers.Count_Type; function Perm is new Is_Permutation (Node_ID, Positive, Graphs.Node_Array); Copy_Graph : Graphs.Graph := My_Complex_Graph; Left_Parents : Graphs.Node_Array := Copy_Graph.Parents (2); Left_Children : Graphs.Node_Array := Copy_Graph.Children (2); Left_Indegree : Ada.Containers.Count_Type := Copy_Graph.Indegree (2); Left_Outdegree : Ada.Containers.Count_Type := Copy_Graph.Outdegree (2); Right_Parents : Graphs.Node_Array := Copy_Graph.Parents (5); Right_Children : Graphs.Node_Array := Copy_Graph.Children (5); Right_Indegree : Ada.Containers.Count_Type := Copy_Graph.Indegree (5); Right_Outdegree : Ada.Containers.Count_Type := Copy_Graph.Outdegree (5); begin Copy_Graph.Append_Label (2, Node_Label (+"ABC")); Copy_Graph.Append_Label (5, Node_Label (+"DEF")); Copy_Graph.Swap (2, 5); if not Perm (Copy_Graph.Parents (2), Right_Parents) or not Perm (Copy_Graph.Children (2), Right_Children) or not Perm (Copy_Graph.Parents (5), Left_Parents) or not Perm (Copy_Graph.Children (5), Left_Children) or Copy_Graph.Label (2) /= Node_Label (+"ABC") or Copy_Graph.Label (5) /= Node_Label (+"DEF") or Copy_Graph.Indegree (2) /= Right_Indegree or Copy_Graph.Outdegree (2) /= Right_Outdegree or Copy_Graph.Indegree (5) /= Left_Indegree or Copy_Graph.Outdegree (5) /= Left_Outdegree then return Fail; end if; return Pass; end Swap_Check; end Graph_Tests.Modify;