module Unlambda.Parser ( UnlambdaTerm(..), parseUnlambda, parseUnlambda1 ) where import Control.Applicative( some ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Either import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec data UnlambdaTerm = S | K | I | V | R | D | C | E | Bar | Reed | Dot Char | Compare Char | App UnlambdaTerm UnlambdaTerm | Kpartial UnlambdaTerm | Spartial UnlambdaTerm | Sapp UnlambdaTerm UnlambdaTerm | Promise UnlambdaTerm | Continuation (UnlambdaTerm -> ContT UnlambdaTerm IO UnlambdaTerm) instance Eq UnlambdaTerm where S == S = True K == K = True I == I = True V == V = True R == R = True D == D = True C == C = True E == E = True Bar == Bar = True Reed == Reed = True Dot x == Dot y = x == y Compare x == Compare y = x == y App a b == App x y = a == x && b == y Kpartial x == Kpartial y = x == y Spartial x == Spartial y = x == y Sapp a b == Sapp x y = a == x && b == y Promise x == Promise y = x == y _ == _ = False instance Show UnlambdaTerm where show S = "s" show K = "k" show I = "i" show V = "v" show R = "r" show D = "d" show C = "c" show E = "e" show Bar = "|" show Reed = "@" show (Dot x) = ['.', x] show (Compare x) = ['?', x] show (App x y) = "`" ++ (show x) ++ (show y) show (Kpartial x) = "`k" ++ (show x) show (Spartial x) = "`s" ++ (show x) show (Sapp x y) = "``s" ++ (show x) ++ (show y) show (Promise x) = "`d" ++ (show x) show (Continuation _) = "" parseUnlambda :: String -> Either ParseError UnlambdaTerm parseUnlambda input = let firstPass = parse removeComments "error" input in case firstPass of Left e -> Left e Right o -> parse unlambda "error" o parseUnlambda1 :: String -> Either ParseError UnlambdaTerm parseUnlambda1 input = let firstPass = parse removeComments "error" input in case firstPass of Left e -> Left e Right o -> parse unlambda1 "error" o removeComments = uline `sepEndBy` eol >>= (return . concat) uline = do l <- many (builtin <|> (oneOf " \t" >>= return . (:[]))) optional (char '#' >> many (noneOf "\r\n")) return . concat $ l builtin = (oneOf "`skivrdce|@" >>= return . (:[])) <|> (char '.' >> anyChar >>= return . ('.':) . (:[])) <|> (char '?' >> anyChar >>= return . ('?':) . (:[])) "unlambda builtin function" eol = try (string "\r\n") <|> try (string "\n\r") <|> try (string "\r") <|> try (string "\n") "end of line" unlambda = do whiteSpace t <- term eof return t unlambda1 = do whiteSpace t <- term1 eof return t term = (try term1) <|> (try e) <|> (try reed) <|> (try comp) <|> (try bar) "unlambda term" term1 = (try app) <|> (try s) <|> (try k) <|> (try i) <|> (try v) <|> (try r) <|> (try d) <|> (try c) <|> (try dot) "unlambda term" app = do char '`' whiteSpace f <- term x <- term return (App f x) s = char 's' >> whiteSpace >> return S k = char 'k' >> whiteSpace >> return K i = char 'i' >> whiteSpace >> return I v = char 'v' >> whiteSpace >> return V r = char 'r' >> whiteSpace >> return R d = char 'd' >> whiteSpace >> return D c = char 'c' >> whiteSpace >> return C e = char 'e' >> whiteSpace >> return E reed = char '@' >> whiteSpace >> return Reed bar = char '|' >> whiteSpace >> return Bar comp = do char '?' c <- anyChar whiteSpace return (Compare c) dot = do char '.' c <- anyChar whiteSpace return (Dot c) whiteSpace = many (oneOf "\t\n\r ")