module Grasp.Monad ( GraspM, construct, finalise, getReadHandle, getWriteHandle, updateIP, pushIP, popIP, peekIP, nextIP, nodesOut, edgesOut, edgesIn, reLabel, nodesWithName, subGraph, newNodes, insNode, insNodes, delNode, delNodes, insEdge, insEdges, delEdge, delEdges ) where import System.IO( Handle, FilePath, IOMode ) import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified System.Random as Random import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy( StateT ) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy as State import qualified Control.Monad as Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class( liftIO ) import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe import Data.List( (\\) ) import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Map( Map ) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Grasp.Graph( Node, LNode, LEdge, Gr, (&) ) import qualified Grasp.Graph as Graph import Grasp.Types.IP( IP ) import qualified Grasp.Types.IP as IP import Grasp.Types.GNode( GNode ) import qualified Grasp.Types.GNode as GN import Grasp.Types.GEdge( GEdge ) import qualified Grasp.Types.GEdge as GE import Grasp.Types.Instruction( Instruction ) import qualified Grasp.Types.Instruction as IN import Grasp.Types.EdgeLabel( EdgeLabel ) import qualified Grasp.Types.EdgeLabel as EL type GraspM a = StateT (Gr Instruction EdgeLabel, [IP], Map FilePath Handle) IO a -- wrapping and unwrapping construct :: ([GNode],[GEdge]) -> GraspM () construct (ns,es) = do Monad.when (multiNodes ns) (error "node declared multiple times") Monad.when (unconnected ns es) (error "unconnected edge") Monad.when (multiNames ns es) (error "node with multiple names") Monad.when (numericName ns es) (error "node with a numeric name") Monad.when (noMain ns es) (error "could not find grasp:main") let graph = Graph.mkGraph (map GN.toLNode ns) (map GE.toLEdge es) ips = map IP.singleton (getNodesWithName ns es "grasp:main") handles = Map.empty State.put (graph, ips, handles) finalise :: GraspM () -> IO ([GNode],[GEdge]) finalise s = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.execStateT s (Graph.empty, [], Map.empty) (mapM_ IO.hClose) . Map.elems $ fh let (nodes, edges) = (Graph.labNodes gr, Graph.labEdges gr) return (map nodes, map edges) -- internally used functions -- fix this later so it doesn't required unconnected edge checking first nameNodeList :: [GNode] -> [GEdge] -> [(GNode,GNode)] nameNodeList ns es = let nameEdges = filter ((== ( "name")) . GE.toLabel) es findNode n = Maybe.fromJust (List.find ((== n) . GN.toNode) ns) in map (\x -> (findNode (GE.toSrc x), findNode (GE.toDest x))) nameEdges getNodesWithName :: [GNode] -> [GEdge] -> String -> [GNode] getNodesWithName ns es name = (map fst) . (filter (\x -> (GN.toInst . snd $ x) == ( name))) $ (nameNodeList ns es) getNamedNodes :: [GNode] -> [GEdge] -> [GNode] getNamedNodes ns es = map fst (nameNodeList ns es) -- error checking when setting up multiNodes :: [GNode] -> Bool multiNodes ns = (ns /= (List.nubBy (\x y -> GN.toNode x == GN.toNode y) ns)) unconnected :: [GNode] -> [GEdge] -> Bool unconnected ns es = let nodeList = map GN.toNode ns unconnectedEdges = filter (\x -> GE.toSrc x `notElem` nodeList || GE.toDest x `notElem` nodeList) es in unconnectedEdges /= [] multiNames :: [GNode] -> [GEdge] -> Bool multiNames ns es = let named = map fst (nameNodeList ns es) in named /= (List.nub named) numericName :: [GNode] -> [GEdge] -> Bool numericName ns es = let names = map snd (nameNodeList ns es) in any (\x -> Maybe.isJust (IN.toFloat (GN.toInst x))) names noMain :: [GNode] -> [GEdge] -> Bool noMain ns es = let names = map snd (nameNodeList ns es) mains = filter ((== ( "grasp:main")) . GN.toInst) names in length mains == 0 -- garbage collection garbageCollect :: Gr Instruction EdgeLabel -> [IP] -> Gr Instruction EdgeLabel garbageCollect gr ips = let unreachable = (Graph.nodes gr) \\ (reachable gr ips) in Graph.delNodes unreachable gr reachable :: Gr Instruction EdgeLabel -> [IP] -> [Node] reachable gr ips = let named = getNamedNodes (map (Graph.labNodes gr)) (map (Graph.labEdges gr)) ipNodes = concatMap IP.toList ips start = (map GN.toNode) . List.nub $ named ++ ipNodes in reach gr start [] reach :: Gr Instruction EdgeLabel -> [Node] -> [Node] -> [Node] reach _ [] f = f reach gr (x:xs) f = let f' = List.nub (x:f) x' = List.nub (xs ++ (Graph.suc gr x)) gr' = Graph.delNode x gr in reach gr' x' f' -- I/O getWriteHandle :: FilePath -> GraspM Handle getWriteHandle path = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get case (Map.lookup path fh) of Nothing -> do h <- liftIO (IO.openFile path IO.AppendMode) State.put (gr, ips, (Map.insert path h fh)) return h Just x -> do w <- liftIO (IO.hIsWritable x) if (not w) then do liftIO (IO.hClose x) h <- liftIO (IO.openFile path IO.AppendMode) State.put (gr, ips, (Map.insert path h fh)) return h else return x getReadHandle :: FilePath -> GraspM Handle getReadHandle path = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get case (Map.lookup path fh) of Nothing -> do h <- liftIO (IO.openFile path IO.ReadMode) State.put (gr, ips, (Map.insert path h fh)) return h Just x -> do r <- liftIO (IO.hIsReadable x) if (not r) then do liftIO (IO.hClose x) h <- liftIO (IO.openFile path IO.ReadMode) State.put (gr, ips, (Map.insert path h fh)) return h else return x -- manipulating the instruction pointers updateIP :: GraspM () updateIP = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get curNode <- peekIP Monad.when (Maybe.isJust curNode) (do nexts <- nodesOut ( "next") (Maybe.fromJust curNode) r <- liftIO (Random.getStdRandom (Random.randomR (0, length nexts - 1))) let updated = if (length nexts == 0) then IP.empty else IP.shift (nexts !! r) (head ips) ips' = updated:(tail ips) State.put (gr, ips', fh) ) pushIP :: GNode -> GraspM () pushIP n = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let ips' = if (length ips == 0) then [] else (IP.push n (head ips)):(tail ips) State.put (gr, ips', fh) popIP :: GraspM () popIP = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let ips' = if (length ips == 0) then [] else (IP.pop (head ips)):(tail ips) State.put (gr, ips', fh) peekIP :: GraspM (Maybe GNode) peekIP = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get if (length ips == 0) then return Nothing else return (IP.peek (head ips)) nextIP :: GraspM () nextIP = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let ips' = if (length ips == 0) then [] else if (IP.isEmpty (head ips)) then tail ips else (tail ips) ++ [head ips] gr' = garbageCollect gr ips' State.put (gr', ips', fh) -- accessing and manipulating the graph nodesOut :: EdgeLabel -> GNode -> GraspM [GNode] nodesOut s n = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let nout = Graph.lsuc gr (GN.toNode n) filtered = filter ((== s) . snd) nout result = map (\(x,y) -> (x, Maybe.fromJust (Graph.lab gr x))) filtered return result edgesOut :: GNode -> GraspM [GEdge] edgesOut n = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let eout = Graph.out gr (GN.toNode n) result = map eout return result edgesIn :: GNode -> GraspM [GEdge] edgesIn n = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let ein = Graph.inn gr (GN.toNode n) result = map ein return result reLabel :: Instruction -> GNode -> GraspM () reLabel i n = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let (mc, d) = Graph.match (GN.toNode n) gr c = Maybe.fromJust mc c' = (\(w,x,y,z) -> (w,x,i,z)) $ c Monad.when (Maybe.isJust mc) (State.put ((c' & d) ,ips, fh)) nodesWithName :: Instruction -> GraspM [GNode] nodesWithName x = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let ns = map (Graph.labNodes gr) es = map (Graph.labEdges gr) return (getNodesWithName ns es (IN.toString x)) subGraph :: GNode -> GraspM ([GNode],[GEdge]) subGraph n = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let rNodes = reach gr [GN.toNode n] [] rEdges = filter (\(x,y,z) -> x `elem` rNodes && y `elem` rNodes) (Graph.labEdges gr) result = (map (\x -> (x, Maybe.fromJust (Graph.lab gr x))) rNodes, map rEdges) return result newNodes :: [Instruction] -> GraspM [GNode] newNodes is = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let newNs = Graph.newNodes (length is) gr newGNs = map (zip newNs is) return newGNs insNode :: GNode -> GraspM () insNode n = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let gr' = Graph.insNode (GN.toLNode n) gr State.put (gr', ips, fh) insNodes :: [GNode] -> GraspM () insNodes ns = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let gr' = Graph.insNodes (map GN.toLNode ns) gr State.put (gr', ips, fh) delNode :: GNode -> GraspM () delNode n = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let gr' = Graph.delNode (GN.toNode n) gr State.put (gr', ips, fh) delNodes :: [GNode] -> GraspM () delNodes ns = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let gr' = Graph.delNodes (map GN.toNode ns) gr State.put (gr', ips, fh) insEdge :: GEdge -> GraspM () insEdge e = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let gr' = Graph.insEdge (GE.toLEdge e) gr State.put (gr', ips, fh) insEdges :: [GEdge] -> GraspM () insEdges es = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let gr' = Graph.insEdges (map GE.toLEdge es) gr State.put (gr', ips, fh) delEdge :: GEdge -> GraspM () delEdge e = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let gr' = Graph.delLEdge (GE.toLEdge e) gr State.put (gr', ips, fh) delEdges :: [GEdge] -> GraspM () delEdges es = do (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get let gr' = List.foldl' (flip Graph.delLEdge) gr (map GE.toLEdge es) State.put (gr', ips, fh)