Fl_Float_Input Binding Map

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Package name
Fl_Float_Input FLTK.Widgets.Inputs.Text.Floating_Point
Fl_Float_Input Float_Input
Fl_Float_Input(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L=0);
function Create
       (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
        Text       : in String := "")
    return Float_Input;
Rely on the automatic use of begin when a group is created, or use begin/end explicitly, or add each widget to its intended parent group manually.
function Create
       (Parent     : in out FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Group'Class;
        X, Y, W, H : in     Integer;
        Text       : in     String := "")
    return Float_Input;
Functions and Procedures
Use value() and manually convert from char * to float.
function Get_Value
       (This : in Float_Input)
    return Long_Float;