path: root/body/fltk-images.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'body/fltk-images.adb')
1 files changed, 489 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/body/fltk-images.adb b/body/fltk-images.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19a1f86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/body/fltk-images.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+-- Programmed by Jedidiah Barber
+-- Released into the public domain
+ Interfaces.C.Strings;
+use type
+package body FLTK.Images is
+ function new_fl_image
+ (W, H, D : in
+ return Storage.Integer_Address;
+ pragma Import (C, new_fl_image, "new_fl_image");
+ pragma Inline (new_fl_image);
+ procedure free_fl_image
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address);
+ pragma Import (C, free_fl_image, "free_fl_image");
+ pragma Inline (free_fl_image);
+ function fl_image_get_rgb_scaling
+ return;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_get_rgb_scaling, "fl_image_get_rgb_scaling");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_get_rgb_scaling);
+ procedure fl_image_set_rgb_scaling
+ (T : in;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_set_rgb_scaling, "fl_image_set_rgb_scaling");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_set_rgb_scaling);
+ function fl_image_copy
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address;
+ W, H : in
+ return Storage.Integer_Address;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_copy, "fl_image_copy");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_copy);
+ function fl_image_copy2
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address)
+ return Storage.Integer_Address;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_copy2, "fl_image_copy2");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_copy2);
+ procedure fl_image_color_average
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address;
+ C : in;
+ B : in Interfaces.C.C_float);
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_color_average, "fl_image_color_average");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_color_average);
+ procedure fl_image_desaturate
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address);
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_desaturate, "fl_image_desaturate");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_desaturate);
+ procedure fl_image_inactive
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address);
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_inactive, "fl_image_inactive");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_inactive);
+ procedure fl_image_uncache
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address);
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_uncache, "fl_image_uncache");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_uncache);
+ function fl_image_w
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address)
+ return;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_w, "fl_image_w");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_w);
+ function fl_image_h
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address)
+ return;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_h, "fl_image_h");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_h);
+ function fl_image_d
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address)
+ return;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_d, "fl_image_d");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_d);
+ function fl_image_ld
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address)
+ return;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_ld, "fl_image_ld");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_ld);
+ function fl_image_count
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address)
+ return;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_count, "fl_image_count");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_count);
+ function fl_image_data
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address)
+ return Storage.Integer_Address;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_data, "fl_image_data");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_data);
+ function fl_image_get_pixel
+ (C : in Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
+ O : in
+ return Interfaces.C.unsigned_char;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_get_pixel, "fl_image_get_pixel");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_get_pixel);
+ procedure fl_image_set_pixel
+ (C : in Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
+ O : in;
+ V : in Interfaces.C.unsigned_char);
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_set_pixel, "fl_image_set_pixel");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_set_pixel);
+ procedure fl_image_draw
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address;
+ X, Y : in;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_draw, "fl_image_draw");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_draw);
+ procedure fl_image_draw2
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address;
+ X, Y, W, H, CX, CY : in;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_draw2, "fl_image_draw2");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_draw2);
+ procedure fl_image_draw_empty
+ (I : in Storage.Integer_Address;
+ X, Y : in;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_image_draw_empty, "fl_image_draw_empty");
+ pragma Inline (fl_image_draw_empty);
+ overriding procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Image) is
+ begin
+ if This.Void_Ptr /= Null_Pointer and This.Needs_Dealloc then
+ free_fl_image (This.Void_Ptr);
+ This.Void_Ptr := Null_Pointer;
+ end if;
+ end Finalize;
+ --------------------
+ -- Construction --
+ --------------------
+ package body Forge is
+ function Create
+ (Width, Height, Depth : in Natural)
+ return Image is
+ begin
+ return This : Image do
+ This.Void_Ptr := new_fl_image
+ ( (Width),
+ (Height),
+ (Depth));
+ case fl_image_fail (This.Void_Ptr) is
+ when 1 => raise No_Image_Error;
+ when 2 => raise File_Access_Error;
+ when 3 => raise Format_Error;
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ end return;
+ end Create;
+ end Forge;
+ function Get_Copy_Algorithm
+ return Scaling_Kind is
+ begin
+ return Scaling_Kind'Val (fl_image_get_rgb_scaling);
+ end Get_Copy_Algorithm;
+ procedure Set_Copy_Algorithm
+ (To : in Scaling_Kind) is
+ begin
+ fl_image_set_rgb_scaling (Scaling_Kind'Pos (To));
+ end Set_Copy_Algorithm;
+ function Copy
+ (This : in Image;
+ Width, Height : in Natural)
+ return Image'Class is
+ begin
+ return Copied : Image do
+ Copied.Void_Ptr := fl_image_copy
+ (This.Void_Ptr,
+ (Width),
+ (Height));
+ end return;
+ end Copy;
+ function Copy
+ (This : in Image)
+ return Image'Class is
+ begin
+ return Copied : Image do
+ Copied.Void_Ptr := fl_image_copy2 (This.Void_Ptr);
+ end return;
+ end Copy;
+ --------------
+ -- Colors --
+ --------------
+ procedure Color_Average
+ (This : in out Image;
+ Col : in Color;
+ Amount : in Blend) is
+ begin
+ fl_image_color_average
+ (This.Void_Ptr,
+ (Col),
+ Interfaces.C.C_float (Amount));
+ end Color_Average;
+ procedure Desaturate
+ (This : in out Image) is
+ begin
+ fl_image_desaturate (This.Void_Ptr);
+ end Desaturate;
+ ----------------
+ -- Activity --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Inactive
+ (This : in out Image) is
+ begin
+ fl_image_inactive (This.Void_Ptr);
+ end Inactive;
+ function Is_Empty
+ (This : in Image)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return fl_image_fail (This.Void_Ptr) /= 0;
+ end Is_Empty;
+ procedure Uncache
+ (This : in out Image) is
+ begin
+ fl_image_uncache (This.Void_Ptr);
+ end Uncache;
+ ------------------
+ -- Dimensions --
+ ------------------
+ function Get_W
+ (This : in Image)
+ return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Natural (fl_image_w (This.Void_Ptr));
+ end Get_W;
+ function Get_H
+ (This : in Image)
+ return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Natural (fl_image_h (This.Void_Ptr));
+ end Get_H;
+ function Get_D
+ (This : in Image)
+ return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Natural (fl_image_d (This.Void_Ptr));
+ end Get_D;
+ function Get_Line_Data
+ (This : in Image)
+ return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Natural (fl_image_ld (This.Void_Ptr));
+ end Get_Line_Data;
+ function Get_Data_Count
+ (This : in Image)
+ return Natural is
+ begin
+ return Natural (fl_image_count (This.Void_Ptr));
+ end Get_Data_Count;
+ function Get_Data_Size
+ (This : in Image)
+ return Natural
+ is
+ My_Depth : Natural := This.Get_D;
+ My_Line_Data : Natural := This.Get_Line_Data;
+ begin
+ if My_Line_Data > 0 then
+ return My_Line_Data * This.Get_H;
+ elsif My_Depth = 0 then
+ return Integer (Float'Ceiling (Float (This.Get_W) / 8.0)) * This.Get_H;
+ else
+ return This.Get_W * My_Depth * This.Get_H;
+ end if;
+ end Get_Data_Size;
+ ------------------
+ -- Pixel Data --
+ ------------------
+ function Get_Datum
+ (This : in Image;
+ Data : in Positive;
+ Position : in Positive)
+ return Color_Component
+ is
+ Pointers : array (1 .. This.Get_Data_Count) of Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
+ for Pointers'Address use Storage.To_Address (fl_image_data (This.Void_Ptr));
+ pragma Import (Ada, Pointers);
+ begin
+ return Color_Component
+ (fl_image_get_pixel (Pointers (Data), (Position) - 1));
+ end Get_Datum;
+ procedure Set_Datum
+ (This : in out Image;
+ Data : in Positive;
+ Position : in Positive;
+ Value : in Color_Component)
+ is
+ Pointers : array (1 .. This.Get_Data_Count) of Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
+ for Pointers'Address use Storage.To_Address (fl_image_data (This.Void_Ptr));
+ pragma Import (Ada, Pointers);
+ begin
+ fl_image_set_pixel
+ (Pointers (Data),
+ (Position) - 1,
+ Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (Value));
+ end Set_Datum;
+ function Get_Data
+ (This : in Image;
+ Data : in Positive;
+ Position : in Positive;
+ Count : in Natural)
+ return Color_Component_Array
+ is
+ Pointers : array (1 .. This.Get_Data_Count) of Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
+ for Pointers'Address use Storage.To_Address (fl_image_data (This.Void_Ptr));
+ pragma Import (Ada, Pointers);
+ Result : Color_Component_Array := (1 .. Count => 0);
+ begin
+ for Index in Result'Range loop
+ Result (Index) := Color_Component (fl_image_get_pixel
+ (Pointers (Data),
+ (Index - 1 + Position - 1)));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end Get_Data;
+ function All_Data
+ (This : in Image;
+ Data : in Positive)
+ return Color_Component_Array is
+ begin
+ return This.Get_Data (Data, 1, This.Get_Data_Size);
+ end All_Data;
+ procedure Update_Data
+ (This : in out Image;
+ Data : in Positive;
+ Position : in Positive;
+ Values : in Color_Component_Array)
+ is
+ Pointers : array (1 .. This.Get_Data_Count) of Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
+ for Pointers'Address use Storage.To_Address (fl_image_data (This.Void_Ptr));
+ pragma Import (Ada, Pointers);
+ begin
+ for Counter in Integer range 0 .. Values'Length - 1 loop
+ fl_image_set_pixel
+ (Pointers (Data),
+ (Position - 1 + Counter),
+ Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (Values (Values'First + Counter)));
+ end loop;
+ end Update_Data;
+ ---------------
+ -- Drawing --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Draw
+ (This : in Image;
+ X, Y : in Integer) is
+ begin
+ fl_image_draw
+ (This.Void_Ptr,
+ (X),
+ (Y));
+ end Draw;
+ procedure Draw
+ (This : in Image;
+ X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ CX, CY : in Integer := 0) is
+ begin
+ fl_image_draw2
+ (This.Void_Ptr,
+ (X),
+ (Y),
+ (W),
+ (H),
+ (CX),
+ (CY));
+ end Draw;
+ procedure Draw_Empty
+ (This : in Image;
+ X, Y : in Integer) is
+ begin
+ fl_image_draw_empty
+ (This.Void_Ptr,
+ (X),
+ (Y));
+ end Draw_Empty;
+end FLTK.Images;