path: root/src
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1 files changed, 22 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/src/Grasp/Parser.hs b/src/Grasp/Parser.hs
index 534e211..8d6097f 100644
--- a/src/Grasp/Parser.hs
+++ b/src/Grasp/Parser.hs
@@ -32,7 +32,11 @@ type GraspData = ([StrLNode String],[StrLEdge String])
parseGrasp :: String -> Either ParseError GraspProgram
parseGrasp input =
- parse grasp "error" input >>= sanityCheck >>= nameCheck >>= return . constructGraph
+ parse removeComments "error" input >>=
+ parse graspDOT "error" >>=
+ sanityCheck >>=
+ nameCheck >>=
+ return . constructGraph
@@ -115,78 +119,7 @@ dup x =
-grasp = do
- string "digraph {"
- whiteSpac'
- (n,e) <- stmtLis' ([],[])
- string "}"
- eo'
- eof
- return (n,e)
-stmtLis' (n,e) =
- try (nod' >>= (\x -> stmtLis' (x:n,e)) )
- <|> try (edg' >>= (\x -> stmtLis' (n,x:e)) )
- <|> return (reverse n, reverse e)
-nod' = do
- i <- iden'
- l <- labelAttri'
- whiteSpac'
- return (i,l)
-edg' = do
- a <- iden'
- directedEdg'
- b <- iden'
- l <- labelAttri'
- whiteSpac'
- return (a,b,l)
-iden' = do
- d <- some (noneOf " \t\r\n")
- inLineWhS'
- return d
-labelAttri' = do
- char '['
- inLineWhS'
- string "label=\""
- l <- labelI'
- char '\"'
- inLineWhS'
- string "];"
- return l
-labelI' = some (noneOf "\"\r\n\\" <|> escapedCha')
-escapedCha' = try (string "\\\"" >> return '\"')
- <|> try (string "\\\\" >> return '\\')
-directedEdg' = string "->" >> inLineWhS'
-inLineWhS' = many (oneOf "\t ")
-whiteSpac' = many (oneOf "\n\r\t ")
-eo' = try (string "\r\n")
- <|> try (string "\n\r")
- <|> try (string "\n")
- <|> try (string "\r")
- <?> "end of line"
+-- removes comments but otherwise leaves input unchanged
removeComments = gline `sepEndBy` eol >>= return . concat
@@ -218,7 +151,9 @@ multiLineComment = do
many (noneOf "*" <|> (char '*' >> notFollowedBy (char '/') >> return '*'))
return ""
--- work in progress more complete DOT language parser below this point
+-- parses a DOT graph language file into the data for a grasp program
graspDOT = do
optional strict
@@ -227,6 +162,7 @@ graspDOT = do
(n,e) <- stmtList ([],[])
+ many blankLine
return (n,e)
@@ -244,10 +180,10 @@ ident = ((try alphaNumString)
stmtList (n,e) =
- try (node >>= (\x -> stmtList (x:n,e)) )
- <|> try (edge >>= (\x -> stmtList (n,x:e)) )
- <|> try (attr >> stmtList (n,e))
- <|> try (subgraph >>= (\(x,y) -> stmtList ((reverse x) ++ n, (reverse y) ++ e)) )
+ try (whiteSpace >> node >>= (\x -> stmtList (x:n,e)) )
+ <|> try (whiteSpace >> edge >>= (\x -> stmtList (n,x:e)) )
+ <|> try (whiteSpace >> attr >> stmtList (n,e))
+ <|> try (whiteSpace >> subgraph >>= (\(x,y) -> stmtList ((reverse x) ++ n, (reverse y) ++ e)) )
<|> try (blankLine >> stmtList (n,e))
<|> return (reverse n, reverse e)
@@ -286,6 +222,8 @@ quotedChar = noneOf "\"\r\n" <|> try (char '\\' >> char '\"')
node = do
n <- ident
a <- attrList
+ optional (char ';')
+ whiteSpace
return (n,a)
@@ -294,16 +232,18 @@ edge = do
b <- ident
c <- attrList
+ optional (char ';')
+ whiteSpace
return (a,b,c)
edgeOp = string "->" >> whiteSpace >> return "->"
-attr = attrType >> attrList
-attrType = caseInsensitiveString "graph"
+attr = attrType >> attrList >> optional (char ';') >> whiteSpace
+attrType = (caseInsensitiveString "graph"
<|> caseInsensitiveString "node"
- <|> caseInsensitiveString "edge"
+ <|> caseInsensitiveString "edge") >>= (\x -> whiteSpace >> return x)
attrList = do
@@ -342,6 +282,7 @@ subgraph = do
(n,e) <- stmtList ([],[])
+ optional (char ';')
return (n,e)