-- Programmed by Jedidiah Barber -- Released into the public domain with Ada.Assertions, Ada.Containers.Vectors, Ada.Unchecked_Conversion, Interfaces.C.Strings, System.Address_To_Access_Conversions, FLTK.Box_Draw_Marshal, FLTK.Label_Draw_Marshal, FLTK.Static_Callback_Conversions; use type Interfaces.C.int, Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; package body FLTK.Static is package Chk renames Ada.Assertions; package Conv renames FLTK.Static_Callback_Conversions; ----------------- -- Operators -- ----------------- type File_Mode_Bitmask is mod 2 ** Interfaces.C.int'Size; function FMode_To_Bits is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (File_Mode, File_Mode_Bitmask); function Bits_To_FMode is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (File_Mode_Bitmask, File_Mode); function "+" (Left, Right : in File_Mode) return File_Mode is begin return Bits_To_FMode (FMode_To_Bits (Left) or FMode_To_Bits (Right)); end "+"; function "-" (Left, Right : in File_Mode) return File_Mode is begin return Bits_To_FMode (FMode_To_Bits (Left) and not FMode_To_Bits (Right)); end "-"; ------------------------ -- Functions From C -- ------------------------ -- Command Line Arguments -- function fl_static_arg (C : in Interfaces.C.int; V : in Storage.Integer_Address; I : in out Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_arg, "fl_static_arg"); pragma Inline (fl_static_arg); procedure fl_static_args (C : in Interfaces.C.int; V : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_args, "fl_static_args"); pragma Inline (fl_static_args); function fl_static_args2 (C : in Interfaces.C.int; V : in Storage.Integer_Address; I : in out Interfaces.C.int; H : in Storage.Integer_Address) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_args2, "fl_static_args2"); pragma Inline (fl_static_args2); -- Thread Notify -- function fl_static_add_awake_handler (H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_add_awake_handler, "fl_static_add_awake_handler"); pragma Inline (fl_static_add_awake_handler); function fl_static_get_awake_handler (H, F : out Storage.Integer_Address) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_get_awake_handler, "fl_static_get_awake_handler"); pragma Inline (fl_static_get_awake_handler); function fl_static_awake2 (H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_awake2, "fl_static_awake2"); pragma Inline (fl_static_awake2); procedure fl_static_awake (M : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_awake, "fl_static_awake"); pragma Inline (fl_static_awake); -- Pre-Eventloop Callbacks -- procedure fl_static_add_check (H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_add_check, "fl_static_add_check"); pragma Inline (fl_static_add_check); function fl_static_has_check (H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_has_check, "fl_static_has_check"); pragma Inline (fl_static_has_check); procedure fl_static_remove_check (H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_remove_check, "fl_static_remove_check"); pragma Inline (fl_static_remove_check); -- Timer Callbacks -- procedure fl_static_add_timeout (S : in Interfaces.C.double; H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_add_timeout, "fl_static_add_timeout"); pragma Inline (fl_static_add_timeout); function fl_static_has_timeout (H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_has_timeout, "fl_static_has_timeout"); pragma Inline (fl_static_has_timeout); procedure fl_static_remove_timeout (H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_remove_timeout, "fl_static_remove_timeout"); pragma Inline (fl_static_remove_timeout); procedure fl_static_repeat_timeout (S : in Interfaces.C.double; H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_repeat_timeout, "fl_static_repeat_timeout"); pragma Inline (fl_static_repeat_timeout); -- Clipboard Callbacks -- procedure fl_static_add_clipboard_notify (H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_add_clipboard_notify, "fl_static_add_clipboard_notify"); pragma Inline (fl_static_add_clipboard_notify); procedure fl_static_remove_clipboard_notify (H : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_remove_clipboard_notify, "fl_static_remove_clipboard_notify"); pragma Inline (fl_static_remove_clipboard_notify); -- File Descriptor Waiting Callbacks -- procedure fl_static_add_fd (D : in Interfaces.C.int; H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_add_fd, "fl_static_add_fd"); pragma Inline (fl_static_add_fd); procedure fl_static_add_fd2 (D, M : in Interfaces.C.int; H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_add_fd2, "fl_static_add_fd2"); pragma Inline (fl_static_add_fd2); procedure fl_static_remove_fd (D : in Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_static_remove_fd, "fl_static_remove_fd"); pragma Inline (fl_static_remove_fd); procedure fl_static_remove_fd2 (D, M : in Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_static_remove_fd2, "fl_static_remove_fd2"); pragma Inline (fl_static_remove_fd2); -- Idle Callbacks -- procedure fl_static_add_idle (H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_add_idle, "fl_static_add_idle"); pragma Inline (fl_static_add_idle); function fl_static_has_idle (H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_has_idle, "fl_static_has_idle"); pragma Inline (fl_static_has_idle); procedure fl_static_remove_idle (H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_remove_idle, "fl_static_remove_idle"); pragma Inline (fl_static_remove_idle); -- System Events -- procedure fl_static_add_system_handler (H, F : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_add_system_handler, "fl_static_add_system_handler"); pragma Inline (fl_static_add_system_handler); -- Custom Colors -- function fl_static_get_color2 (C : in Interfaces.C.unsigned) return Interfaces.C.unsigned; pragma Import (C, fl_static_get_color2, "fl_static_get_color2"); pragma Inline (fl_static_get_color2); procedure fl_static_get_color (C : in Interfaces.C.unsigned; R, G, B : out Interfaces.C.unsigned_char); pragma Import (C, fl_static_get_color, "fl_static_get_color"); pragma Inline (fl_static_get_color); procedure fl_static_set_color2 (T, F : in Interfaces.C.unsigned); pragma Import (C, fl_static_set_color2, "fl_static_set_color2"); pragma Inline (fl_static_set_color2); procedure fl_static_set_color (C : in Interfaces.C.unsigned; R, G, B : in Interfaces.C.unsigned_char); pragma Import (C, fl_static_set_color, "fl_static_set_color"); pragma Inline (fl_static_set_color); procedure fl_static_free_color (C : in Interfaces.C.unsigned; B : in Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_static_free_color, "fl_static_free_color"); pragma Inline (fl_static_free_color); function fl_static_get_box_color (T : in Interfaces.C.unsigned) return Interfaces.C.unsigned; pragma Import (C, fl_static_get_box_color, "fl_static_get_box_color"); pragma Inline (fl_static_get_box_color); procedure fl_static_set_box_color (T : in Interfaces.C.unsigned); pragma Import (C, fl_static_set_box_color, "fl_static_set_box_color"); pragma Inline (fl_static_set_box_color); procedure fl_static_foreground (R, G, B : in Interfaces.C.unsigned_char); pragma Import (C, fl_static_foreground, "fl_static_foreground"); pragma Inline (fl_static_foreground); procedure fl_static_background (R, G, B : in Interfaces.C.unsigned_char); pragma Import (C, fl_static_background, "fl_static_background"); pragma Inline (fl_static_background); procedure fl_static_background2 (R, G, B : in Interfaces.C.unsigned_char); pragma Import (C, fl_static_background2, "fl_static_background2"); pragma Inline (fl_static_background2); -- Custom Fonts -- function fl_static_get_font (K : in Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; pragma Import (C, fl_static_get_font, "fl_static_get_font"); pragma Inline (fl_static_get_font); function fl_static_get_font_name (K : in Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; pragma Import (C, fl_static_get_font_name, "fl_static_get_font_name"); pragma Inline (fl_static_get_font_name); procedure fl_static_set_font (T, F : in Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_static_set_font, "fl_static_set_font"); pragma Inline (fl_static_set_font); procedure fl_static_set_font2 (T : in Interfaces.C.int; S : in Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr); pragma Import (C, fl_static_set_font2, "fl_static_set_font2"); pragma Inline (fl_static_set_font2); function fl_static_get_font_sizes (F : in Interfaces.C.int; A : out Storage.Integer_Address) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_get_font_sizes, "fl_static_get_font_sizes"); pragma Inline (fl_static_get_font_sizes); function fl_static_font_size_array_get (A : in Storage.Integer_Address; I : in Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_font_size_array_get, "fl_static_font_size_array_get"); pragma Inline (fl_static_font_size_array_get); function fl_static_set_fonts return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_set_fonts, "fl_static_set_fonts"); pragma Inline (fl_static_set_fonts); -- Box_Kind Attributes -- function fl_static_box_dh (B : in Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_box_dh, "fl_static_box_dh"); pragma Inline (fl_static_box_dh); function fl_static_box_dw (B : in Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_box_dw, "fl_static_box_dw"); pragma Inline (fl_static_box_dw); function fl_static_box_dx (B : in Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_box_dx, "fl_static_box_dx"); pragma Inline (fl_static_box_dx); function fl_static_box_dy (B : in Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_box_dy, "fl_static_box_dy"); pragma Inline (fl_static_box_dy); function fl_static_get_boxtype (T : in Interfaces.C.int) return Storage.Integer_Address; pragma Import (C, fl_static_get_boxtype, "fl_static_get_boxtype"); pragma Inline (fl_static_get_boxtype); procedure fl_static_set_boxtype (T, F : in Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_static_set_boxtype, "fl_static_set_boxtype"); pragma Inline (fl_static_set_boxtype); procedure fl_static_set_boxtype2 (T : in Interfaces.C.int; F : in Storage.Integer_Address; DX, DY, DW, DH : in Interfaces.C.unsigned_char); pragma Import (C, fl_static_set_boxtype2, "fl_static_set_boxtype2"); pragma Inline (fl_static_set_boxtype2); function fl_static_draw_box_active return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_draw_box_active, "fl_static_draw_box_active"); pragma Inline (fl_static_draw_box_active); -- Label_Kind Attributes -- procedure fl_static_set_labeltype (K : in Interfaces.C.int; D, M : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_set_labeltype, "fl_static_set_labeltype"); pragma Inline (fl_static_set_labeltype); -- Clipboard / Selection -- procedure fl_static_copy (T : in Interfaces.C.char_array; L, K : in Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_static_copy, "fl_static_copy"); pragma Inline (fl_static_copy); procedure fl_static_paste (R : in Storage.Integer_Address; S : in Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_static_paste, "fl_static_paste"); pragma Inline (fl_static_paste); procedure fl_static_selection (O : in Storage.Integer_Address; T : in Interfaces.C.char_array; L : in Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_static_selection, "fl_static_selection"); pragma Inline (fl_static_selection); function fl_static_clipboard_contains (K : in Interfaces.C.char_array) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_clipboard_contains, "fl_static_clipboard_contains"); pragma Inline (fl_static_clipboard_contains); -- Dragon Drop -- function fl_static_dnd return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_dnd, "fl_static_dnd"); pragma Inline (fl_static_dnd); function fl_static_get_dnd_text_ops return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_get_dnd_text_ops, "fl_static_get_dnd_text_ops"); pragma Inline (fl_static_get_dnd_text_ops); procedure fl_static_set_dnd_text_ops (T : in Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_static_set_dnd_text_ops, "fl_static_set_dnd_text_ops"); pragma Inline (fl_static_set_dnd_text_ops); -- Windows -- procedure fl_static_default_atclose (W, U : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_default_atclose, "fl_static_default_atclose"); pragma Inline (fl_static_default_atclose); function fl_static_get_first_window return Storage.Integer_Address; pragma Import (C, fl_static_get_first_window, "fl_static_get_first_window"); pragma Inline (fl_static_get_first_window); procedure fl_static_set_first_window (T : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_static_set_first_window, "fl_static_set_first_window"); pragma Inline (fl_static_set_first_window); function fl_static_next_window (W : in Storage.Integer_Address) return Storage.Integer_Address; pragma Import (C, fl_static_next_window, "fl_static_next_window"); pragma Inline (fl_static_next_window); function fl_static_modal return Storage.Integer_Address; pragma Import (C, fl_static_modal, "fl_static_modal"); pragma Inline (fl_static_modal); -- Queue -- function fl_static_readqueue return Storage.Integer_Address; pragma Import (C, fl_static_readqueue, "fl_static_readqueue"); pragma Inline (fl_static_readqueue); -- Schemes -- function fl_static_get_scheme return Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; pragma Import (C, fl_static_get_scheme, "fl_static_get_scheme"); pragma Inline (fl_static_get_scheme); procedure fl_static_set_scheme (S : in Interfaces.C.char_array); pragma Import (C, fl_static_set_scheme, "fl_static_set_scheme"); pragma Inline (fl_static_set_scheme); function fl_static_is_scheme (S : in Interfaces.C.char_array) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_is_scheme, "fl_static_is_scheme"); pragma Inline (fl_static_is_scheme); -- Library Options -- function fl_static_get_option (O : in Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_get_option, "fl_static_get_option"); pragma Inline (fl_static_get_option); procedure fl_static_set_option (O, T : in Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_static_set_option, "fl_static_set_option"); pragma Inline (fl_static_set_option); -- Scrollbars -- function fl_static_get_scrollbar_size return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_static_get_scrollbar_size, "fl_static_get_scrollbar_size"); pragma Inline (fl_static_get_scrollbar_size); procedure fl_static_set_scrollbar_size (S : in Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_static_set_scrollbar_size, "fl_static_set_scrollbar_size"); pragma Inline (fl_static_set_scrollbar_size); -- User Data -- package Widget_Convert is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class); package Window_Convert is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class); function fl_widget_get_user_data (W : in Storage.Integer_Address) return Storage.Integer_Address; pragma Import (C, fl_widget_get_user_data, "fl_widget_get_user_data"); ---------------------- -- Callback Hooks -- ---------------------- Current_Args_Handler : Args_Handler; function Args_Hook (C : in Interfaces.C.int; V : in Storage.Integer_Address; I : in out Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Convention (C, Args_Hook); function Args_Hook (C : in Interfaces.C.int; V : in Storage.Integer_Address; I : in out Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.int is Result : Natural; begin Result := Current_Args_Handler (Positive (I)); I := I + Interfaces.C.int (Result); return Interfaces.C.int (Result); exception when Constraint_Error => raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Args_Handler callback was supplied unexpected int i value of " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (I); end Args_Hook; procedure Awake_Hook (U : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Convention (C, Awake_Hook); procedure Awake_Hook (U : in Storage.Integer_Address) is begin if U /= Null_Pointer then Conv.To_Awake_Access (U).all; end if; end Awake_Hook; procedure Timeout_Hook (U : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Convention (C, Timeout_Hook); procedure Timeout_Hook (U : in Storage.Integer_Address) is begin Conv.To_Timeout_Access (U).all; end Timeout_Hook; -- This is handled on the Ada side because otherwise there would be -- no way to specify which callback to remove in FLTK once one was -- added. This is because Fl::remove_clipboard_notify does not pay -- attention to the void * data. This hook is passed during package init. package Clipboard_Notify_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => Clipboard_Notify_Handler); Current_Clip_Notes : Clipboard_Notify_Vectors.Vector; procedure Clipboard_Notify_Hook (S : in Interfaces.C.int; U : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Convention (C, Clipboard_Notify_Hook); procedure Clipboard_Notify_Hook (S : in Interfaces.C.int; U : in Storage.Integer_Address) is begin pragma Assert (S in Buffer_Kind'Pos (Buffer_Kind'First) .. Buffer_Kind'Pos (Buffer_Kind'Last)); for Call of Current_Clip_Notes loop Call.all (Buffer_Kind'Val (S)); end loop; exception when Chk.Assertion_Error => raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Clipboard_Notify_Hook was passed unexpected Buffer_Kind int value of " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (S); end Clipboard_Notify_Hook; procedure FD_Hook (FD : in Interfaces.C.int; U : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Convention (C, FD_Hook); procedure FD_Hook (FD : in Interfaces.C.int; U : in Storage.Integer_Address) is begin Conv.To_File_Access (U).all (File_Descriptor (FD)); end FD_Hook; procedure Idle_Hook (U : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Convention (C, Idle_Hook); procedure Idle_Hook (U : in Storage.Integer_Address) is begin Conv.To_Idle_Access (U).all; end Idle_Hook; ------------------- -- Destructors -- ------------------- procedure Finalize (This : in out FLTK_Static_Final_Controller) is begin FLTK.Args_Marshal.Free_Argv (The_Argv); for Override of Font_Overrides loop Interfaces.C.Strings.Free (Override); end loop; fl_static_remove_clipboard_notify (Storage.To_Integer (Clipboard_Notify_Hook'Address)); end Finalize; ----------------------- -- API Subprograms -- ----------------------- -- Command Line Arguments -- function Parse_Arg (Index : in Positive) return Natural is Count : Interfaces.C.int := Interfaces.C.int (Index); begin return Natural (fl_static_arg (The_Argv'Length, Storage.To_Integer (The_Argv (The_Argv'First)'Address), Count)); end Parse_Arg; procedure Parse_Args is begin fl_static_args (The_Argv'Length, Storage.To_Integer (The_Argv (The_Argv'First)'Address)); end Parse_Args; procedure Parse_Args (Count : out Natural; Func : in Args_Handler := null) is My_Count : Interfaces.C.int := 1; Result : Interfaces.C.int; begin Current_Args_Handler := Func; Result := fl_static_args2 (The_Argv'Length, Storage.To_Integer (The_Argv (The_Argv'First)'Address), My_Count, (if Func = null then Null_Pointer else Storage.To_Integer (Args_Hook'Address))); Count := Integer (My_Count) - 1; if Result = 0 then raise Argument_Error with "Fl::args could not recognise switch at argument number " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (My_Count); else pragma Assert (Result > 0); end if; exception when Constraint_Error => raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Fl::args produced unexpected i parameter of " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (My_Count); when Chk.Assertion_Error => raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Fl::args returned unexpected int value of " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (Result); end Parse_Args; -- Thread Notify -- procedure Add_Awake_Handler (Func : in Awake_Handler) is Result : Interfaces.C.int := fl_static_add_awake_handler (Storage.To_Integer (Awake_Hook'Address), Conv.To_Address (Func)); begin pragma Assert (Result = 0); exception when Chk.Assertion_Error => if Result = -1 then raise Tasking_Error with "Fl::add_awake_handler_ failed to register Awake_Handler callback"; else raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Fl::add_awake_handler_ returned unexpected int value of " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (Result); end if; end Add_Awake_Handler; function Get_Awake_Handler return Awake_Handler is Hook, Func : Storage.Integer_Address; Result : Interfaces.C.int := fl_static_get_awake_handler (Hook, Func); begin pragma Assert (Result = 0); return Conv.To_Awake_Access (Func); exception when Chk.Assertion_Error => if Result = -1 then raise Tasking_Error with "Fl::get_awake_handler_ invoked without prior awake setup"; else raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Fl::get_awake_handler_ returned unexpected int value of " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (Result); end if; end Get_Awake_Handler; procedure Awake (Func : in Awake_Handler) is Result : Interfaces.C.int := fl_static_awake2 (Storage.To_Integer (Awake_Hook'Address), Conv.To_Address (Func)); begin pragma Assert (Result = 0); exception when Chk.Assertion_Error => if Result = -1 then raise Tasking_Error with "Fl::awake failed to register Awake_Handler callback"; else raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Fl::awake returned unexpected int value of " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (Result); end if; end Awake; procedure Awake is begin fl_static_awake (Null_Pointer); end Awake; -- Pre-Eventloop Callbacks -- procedure Add_Check (Func : in not null Timeout_Handler) is begin fl_static_add_check (Storage.To_Integer (Timeout_Hook'Address), Conv.To_Address (Timeout_Handler'(Func))); end Add_Check; function Has_Check (Func : in not null Timeout_Handler) return Boolean is begin return fl_static_has_check (Storage.To_Integer (Timeout_Hook'Address), Conv.To_Address (Timeout_Handler'(Func))) /= 0; end Has_Check; procedure Remove_Check (Func : in not null Timeout_Handler) is begin fl_static_remove_check (Storage.To_Integer (Timeout_Hook'Address), Conv.To_Address (Timeout_Handler'(Func))); end Remove_Check; -- Timer Callbacks -- procedure Add_Timeout (Seconds : in Long_Float; Func : in not null Timeout_Handler) is begin fl_static_add_timeout (Interfaces.C.double (Seconds), Storage.To_Integer (Timeout_Hook'Address), Conv.To_Address (Timeout_Handler'(Func))); end Add_Timeout; function Has_Timeout (Func : in not null Timeout_Handler) return Boolean is begin return fl_static_has_timeout (Storage.To_Integer (Timeout_Hook'Address), Conv.To_Address (Timeout_Handler'(Func))) /= 0; end Has_Timeout; procedure Remove_Timeout (Func : in not null Timeout_Handler) is begin fl_static_remove_timeout (Storage.To_Integer (Timeout_Hook'Address), Conv.To_Address (Timeout_Handler'(Func))); end Remove_Timeout; procedure Repeat_Timeout (Seconds : in Long_Float; Func : in not null Timeout_Handler) is begin fl_static_repeat_timeout (Interfaces.C.double (Seconds), Storage.To_Integer (Timeout_Hook'Address), Conv.To_Address (Timeout_Handler'(Func))); end Repeat_Timeout; -- Clipboard Callbacks -- procedure Add_Clipboard_Notify (Func : in not null Clipboard_Notify_Handler) is begin Current_Clip_Notes.Append (Func); end Add_Clipboard_Notify; procedure Remove_Clipboard_Notify (Func : in not null Clipboard_Notify_Handler) is begin for Index in reverse Current_Clip_Notes.First_Index .. Current_Clip_Notes.Last_Index loop if Current_Clip_Notes (Index) = Func then Current_Clip_Notes.Delete (Index); return; end if; end loop; end Remove_Clipboard_Notify; -- File Descriptor Waiting Callbacks -- procedure Add_File_Descriptor (FD : in File_Descriptor; Func : in not null File_Handler) is begin fl_static_add_fd (Interfaces.C.int (FD), Storage.To_Integer (FD_Hook'Address), Conv.To_Address (Func)); end Add_File_Descriptor; procedure Add_File_Descriptor (FD : in File_Descriptor; Mode : in File_Mode; Func : in not null File_Handler) is begin fl_static_add_fd2 (Interfaces.C.int (FD), FMode_To_Cint (Mode), Storage.To_Integer (FD_Hook'Address), Conv.To_Address (Func)); end Add_File_Descriptor; procedure Remove_File_Descriptor (FD : in File_Descriptor) is begin fl_static_remove_fd (Interfaces.C.int (FD)); end Remove_File_Descriptor; procedure Remove_File_Descriptor (FD : in File_Descriptor; Mode : in File_Mode) is begin fl_static_remove_fd2 (Interfaces.C.int (FD), FMode_To_Cint (Mode)); end Remove_File_Descriptor; -- Idle Callbacks -- procedure Add_Idle (Func : in not null Idle_Handler) is begin fl_static_add_idle (Storage.To_Integer (Idle_Hook'Address), Conv.To_Address (Idle_Handler'(Func))); end Add_Idle; function Has_Idle (Func : in not null Idle_Handler) return Boolean is begin return fl_static_has_idle (Storage.To_Integer (Idle_Hook'Address), Conv.To_Address (Idle_Handler'(Func))) /= 0; end Has_Idle; procedure Remove_Idle (Func : in not null Idle_Handler) is begin fl_static_remove_idle (Storage.To_Integer (Idle_Hook'Address), Conv.To_Address (Idle_Handler'(Func))); end Remove_Idle; -- Custom Colors -- function Get_Color (From : in Color) return Color is begin return Color (fl_static_get_color2 (Interfaces.C.unsigned (From))); end Get_Color; procedure Get_Color (From : in Color; R, G, B : out Color_Component) is begin fl_static_get_color (Interfaces.C.unsigned (From), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (R), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (G), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (B)); end Get_Color; procedure Set_Color (Target, Source : in Color) is begin fl_static_set_color2 (Interfaces.C.unsigned (Target), Interfaces.C.unsigned (Source)); end Set_Color; procedure Set_Color (Target : in Color; R, G, B : in Color_Component) is begin fl_static_set_color (Interfaces.C.unsigned (Target), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (R), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (G), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (B)); end Set_Color; procedure Free_Color (Value : in Color; Overlay : in Boolean := False) is begin fl_static_free_color (Interfaces.C.unsigned (Value), Boolean'Pos (Overlay)); end Free_Color; function Get_Box_Color (Tone : in Color) return Color is begin return Color (fl_static_get_box_color (Interfaces.C.unsigned (Tone))); end Get_Box_Color; procedure Set_Box_Color (Tone : in Color) is begin fl_static_set_box_color (Interfaces.C.unsigned (Tone)); end Set_Box_Color; procedure Set_Foreground (R, G, B : in Color_Component) is begin fl_static_foreground (Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (R), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (G), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (B)); end Set_Foreground; procedure Set_Background (R, G, B : in Color_Component) is begin fl_static_background (Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (R), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (G), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (B)); end Set_Background; procedure Set_Alt_Background (R, G, B : in Color_Component) is begin fl_static_background2 (Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (R), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (G), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (B)); end Set_Alt_Background; -- Custom Fonts -- function Font_Image (Kind : in Font_Kind) return String is begin -- should never get a null string in return since it's from an enum return Interfaces.C.Strings.Value (fl_static_get_font (Font_Kind'Pos (Kind))); end Font_Image; function Font_Family_Image (Kind : in Font_Kind) return String is begin -- should never get a null string in return since it's from an enum return Interfaces.C.Strings.Value (fl_static_get_font_name (Font_Kind'Pos (Kind))); end Font_Family_Image; procedure Set_Font_Kind (Target, Source : in Font_Kind) is begin fl_static_set_font (Font_Kind'Pos (Target), Font_Kind'Pos (Source)); end Set_Font_Kind; procedure Set_Font_Kind (Target : in Font_Kind; Source : in String) is begin Interfaces.C.Strings.Free (Font_Overrides (Target)); Font_Overrides (Target) := Interfaces.C.Strings.New_String (Source); fl_static_set_font2 (Font_Kind'Pos (Target), Font_Overrides (Target)); end Set_Font_Kind; function Font_Sizes (Kind : in Font_Kind) return Font_Size_Array is Ptr : Storage.Integer_Address; Arr : Font_Size_Array (1 .. Integer (fl_static_get_font_sizes (Font_Kind'Pos (Kind), Ptr))); begin -- This array copying avoids any worry that the static buffer will be overwritten. for I in 1 .. Arr'Length loop Arr (I) := Font_Size (fl_static_font_size_array_get (Ptr, Interfaces.C.int (I))); end loop; return Arr; end Font_Sizes; procedure Setup_Fonts (How_Many_Set_Up : out Natural) is Result : Interfaces.C.int := fl_static_set_fonts; begin How_Many_Set_Up := Natural (Result); exception when Constraint_Error => raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Fl::set_fonts returned unexpected int value of " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (Result); end Setup_Fonts; -- Box_Kind Attributes -- function Get_Box_Height_Offset (Kind : in Box_Kind) return Integer is begin return Integer (fl_static_box_dh (Box_Kind'Pos (Kind))); end Get_Box_Height_Offset; function Get_Box_Width_Offset (Kind : in Box_Kind) return Integer is begin return Integer (fl_static_box_dw (Box_Kind'Pos (Kind))); end Get_Box_Width_Offset; function Get_Box_X_Offset (Kind : in Box_Kind) return Integer is begin return Integer (fl_static_box_dx (Box_Kind'Pos (Kind))); end Get_Box_X_Offset; function Get_Box_Y_Offset (Kind : in Box_Kind) return Integer is begin return Integer (fl_static_box_dy (Box_Kind'Pos (Kind))); end Get_Box_Y_Offset; procedure Set_Box_Kind (To, From : in Box_Kind) is begin fl_static_set_boxtype (Box_Kind'Pos (To), Box_Kind'Pos (From)); end Set_Box_Kind; function Draw_Box_Active return Boolean is begin return fl_static_draw_box_active /= 0; end Draw_Box_Active; function Get_Box_Draw_Function (Kind : in Box_Kind) return Box_Draw_Function is begin return FLTK.Box_Draw_Marshal.To_Ada (Kind, fl_static_get_boxtype (Box_Kind'Pos (Kind))); end Get_Box_Draw_Function; procedure Set_Box_Draw_Function (Kind : in Box_Kind; Func : in Box_Draw_Function; Offset_X, Offset_Y : in Byte_Integer := 0; Offset_W, Offset_H : in Byte_Integer := 0) is begin fl_static_set_boxtype2 (Box_Kind'Pos (Kind), FLTK.Box_Draw_Marshal.To_C (Kind, Func), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (Offset_X), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (Offset_Y), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (Offset_W), Interfaces.C.unsigned_char (Offset_H)); end Set_Box_Draw_Function; -- Label_Kind Attributes -- procedure Set_Label_Kind (Target, Source : in Label_Kind) is begin -- As of FLTK 1.3.11 there is no definition given for this function -- so this is null to avoid linker errors. null; end Set_Label_Kind; procedure Set_Label_Draw_Function (Kind : in Label_Kind; Draw_Func : in Label_Draw_Function; Measure_Func : in Label_Measure_Function) is begin fl_static_set_labeltype (Label_Kind'Pos (Kind), FLTK.Label_Draw_Marshal.To_C (Kind, Draw_Func), FLTK.Label_Draw_Marshal.To_C (Kind, Measure_Func)); end Set_Label_Draw_Function; -- Clipboard / Selection -- procedure Copy (Text : in String; Dest : in Buffer_Kind) is begin fl_static_copy (Interfaces.C.To_C (Text), Text'Length, Buffer_Kind'Pos (Dest)); end Copy; procedure Paste (Receiver : in FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class; Source : in Buffer_Kind) is begin fl_static_paste (Wrapper (Receiver).Void_Ptr, Buffer_Kind'Pos (Source)); end Paste; procedure Selection (Owner : in FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class; Text : in String) is begin fl_static_selection (Wrapper (Owner).Void_Ptr, Interfaces.C.To_C (Text), Text'Length); end Selection; function Clipboard_Contains (Kind : in String) return Boolean is begin return fl_static_clipboard_contains (Interfaces.C.To_C (Kind)) /= 0; end Clipboard_Contains; -- Dragon Drop -- procedure Drag_Drop_Start is Ignore : Interfaces.C.int := fl_static_dnd; begin null; end Drag_Drop_Start; function Get_Drag_Drop_Text_Support return Boolean is begin return fl_static_get_dnd_text_ops /= 0; end Get_Drag_Drop_Text_Support; procedure Set_Drag_Drop_Text_Support (To : in Boolean) is begin fl_static_set_dnd_text_ops (Boolean'Pos (To)); end Set_Drag_Drop_Text_Support; -- Windows -- procedure Default_Window_Close (Item : in out FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class) is begin pragma Assert (Wrapper (Item).Void_Ptr /= Null_Pointer); fl_static_default_atclose (Wrapper (Item).Void_Ptr, fl_widget_get_user_data (Wrapper (Item).Void_Ptr)); exception when Chk.Assertion_Error => raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Fl::default_atclose received uninitialised widget"; end Default_Window_Close; function Get_First_Window return access FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class is First_Ptr : Storage.Integer_Address := fl_static_get_first_window; Actual_First : access FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class; begin if First_Ptr /= Null_Pointer then First_Ptr := fl_widget_get_user_data (First_Ptr); pragma Assert (First_Ptr /= Null_Pointer); Actual_First := Window_Convert.To_Pointer (Storage.To_Address (First_Ptr)); end if; return Actual_First; exception when Chk.Assertion_Error => raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Widget returned by Fl::first_window did not have user_data reference back to Ada"; end Get_First_Window; procedure Set_First_Window (To : in FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class) is begin fl_static_set_first_window (Wrapper (To).Void_Ptr); end Set_First_Window; function Get_Next_Window (From : in FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class) return access FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class is Next_Ptr : Storage.Integer_Address := fl_static_next_window (Wrapper (From).Void_Ptr); Actual_Next : access FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class; begin if Next_Ptr /= Null_Pointer then Next_Ptr := fl_widget_get_user_data (Next_Ptr); pragma Assert (Next_Ptr /= Null_Pointer); Actual_Next := Window_Convert.To_Pointer (Storage.To_Address (Next_Ptr)); end if; return Actual_Next; exception when Chk.Assertion_Error => raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Widget returned by Fl::next_window did not have user_data reference back to Ada"; end Get_Next_Window; function Get_Top_Modal return access FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class is Modal_Ptr : Storage.Integer_Address := fl_static_modal; Actual_Modal : access FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class; begin if Modal_Ptr /= Null_Pointer then Modal_Ptr := fl_widget_get_user_data (Modal_Ptr); pragma Assert (Modal_Ptr /= Null_Pointer); Actual_Modal := Window_Convert.To_Pointer (Storage.To_Address (Modal_Ptr)); end if; return Actual_Modal; exception when Chk.Assertion_Error => raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Widget returned by Fl::modal did not have user_data reference back to Ada"; end Get_Top_Modal; -- Queue -- function Read_Queue return access FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class is Queue_Ptr : Storage.Integer_Address := fl_static_readqueue; Actual_Queue : access FLTK.Widgets.Widget'Class; begin if Queue_Ptr /= Null_Pointer then Queue_Ptr := fl_widget_get_user_data (Queue_Ptr); pragma Assert (Queue_Ptr /= Null_Pointer); Actual_Queue := Widget_Convert.To_Pointer (Storage.To_Address (Queue_Ptr)); end if; return Actual_Queue; exception when Chk.Assertion_Error => raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Widget returned by Fl::readqueue did not have user_data reference back to Ada"; end Read_Queue; -- Schemes -- function Get_Scheme return String is Ptr : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr := fl_static_get_scheme; begin if Ptr = Interfaces.C.Strings.Null_Ptr then return ""; else return Interfaces.C.Strings.Value (Ptr); end if; end Get_Scheme; procedure Set_Scheme (To : in String) is begin -- A copy of the Scheme string is stored in FLTK fl_static_set_scheme (Interfaces.C.To_C (To)); end Set_Scheme; function Is_Scheme (Scheme : in String) return Boolean is Result : Interfaces.C.int := fl_static_is_scheme (Interfaces.C.To_C (Scheme)); begin return Boolean'Val (Result); exception when Constraint_Error => raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Fl::is_scheme returned unexpected int value of " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (Result); end Is_Scheme; -- Library Options -- function Get_Option (Opt : in Option) return Boolean is begin return fl_static_get_option (Option'Pos (Opt)) /= 0; end Get_Option; procedure Set_Option (Opt : in Option; To : in Boolean) is begin fl_static_set_option (Option'Pos (Opt), Boolean'Pos (To)); end Set_Option; -- Scrollbars -- function Get_Default_Scrollbar_Size return Natural is Result : Interfaces.C.int := fl_static_get_scrollbar_size; begin return Natural (Result); exception when Constraint_Error => raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Fl::scrollbar_size returned unexpected int value of " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (Result); end Get_Default_Scrollbar_Size; procedure Set_Default_Scrollbar_Size (To : in Natural) is begin fl_static_set_scrollbar_size (Interfaces.C.int (To)); end Set_Default_Scrollbar_Size; begin fl_static_add_clipboard_notify (Storage.To_Integer (Clipboard_Notify_Hook'Address), Null_Pointer); end FLTK.Static;