Fl (FLTK.Screen) Binding Map

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Fl FLTK.Screen
Static Functions and Procedures
static void display(const char *);
procedure Set_Display_Var
       (Value : in String);
static int h();
function Get_H
    return Integer;
static int screen_count();
function Count
    return Integer;
static void screen_dpi(float &h, float &v, int n=0);
procedure DPI
       (Horizontal, Vertical :    out Float;
        Screen_Number        : in     Integer := 1);
static int screen_num(int x, int y);
function Containing
       (X, Y : in Integer)
    return Integer;
static int screen_num(int x, int y, int w, int h);
function Containing
       (X, Y, W, H : in Integer)
    return Integer;
static void screen_work_area(int &X, int &Y,
    int &W, int &H, int mx, int my);
procedure Work_Area
       (X, Y, W, H   :    out Integer;
        Pos_X, Pos_Y : in     Integer);
static void screen_work_area(int &X, int &Y,
    int &W, int &H, int n);
procedure Work_Area
       (X, Y, W, H :    out Integer;
        Screen_Num : in     Integer);
static void screen_xywh(int &X, int &Y,
    int &W, int &H);
procedure Bounding_Rect
       (X, Y, W, H : out Integer);
static void screen_xywh(int &X, int &Y,
    int &W, int &H, int mx, int my);
procedure Bounding_Rect
       (X, Y, W, H   :    out Integer;
        Pos_X, Pos_Y : in     Integer);
static void screen_xywh(int &X, int &Y,
    int &W, int &H, int n);
procedure Bounding_Rect
       (X, Y, W, H :    out Integer;
        Screen_Num : in     Integer);
static void screen_xywh(int &X, int &Y,
    int &W, int &H, int mx, int my, int mw, int mh);
procedure Bounding_Rect
       (X, Y, W, H     :    out Integer;
        PX, PY, PW, PH : in     Integer);
static void screen_work_area(int &X, int &Y,
    int &W, int &H);
procedure Work_Area
       (X, Y, W, H : out Integer);
static int w();
function Get_W
    return Integer;
static int x();
function Get_X
    return Integer;
static int y();
function Get_Y
    return Integer;