-- Programmed by Jedidiah Barber -- Released into the public domain with Ada.Characters.Latin_1, Interfaces.C.Strings; use type Interfaces.C.int, Interfaces.C.unsigned_char; package body FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Scrolls is package Latin renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1; ------------------------ -- Functions From C -- ------------------------ function new_fl_scroll (X, Y, W, H : in Interfaces.C.int; Text : in Interfaces.C.char_array) return Storage.Integer_Address; pragma Import (C, new_fl_scroll, "new_fl_scroll"); pragma Inline (new_fl_scroll); procedure free_fl_scroll (S : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, free_fl_scroll, "free_fl_scroll"); pragma Inline (free_fl_scroll); function fl_scroll_hscrollbar (S : in Storage.Integer_Address) return Storage.Integer_Address; pragma Import (C, fl_scroll_hscrollbar, "fl_scroll_hscrollbar"); pragma Inline (fl_scroll_hscrollbar); function fl_scroll_scrollbar (S : in Storage.Integer_Address) return Storage.Integer_Address; pragma Import (C, fl_scroll_scrollbar, "fl_scroll_scrollbar"); pragma Inline (fl_scroll_scrollbar); procedure fl_scroll_to (S : in Storage.Integer_Address; X, Y : in Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_scroll_to, "fl_scroll_to"); pragma Inline (fl_scroll_to); function fl_scroll_xposition (S : in Storage.Integer_Address) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_scroll_xposition, "fl_scroll_xposition"); pragma Inline (fl_scroll_xposition); function fl_scroll_yposition (S : in Storage.Integer_Address) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_scroll_yposition, "fl_scroll_yposition"); pragma Inline (fl_scroll_yposition); function fl_scroll_get_size (S : in Storage.Integer_Address) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_scroll_get_size, "fl_scroll_get_size"); pragma Inline (fl_scroll_get_size); procedure fl_scroll_set_size (S : in Storage.Integer_Address; T : in Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_scroll_set_size, "fl_scroll_set_size"); pragma Inline (fl_scroll_set_size); procedure fl_scroll_resize (S : in Storage.Integer_Address; X, Y, W, H : in Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_scroll_resize, "fl_scroll_resize"); pragma Inline (fl_scroll_resize); procedure fl_scroll_recalc_scrollbars (Addr : in Storage.Integer_Address; CB_X, CB_Y, CB_W, CB_H : out Interfaces.C.int; IB_X, IB_Y, IB_W, IB_H : out Interfaces.C.int; IC_X, IC_Y, IC_W, IC_H : out Interfaces.C.int; CH_Need, CV_Need : out Interfaces.C.int; HS_X, HS_Y, HS_W, HS_H : out Interfaces.C.int; HS_Size, HS_Total, HS_First, HS_Pos : out Interfaces.C.int; VS_X, VS_Y, VS_W, VS_H : out Interfaces.C.int; VS_Size, VS_Total, VS_First, VS_Pos : out Interfaces.C.int; SSize : out Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_scroll_recalc_scrollbars, "fl_scroll_recalc_scrollbars"); pragma Inline (fl_scroll_recalc_scrollbars); procedure fl_scroll_bbox (S : in Storage.Integer_Address; X, Y, W, H : out Interfaces.C.int); pragma Import (C, fl_scroll_bbox, "fl_scroll_bbox"); pragma Inline (fl_scroll_bbox); procedure fl_scroll_draw (S : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_scroll_draw, "fl_scroll_draw"); pragma Inline (fl_scroll_draw); function fl_scroll_handle (S : in Storage.Integer_Address; E : in Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Import (C, fl_scroll_handle, "fl_scroll_handle"); pragma Inline (fl_scroll_handle); ------------------- -- Destructors -- ------------------- -- I used the FFI to bypass namespace rules and all I got was this lousy tshirt procedure scroll_extra_final_hook (Ada_Obj : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Export (C, scroll_extra_final_hook, "scroll_extra_final_hook"); procedure scroll_extra_final_hook (Ada_Obj : in Storage.Integer_Address) is My_Scroll : Scroll; for My_Scroll'Address use Storage.To_Address (Ada_Obj); pragma Import (Ada, My_Scroll); begin Extra_Final (My_Scroll); end scroll_extra_final_hook; -- It's the only way to be sure procedure fl_scrollbar_extra_final (Ada_Obj : in Storage.Integer_Address); pragma Import (C, fl_scrollbar_extra_final, "fl_scrollbar_extra_final"); pragma Inline (fl_scrollbar_extra_final); procedure Extra_Final (This : in out Scroll) is begin fl_scrollbar_extra_final (Storage.To_Integer (This.Horizon'Address)); fl_scrollbar_extra_final (Storage.To_Integer (This.Vertigo'Address)); Extra_Final (Group (This)); end Extra_Final; procedure Finalize (This : in out Scroll) is begin Extra_Final (This); if This.Void_Ptr /= Null_Pointer and This.Needs_Dealloc then free_fl_scroll (This.Void_Ptr); This.Void_Ptr := Null_Pointer; end if; end Finalize; -------------------- -- Constructors -- -------------------- -- Quite right sir, stop the boat! procedure scroll_extra_init_hook (Ada_Obj : in Storage.Integer_Address; X, Y, W, H : in Interfaces.C.int; C_Str : in Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr); pragma Export (C, scroll_extra_init_hook, "scroll_extra_init_hook"); procedure scroll_extra_init_hook (Ada_Obj : in Storage.Integer_Address; X, Y, W, H : in Interfaces.C.int; C_Str : in Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr) is My_Scroll : Scroll; for My_Scroll'Address use Storage.To_Address (Ada_Obj); pragma Import (Ada, My_Scroll); begin Extra_Init (My_Scroll, Integer (X), Integer (Y), Integer (W), Integer (H), Interfaces.C.Strings.Value (C_Str)); end scroll_extra_init_hook; -- Hold on, I know a shortcut procedure fl_scrollbar_extra_init (Ada_Obj : in Storage.Integer_Address; X, Y, W, H : in Interfaces.C.int; C_Str : in Interfaces.C.char_array); pragma Import (C, fl_scrollbar_extra_init, "fl_scrollbar_extra_init"); pragma Inline (fl_scrollbar_extra_init); procedure Extra_Init (This : in out Scroll; X, Y, W, H : in Integer; Text : in String) is begin Widget (This.Horizon).Void_Ptr := fl_scroll_hscrollbar (This.Void_Ptr); Widget (This.Horizon).Needs_Dealloc := False; fl_scrollbar_extra_init (Storage.To_Integer (This.Horizon'Address), Interfaces.C.int (This.Horizon.Get_X), Interfaces.C.int (This.Horizon.Get_Y), Interfaces.C.int (This.Horizon.Get_W), Interfaces.C.int (This.Horizon.Get_H), Interfaces.C.To_C (This.Horizon.Get_Label)); Widget (This.Vertigo).Void_Ptr := fl_scroll_scrollbar (This.Void_Ptr); Widget (This.Vertigo).Needs_Dealloc := False; fl_scrollbar_extra_init (Storage.To_Integer (This.Vertigo'Address), Interfaces.C.int (This.Vertigo.Get_X), Interfaces.C.int (This.Vertigo.Get_Y), Interfaces.C.int (This.Vertigo.Get_W), Interfaces.C.int (This.Vertigo.Get_H), Interfaces.C.To_C (This.Vertigo.Get_Label)); Extra_Init (Group (This), X, Y, W, H, Text); end Extra_Init; procedure Initialize (This : in out Scroll) is begin This.Draw_Ptr := fl_scroll_draw'Address; This.Handle_Ptr := fl_scroll_handle'Address; end Initialize; package body Forge is function Create (X, Y, W, H : in Integer; Text : in String := "") return Scroll is begin return This : Scroll do This.Void_Ptr := new_fl_scroll (Interfaces.C.int (X), Interfaces.C.int (Y), Interfaces.C.int (W), Interfaces.C.int (H), Interfaces.C.To_C (Text)); Extra_Init (This, X, Y, W, H, Text); end return; end Create; function Create (Parent : in out Group'Class; X, Y, W, H : in Integer; Text : in String := "") return Scroll is begin return This : Scroll := Create (X, Y, W, H, Text) do Parent.Add (This); end return; end Create; end Forge; ------------------ -- Attributes -- ------------------ function H_Bar (This : in out Scroll) return Valuators.Sliders.Scrollbars.Scrollbar_Reference is begin return (Data => This.Horizon'Unchecked_Access); end H_Bar; function V_Bar (This : in out Scroll) return Valuators.Sliders.Scrollbars.Scrollbar_Reference is begin return (Data => This.Vertigo'Unchecked_Access); end V_Bar; ----------------------- -- API Subprograms -- ----------------------- procedure Clear (This : in out Scroll) is begin -- Can't use the actual clear method here because that would -- delete the widgets from memory, and the binding is meant to -- handle that, not the library. This.Remove (This.Horizon); This.Remove (This.Vertigo); Group (This).Clear; This.Add (This.Horizon); This.Add (This.Vertigo); end Clear; procedure Scroll_To (This : in out Scroll; X, Y : in Integer) is begin fl_scroll_to (This.Void_Ptr, Interfaces.C.int (X), Interfaces.C.int (Y)); end Scroll_To; function Get_Scroll_X (This : in Scroll) return Integer is begin return Integer (fl_scroll_xposition (This.Void_Ptr)); end Get_Scroll_X; function Get_Scroll_Y (This : in Scroll) return Integer is begin return Integer (fl_scroll_yposition (This.Void_Ptr)); end Get_Scroll_Y; function Get_Scrollbar_Size (This : in Scroll) return Integer is begin return Integer (fl_scroll_get_size (This.Void_Ptr)); end Get_Scrollbar_Size; procedure Set_Scrollbar_Size (This : in out Scroll; To : in Integer) is begin fl_scroll_set_size (This.Void_Ptr, Interfaces.C.int (To)); end Set_Scrollbar_Size; function Get_Kind (This : in Scroll) return Scroll_Kind is Result : Interfaces.C.unsigned_char := fl_widget_get_type (This.Void_Ptr); begin return Scroll_Kind'Val (Result - 1); exception when Constraint_Error => raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Fl_Scroll::type returned unexpected unsigned char value of " & Interfaces.C.unsigned_char'Image (Result); end Get_Kind; procedure Set_Kind (This : in out Scroll; Mode : in Scroll_Kind) is begin fl_widget_set_type (This.Void_Ptr, Scroll_Kind'Pos (Mode)); end Set_Kind; procedure Resize (This : in out Scroll; X, Y, W, H : in Integer) is begin fl_scroll_resize (This.Void_Ptr, Interfaces.C.int (X), Interfaces.C.int (Y), Interfaces.C.int (W), Interfaces.C.int (H)); end Resize; procedure Recalculate_Scrollbars (This : in Scroll; Data : out Scroll_Info) is C_Scroll_Size, C_H_Need, C_V_Need, C_H_Data_Size, C_V_Data_Size, C_H_Data_Total, C_V_Data_Total : Interfaces.C.int; begin fl_scroll_recalc_scrollbars (This.Void_Ptr, -- child LRTB region that will be reworked into XYWH in C++ Interfaces.C.int (Data.Child_Box.X), Interfaces.C.int (Data.Child_Box.Y), Interfaces.C.int (Data.Child_Box.W), Interfaces.C.int (Data.Child_Box.H), -- innerbox XYWH region Interfaces.C.int (Data.Inner_Ex.X), Interfaces.C.int (Data.Inner_Ex.Y), Interfaces.C.int (Data.Inner_Ex.W), Interfaces.C.int (Data.Inner_Ex.H), -- innerchild XYWH region Interfaces.C.int (Data.Inner_Inc.X), Interfaces.C.int (Data.Inner_Inc.Y), Interfaces.C.int (Data.Inner_Inc.W), Interfaces.C.int (Data.Inner_Inc.H), -- raw hneeded/vneeded values to be converted into Booleans C_H_Need, C_V_Need, -- hscroll data Interfaces.C.int (Data.H_Data.X), Interfaces.C.int (Data.H_Data.Y), Interfaces.C.int (Data.H_Data.W), Interfaces.C.int (Data.H_Data.H), C_H_Data_Size, C_H_Data_Total, Interfaces.C.int (Data.H_Data.First), Interfaces.C.int (Data.H_Data.Position), -- vscroll data Interfaces.C.int (Data.V_Data.X), Interfaces.C.int (Data.V_Data.Y), Interfaces.C.int (Data.V_Data.W), Interfaces.C.int (Data.V_Data.H), C_V_Data_Size, C_V_Data_Total, Interfaces.C.int (Data.V_Data.First), Interfaces.C.int (Data.V_Data.Position), -- scrollsize C_Scroll_Size); Data.H_Needed := C_H_Need /= 0; Data.V_Needed := C_V_Need /= 0; Data.H_Data.Size := Natural (C_H_Data_Size); Data.H_Data.Total := Natural (C_H_Data_Total); Data.V_Data.Size := Natural (C_V_Data_Size); Data.V_Data.Total := Natural (C_V_Data_Total); Data.Scroll_Size := Natural (C_Scroll_Size); exception when Constraint_Error => raise Internal_FLTK_Error with "Fl_Scroll::recalc_scrollbars returned unexpected int values of " & Latin.LF & Latin.HT & "hscroll.size = " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (C_H_Data_Size) & Latin.LF & Latin.HT & "hscroll.total = " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (C_H_Data_Total) & Latin.LF & Latin.HT & "vscroll.size = " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (C_V_Data_Size) & Latin.LF & Latin.HT & "vscroll.total = " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (C_V_Data_Total) & Latin.LF & Latin.HT & "scrollsize = " & Interfaces.C.int'Image (C_Scroll_Size); end Recalculate_Scrollbars; procedure Bounding_Box (This : in Scroll; X, Y, W, H : out Integer) is begin fl_scroll_bbox (This.Void_Ptr, Interfaces.C.int (X), Interfaces.C.int (Y), Interfaces.C.int (W), Interfaces.C.int (H)); end Bounding_Box; procedure Draw (This : in out Scroll) is begin Group (This).Draw; end Draw; function Handle (This : in out Scroll; Event : in Event_Kind) return Event_Outcome is begin return Group (This).Handle (Event); end Handle; end FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Scrolls;