module Grasp.Interpreter ( grasp ) where import System.IO( Handle, FilePath, IOMode ) import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified System.Random as Random import qualified Control.Monad as Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class( liftIO ) import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe import Data.List( (!!) ) import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Char as Char import Grasp.Monad( GraspM ) import qualified Grasp.Monad as GMonad import Grasp.Types.GNode( GNode ) import qualified Grasp.Types.GNode as GN import Grasp.Types.GEdge( GEdge ) import qualified Grasp.Types.GEdge as GE import Grasp.Types.Instruction( Instruction ) import qualified Grasp.Types.Instruction as IN import Grasp.Types.EdgeLabel( EdgeLabel ) import qualified Grasp.Types.EdgeLabel as EL grasp :: ([GNode],[GEdge]) -> IO ([GNode],[GEdge]) grasp input = GMonad.finalise $ GMonad.construct input >> interpret interpret :: GraspM () interpret = do n <- GMonad.peekIP if (Maybe.isNothing n) then return () else do case (IN.toString . GN.toInst . Maybe.fromJust $ n) of "set" -> setI "new" -> newI "del" -> delI "push" -> pushI "pop" -> popI "pick" -> pickI "call" -> callI "ret" -> retI "add" -> addI "mul" -> mulI "sub" -> subI "div" -> divI "mod" -> modI "getc" -> getcI "putc" -> putcI "gets" -> getsI "puts" -> putsI inst | Maybe.isJust . IN.toInt . $ inst -> implicitPushI x -> error ("Unknown instruction " ++ x) GMonad.nextIP interpret setI :: GraspM () setI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust inNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "in") curNode outNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "out") curNode Monad.when (length inNodes /= 0) (do r <- liftIO (Random.getStdRandom (Random.randomR (0, length inNodes - 1))) mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel (GN.toInst (inNodes !! r))) outNodes ) GMonad.updateIP newI :: GraspM () newI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust tailNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "tail") curNode headNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "head") curNode labelNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "label") curNode Monad.when (length tailNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction new should have one tail argument") Monad.when (length headNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction new should have one head argument") Monad.when (length labelNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction new should have one label argument") Monad.when (Maybe.isJust . IN.toFloat . GN.toInst $ (head labelNodes)) (error "Label argument to instruction new should not be a number") let edgeLabel = . IN.toString . GN.toInst $ (head labelNodes) GMonad.insEdge ( (GN.toNode (head tailNodes), GN.toNode (head headNodes), edgeLabel)) GMonad.updateIP delI :: GraspM () delI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust tailNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "tail") curNode headNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "head") curNode labelNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "label") curNode Monad.when (length tailNodes /= 0) (do input <- mapM GMonad.edgesOut tailNodes >>= return . concat let labels = map ( . IN.toString . GN.toInst) labelNodes heads = map GN.toNode headNodes result = filter (\x -> (length headNodes == 0 || GE.toDest x `elem` heads) && (length labelNodes == 0 || GE.toLabel x `elem` labels)) input GMonad.delEdges result ) GMonad.updateIP pushI :: GraspM () pushI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust stackNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "stack") curNode inNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "in") curNode Monad.when (length stackNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction push should have one stack argument") r <- liftIO (Random.getStdRandom (Random.randomR (0, length inNodes - 1))) let stackInst = if (length inNodes == 0) then "" else GN.toInst (inNodes !! r) n <- GMonad.newNodes [stackInst] ne <- return ( (GN.toNode (head n), GN.toNode (head stackNodes), "next")) se <- GMonad.edgesIn (head stackNodes) se' <- return (map (\x -> (GE.toSrc x, GN.toNode (head n), GE.toLabel x)) se) GMonad.delEdges se GMonad.insNode (head n) GMonad.insEdges (ne:se') GMonad.updateIP implicitPushI :: GraspM () implicitPushI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust stackNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "stack") curNode Monad.when (length stackNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction implicit push should have one stack argument") n <- GMonad.newNodes [GN.toInst curNode] ne <- return ( (GN.toNode (head n), GN.toNode (head stackNodes), "next")) se <- GMonad.edgesIn (head stackNodes) se' <- return (map (\x -> (GE.toSrc x, GN.toNode (head n), GE.toLabel x)) se) GMonad.delEdges se GMonad.insNode (head n) GMonad.insEdges (ne:se') GMonad.updateIP popI :: GraspM () popI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust stackNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "stack") curNode outNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "out") curNode emptyNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "empty") curNode Monad.when (length stackNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction pop should have one stack argument") nextNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "next") (head stackNodes) Monad.when (length nextNodes > 1) (error "Stack nodes should have at most one next edge") if (length nextNodes == 1) then do mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel (GN.toInst (head stackNodes))) outNodes se <- GMonad.edgesIn (head stackNodes) se' <- return (map (\x -> (GE.toSrc x, GN.toNode (head nextNodes), GE.toLabel x)) se) GMonad.delEdges se GMonad.insEdges se' else do Monad.when (length emptyNodes > 0) (do r <- liftIO (Random.getStdRandom (Random.randomR (0, length emptyNodes - 1))) mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel (GN.toInst (emptyNodes !! r))) outNodes ) GMonad.updateIP pickI :: GraspM () pickI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust stackNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "stack") curNode depthNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "depth") curNode outNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "out") curNode emptyNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "empty") curNode Monad.when (length stackNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction pick should have one stack argument") Monad.when (length depthNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction pick should have one depth argument") Monad.unless (Maybe.isJust . IN.toInt . GN.toInst $ (head depthNodes)) (error "Depth argument to instruction pick should be an integer") Monad.unless ((>=0) . Maybe.fromJust . IN.toInt . GN.toInst $ (head depthNodes)) (error "Depth argument to instruction pick should be positive") let depthFunc d n = do nextNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "next") n Monad.when (length nextNodes > 1) (error "Stack nodes should have at most one next edge") if (length nextNodes == 0) then return Nothing else if (d == 0) then return (Just n) else depthFunc (d - 1) (head nextNodes) pickNode <- depthFunc (Maybe.fromJust . IN.toInt . GN.toInst $ (head depthNodes)) (head stackNodes) if (Maybe.isJust pickNode) then do mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel (GN.toInst (Maybe.fromJust pickNode))) outNodes else do Monad.when (length emptyNodes > 0) (do r <- liftIO (Random.getStdRandom (Random.randomR (0, length emptyNodes - 1))) mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel (GN.toInst (emptyNodes !! r))) outNodes ) GMonad.updateIP callI :: GraspM () callI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust funcNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "func") curNode argEdges <- GMonad.edgesOut curNode ae <- return (filter (\x -> (GE.toLabel x) /= ( "name") && (GE.toLabel x) /= ( "cond") && (GE.toLabel x) /= ( "next") && (GE.toLabel x) /= ( "func")) argEdges) possibleFuncs <- mapM GMonad.nodesWithName (map GN.toInst funcNodes) >>= return . concat Monad.when (length possibleFuncs < 1) (error "Instruction call has no applicable func candidates") r <- liftIO (Random.getStdRandom (Random.randomR (0, length possibleFuncs - 1))) (sn, se) <- GMonad.subGraph (possibleFuncs !! r) sn' <- GMonad.newNodes (map GN.toInst sn) let nodeMap = zip (map GN.toNode sn) (map GN.toNode sn') translate = Maybe.fromJust . (flip lookup nodeMap) se' <- return (map (\x -> (translate . GE.toSrc $ x, translate . GE.toDest $ x, GE.toLabel x)) se) let calledNode = (translate (GN.toNode (possibleFuncs !! r)), GN.toInst (possibleFuncs !! r)) ae' <- return (map (\x -> (GN.toNode calledNode, GE.toDest x, GE.toLabel x)) ae) GMonad.insNodes sn' GMonad.insEdges (se' ++ ae') GMonad.pushIP calledNode retI :: GraspM () retI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust retEdges <- GMonad.edgesOut curNode re <- return (filter (\x -> (GE.toLabel x) /= ( "name") && (GE.toLabel x) /= ( "next") && (GE.toLabel x) /= ( "cond")) retEdges) GMonad.popIP GMonad.updateIP curNode' <- GMonad.peekIP Monad.when (Maybe.isJust curNode') (do re' <- return (map (\x -> (GN.toNode . Maybe.fromJust $ curNode', GE.toDest x, GE.toLabel x)) re) GMonad.insEdges re' ) addI :: GraspM () addI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust argNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "arg") curNode outNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "out") curNode Monad.unless (all (Maybe.isJust . IN.toFloat . GN.toInst) argNodes) (error "Instruction add should have numeric arg arguments") let input = map (Maybe.fromJust . IN.toFloat . GN.toInst) argNodes result = sum input mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel ( (show result))) outNodes GMonad.updateIP mulI :: GraspM () mulI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust argNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "arg") curNode outNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "out") curNode Monad.unless (all (Maybe.isJust . IN.toFloat . GN.toInst) argNodes) (error "Instruction mul should have numeric arg arguments") let input = map (Maybe.fromJust . IN.toFloat . GN.toInst) argNodes result = product input mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel ( (show result))) outNodes GMonad.updateIP subI :: GraspM () subI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust leftNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "left") curNode rightNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "right") curNode outNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "out") curNode Monad.when (length leftNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction sub should have one left argument") Monad.unless (all (Maybe.isJust . IN.toFloat . GN.toInst) leftNodes) (error "Instruction sub should have numeric left arguments") Monad.unless (all (Maybe.isJust . IN.toFloat . GN.toInst) rightNodes) (error "Instruction sub should have numeric right arguments") let inputFunc = Maybe.fromJust . IN.toFloat . GN.toInst result = (inputFunc (head leftNodes)) - (sum (map inputFunc rightNodes)) mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel ( (show result))) outNodes GMonad.updateIP divI :: GraspM () divI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust leftNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "left") curNode rightNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "right") curNode outNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "out") curNode Monad.when (length leftNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction div should have one left argument") Monad.unless (all (Maybe.isJust . IN.toFloat . GN.toInst) leftNodes) (error "Instruction div should have numeric left arguments") Monad.unless (all (Maybe.isJust . IN.toFloat . GN.toInst) rightNodes) (error "Instruction div should have numeric right arguments") let inputFunc = Maybe.fromJust . IN.toFloat . GN.toInst result = (inputFunc (head leftNodes)) / (sum (map inputFunc rightNodes)) mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel ( (show result))) outNodes GMonad.updateIP modI :: GraspM () modI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust leftNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "left") curNode rightNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "right") curNode outNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "out") curNode Monad.when (length leftNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction mod should have one left argument") Monad.when (length rightNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction mod should have one right argument") Monad.unless (all (Maybe.isJust . IN.toInt . GN.toInst) leftNodes) (error "Instruction mod should have integer left arguments") Monad.unless (all (Maybe.isJust . IN.toInt . GN.toInst) rightNodes) (error "Instruction mod should have integer right arguments") let inputFunc = Maybe.fromJust . IN.toInt . GN.toInst result = (inputFunc (head leftNodes)) `mod` (inputFunc (head rightNodes)) mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel ( (show result))) outNodes GMonad.updateIP getcI :: GraspM () getcI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust outNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "out") curNode fhNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "fh") curNode Monad.when (length fhNodes > 1) (error "Instruction getc should have at most one fh argument") let fh = IN.toString . GN.toInst $ head fhNodes handle <- if (length fhNodes == 0) then return IO.stdin else GMonad.getReadHandle fh c <- liftIO (IO.hGetChar handle) let result = if (c == '\EOT') then -1 else Char.ord c mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel ( (show result))) outNodes GMonad.updateIP putcI :: GraspM () putcI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust inNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "in") curNode fhNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "fh") curNode Monad.when (length inNodes < 1) (error "Instruction putc should have at least one in argument") Monad.when (length fhNodes > 1) (error "Instruction putc should have at most one fh argument") r <- liftIO (Random.getStdRandom (Random.randomR (0, length inNodes - 1))) let rIn = IN.toInt . GN.toInst $ inNodes !! r Monad.unless (Maybe.isJust rIn) (error "Instruction putc should have integer in argument") Monad.unless ((>=0) (Maybe.fromJust rIn)) (error "Instruction putc should have positive in argument") let fh = IN.toString . GN.toInst $ head fhNodes handle <- if (length fhNodes == 0) then return IO.stdout else GMonad.getWriteHandle fh liftIO (IO.hPutChar handle (Char.chr (Maybe.fromJust rIn))) GMonad.updateIP getsI :: GraspM () getsI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust outNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "out") curNode labelNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "label") curNode fhNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "fh") curNode Monad.when (length outNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction gets should have one out argument") Monad.when (length labelNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction gets should have one label argument") Monad.when (length fhNodes > 1) (error "Instruction gets should have at most one fh argument") let fh = IN.toString . GN.toInst $ head fhNodes handle <- if (length fhNodes == 0) then return IO.stdin else GMonad.getReadHandle fh input <- liftIO (IO.hGetLine handle) >>= (\x -> if (last x == '\n') then return (init x) else return x) let unicode = (map Char.ord input) ++ [0] nodes <- GMonad.newNodes (map ( . show) unicode) let nextEdges = map (\(x,y) -> (GN.toNode x, GN.toNode y, "next")) (zip nodes (tail nodes)) headLabel = . IN.toString . GN.toInst $ (head labelNodes) headEdge = (GN.toNode (head outNodes), GN.toNode (head nodes), headLabel) edges <- return (headEdge : nextEdges) GMonad.insNodes nodes GMonad.insEdges edges GMonad.updateIP putsI :: GraspM () putsI = do curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust inNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "in") curNode nlNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "nl") curNode fhNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "fh") curNode Monad.when (length inNodes == 0) (error "Instruction puts should have at least one in argument") Monad.when (length nlNodes > 1) (error "Instruction puts should have at most one nl argument") Monad.when (length fhNodes > 1) (error "Instruction puts should have at most one fh argument") let fh = IN.toString . GN.toInst $ head fhNodes handle <- if (length fhNodes == 0) then return IO.stdout else GMonad.getWriteHandle fh let nl = IN.toFloat . GN.toInst $ head nlNodes newLine <- if (length nlNodes == 0 || Maybe.isNothing nl || Maybe.fromJust nl /= 0) then return "\n" else return "" r <- liftIO (Random.getStdRandom (Random.randomR (0, length inNodes - 1))) let input = inNodes !! r let decodeFunc n acc = do let curValue = IN.toInt . GN.toInst $ n nextNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "next") n Monad.when (length nextNodes > 1) (error "Stack nodes should have at most one next edge") Monad.when (Maybe.isNothing curValue) (error "Instruction puts requires a stack with integer values") if (length nextNodes == 0) then if (Maybe.fromJust curValue /= 0) then error "Instruction puts requires a zero terminated stack" else return (reverse acc) else decodeFunc (head nextNodes) ((Char.chr . Maybe.fromJust $ curValue):acc) output <- if (Maybe.isNothing . IN.toInt . GN.toInst $ input) then return (IN.toString . GN.toInst $ input) else decodeFunc input [] liftIO (IO.hPutStr handle (output ++ newLine)) GMonad.updateIP