module Grasp.Parser ( parseGrasp ) where import Control.Applicative( some ) import Data.Char( toLower, toUpper ) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Grasp.Types.GNode( GNode ) import qualified Grasp.Types.GNode as GN import Grasp.Types.GEdge( GEdge ) import qualified Grasp.Types.GEdge as GE import Grasp.Types.Instruction( Instruction ) import qualified Grasp.Types.Instruction as IN import Grasp.Types.EdgeLabel( EdgeLabel ) import qualified Grasp.Types.EdgeLabel as EL parseGrasp :: String -> Either ParseError ([GNode],[GEdge]) parseGrasp input = parse removeComments "error" input >>= parse graspDOT "error" -- removes comments but otherwise leaves input unchanged removeComments = gline `sepEndBy` eol >>= return . concat eol = try (string "\r\n") <|> try (string "\n\r") <|> try (string "\n") <|> try (string "\r") "end of line" gline = many thing >>= return . concat thing = try (some (noneOf "\r\n\"/#")) <|> try (quotedString >>= return . ("\"" ++) . (++ "\"")) <|> try singleLineComment <|> try multiLineComment <|> (anyChar >>= return . (:[]) ) singleLineComment = (string "//" >> many (noneOf "\r\n") >> return "") <|> (string "#" >> many (noneOf "\r\n") >> return "") multiLineComment = do string "/*" many (noneOf "*" <|> (char '*' >> notFollowedBy (char '/') >> return '*')) string "*/" return "" -- parses a DOT graph language file into the data for a grasp program graspDOT = do optional strict graphType optional ident openBrace (n,e) <- stmtList ([],[]) closeBrace many blankLine eof return (n,e) strict = caseInsensitiveString "strict" >>= (\x -> whiteSpace >> return x) graphType = try (caseInsensitiveString "digraph" >>= (\x -> whiteSpace >> return x)) "digraph" ident = ((try alphaNumString) <|> (try numeral) <|> (try quotedString)) >>= (\x -> whiteSpace >> return x) "ID" stmtList (n,e) = try (whiteSpace >> node >>= (\x -> stmtList (x:n,e)) ) <|> try (whiteSpace >> edge >>= (\x -> stmtList (n,x:e)) ) <|> try (whiteSpace >> attr >> stmtList (n,e)) <|> try (whiteSpace >> subgraph >>= (\(x,y) -> stmtList ((reverse x) ++ n, (reverse y) ++ e)) ) <|> try (blankLine >> stmtList (n,e)) <|> return (reverse n, reverse e) blankLine = whiteSpace >> eol alphaNumString = do a <- nonDigitChar b <- many alphaNumChar return (a:b) nonDigitChar = letter <|> char '_' alphaNumChar = alphaNum <|> char '_' numeral = try negativeNum <|> positiveNum negativeNum = char '-' >> positiveNum >>= return . ('-':) positiveNum = try pointNum <|> try floatNum <|> wholeNum pointNum = char '.' >> some digit >>= return . ('.':) wholeNum = some digit floatNum = do { a <- some digit; char '.'; b <- many digit; return (a ++ "." ++ b)} quotedString = do char '\"' s <- some quotedChar char '\"' return s quotedChar = noneOf "\"\r\n" <|> try (char '\\' >> char '\"') node = do n <- ident a <- attrList optional (char ';') whiteSpace return ( (n, a)) edge = do a <- ident edgeOp b <- ident c <- attrList optional (char ';') whiteSpace return ( (a,b, c)) edgeOp = string "->" >> whiteSpace >> return "->" attr = attrType >> attrList >> optional (char ';') >> whiteSpace attrType = (caseInsensitiveString "graph" <|> caseInsensitiveString "node" <|> caseInsensitiveString "edge") >>= (\x -> whiteSpace >> return x) attrList = do a <- many aList let r = filter (\x -> fst x == "label") (concat a) case (length r) of 0 -> fail "expected node/edge label" 1 -> return . snd . head $ r _ -> fail "unexpected multiple labels for single node/edge" aList = do openBracket a <- many equAttr closeBracket whiteSpace return a equAttr = do e <- equ optional (char ';' <|> char ',') whiteSpace return e equ = do a <- ident equalsChar b <- ident return (a,b) subgraph = do optional (caseInsensitiveString "subgraph" >> optional ident) openBrace (n,e) <- stmtList ([],[]) closeBrace optional (char ';') whiteSpace return (n,e) openBrace = char '{' >> whiteSpace >> return '{' closeBrace = char '}' >> whiteSpace >> return '}' openBracket = char '[' >> whiteSpace >> return '[' closeBracket = char ']' >> whiteSpace >> return ']' equalsChar = char '=' caseInsensitiveChar c = char (toLower c) <|> char (toUpper c) caseInsensitiveString s = mapM caseInsensitiveChar s whiteSpace = many (oneOf " \t")