module Grasp.Interpreter ( grasp ) where import System.Random import Text.Read( readMaybe ) import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph( Node, LNode, LEdge, (&) ) import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Grasp.Types import Grasp.Parser type IP = [LNode String] grasp :: GraspProgram -> IO () grasp g = let ips = map (:[]) (nodesWithName g "grasp:main") in interpret g ips reachable :: GraspProgram -> [IP] -> [Node] reachable g ips = let startNodes = nub . (map fst) $ (namedNodes g) ++ (concat ips) in reach g startNodes [] reach :: GraspProgram -> [Node] -> [Node] -> [Node] reach _ [] f = f reach g s@(x:xs) f = let f' = nub (x:f) s' = nub (xs ++ (Graph.suc g x)) g' = Graph.delNode x g in reach g' s' f' garbageCollect :: GraspProgram -> [IP] -> GraspProgram garbageCollect g ips = let unreachable = (Graph.nodes g) \\ (reachable g ips) in Graph.delNodes unreachable g interpret :: GraspProgram -> [IP] -> IO () interpret g ips = if (ips == []) then return () else execute g ips [] execute :: GraspProgram -> [IP] -> [IP] -> IO () execute g [] out = interpret g (reverse out) execute g ([]:ips) out = execute g ips out execute g (cur:rest) out = do (g', cur') <- case (snd . head $ cur) of "set" -> setI g cur "new" -> newI g cur "del" -> delI g cur "push" -> pushI g cur "pop" -> popI g cur "pick" -> pickI g cur "call" -> callI g cur "ret" -> retI g cur "add" -> addI g cur "mul" -> mulI g cur "sub" -> subI g cur "div" -> divI g cur "mod" -> modI g cur "getc" -> getcI g cur "putc" -> putcI g cur "gets" -> getsI g cur "puts" -> putsI g cur x | isInteger x -> implicitPushI g cur x -> error ("Unknown instruction at " ++ (show x)) execute g' rest (cur':out) isInteger :: String -> Bool isInteger x = let check = readMaybe x :: Maybe Int in if (isJust check) then True else False isFloat :: String -> Bool isFloat x = let check = readMaybe x :: Maybe Float in if (isJust check) then True else False reLabel :: GraspProgram -> Node -> String -> GraspProgram reLabel g n s = let (mc,d) = Graph.match n g c = fromJust mc c' = (\(w,x,y,z) -> (w,x,s,z)) $ c in if (isNothing mc) then g else c' & d getByLabel :: String -> [LEdge String] -> [LEdge String] getByLabel name = filter (\(_,_,x) -> x == name) targetLabels :: GraspProgram -> [LEdge String] -> [String] targetLabels g = map (\(_,x,_) -> fromJust (Graph.lab g x)) targetNodes :: [LEdge String] -> [Node] targetNodes = map (\(_,x,_) -> x) targetLNodes :: GraspProgram -> [LEdge String] -> [LNode String] targetLNodes g = map (\(_,x,_) -> (x, fromJust (Graph.lab g x)) ) updateIP :: IP -> [LNode String] -> IO IP updateIP _ [] = return [] updateIP ip next = getStdRandom (randomR (0,length next)) >>= (\x -> return ((next !! x):(tail ip)) ) setI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) setI g ip = do let edges = Graph.out g (fst . head $ ip) inL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "in" edges) outN = targetNodes (getByLabel "out" edges) nextLN = targetLNodes g (getByLabel "next" edges) g' <- case inL of [] -> return g _ -> (getStdRandom (randomR (0,length inL))) >>= (\x -> return (foldl' (\gr n -> reLabel gr n (inL !! x)) g outN) ) ip' <- updateIP ip nextLN return (g',ip') newI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) newI g ip = do let node = fst . head $ ip edges = Graph.out g node tailN = targetNodes (getByLabel "tail" edges) headN = targetNodes (getByLabel "head" edges) labelL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "label" edges) g' <- case (tailN, headN, labelL) of (x,_,_) | length x /= 1 -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++ " should only have one tail argument") (_,y,_) | length y /= 1 -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++ " should only have one head argument") (_,_,z) | length z /= 1 -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++ " should only have one label argument") (_,_,z) | isFloat (head z) -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++ " should have non-numeric label argument") (x,y,z) -> return (Graph.insEdge (head x, head y, head z) g) ip' <- updateIP ip (targetLNodes g' (getByLabel "next" (Graph.out g' node))) return (g',ip') delI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) delI g ip = do let node = fst . head $ ip edges = Graph.out g node tailN = targetNodes (getByLabel "tail" edges) headN = targetNodes (getByLabel "head" edges) labelL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "label" edges) edgesToDel = filter (\(x,y,z) -> x `elem` tailN && (headN == [] || y `elem` headN) && (labelL == [] || z `elem` labelL)) (Graph.labEdges g) g' = foldl' (\gr e -> Graph.delLEdge e gr) g edgesToDel ip' <- updateIP ip (targetLNodes g' (getByLabel "next" (Graph.out g' node))) return (g',ip') pushI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) pushI g ip = return (g,ip) popI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) popI g ip = return (g,ip) pickI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) pickI g ip = return (g,ip) callI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) callI g ip = return (g,ip) retI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) retI g ip = return (g,ip) addI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) addI = addmulI sum mulI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) mulI = addmulI product addmulI :: ([Float] -> Float) -> GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) addmulI f g ip = do let node = fst . head $ ip edges = Graph.out g node argL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "arg" edges) outN = targetNodes (getByLabel "out" edges) nextLN = targetLNodes g (getByLabel "next" edges) g' <- case argL of x | not (all isFloat x) -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++ " has non numeric arguments") x -> let s = f . (map read) $ x in return (foldl' (\gr n -> reLabel gr n (show s)) g outN) ip' <- updateIP ip nextLN return (g',ip') subI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) subI = subdivI (\a b -> a - (sum b)) divI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) divI = subdivI (\a b -> a / (product b)) subdivI :: (Float -> [Float] -> Float) -> GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) subdivI f g ip = do let node = fst . head $ ip edges = Graph.out g node leftL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "left" edges) rightL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "right" edges) outN = targetNodes (getByLabel "out" edges) nextLN = targetLNodes g (getByLabel "next" edges) g' <- case (leftL, rightL) of (x,_) | length x /= 1 -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++ " lacks a left edge") (x,y) | not (all isFloat x && all isFloat y) -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++ " has non numeric arguments") (x,y) -> let s = f (read . head $ x) (map read y) in return (foldl' (\gr n -> reLabel gr n (show s)) g outN) ip' <- updateIP ip nextLN return (g',ip') modI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) modI g ip = do let node = fst . head $ ip edges = Graph.out g node leftL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "left" edges) rightL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "right" edges) outN = targetNodes (getByLabel "out" edges) nextLN = targetLNodes g (getByLabel "next" edges) g' <- case (leftL, rightL) of (x,y) | length x /= 1 || length y /= 1 -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++ " requires " ++ "a single left edge and a single right edge") (x,y) | not (all isFloat x && all isFloat y) -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++ " has non numeric arguments") (x,y) -> let s = (read . head $ x) `mod` (read . head $ y) in return (foldl' (\gr n -> reLabel gr n (show s)) g outN) ip' <- updateIP ip nextLN return (g',ip') getcI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) getcI g ip = return (g,ip) putcI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) putcI g ip = return (g,ip) getsI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) getsI g ip = return (g,ip) putsI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) putsI g ip = return (g,ip) implicitPushI :: GraspProgram -> IP -> IO (GraspProgram, IP) implicitPushI g ip = return (g,ip)