Fl_Shared_Image Binding Map

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Package name
Fl_Shared_Image FLTK.Images.Shared
Fl_Shared_Image Shared_Image
Functions and Procedures
Fl_Shared_Image(const char *n, Fl_Image *img=0);
static void add_handler(Fl_Shared_Handler f);
virtual void color_average(Fl_Color c, float i);
procedure Color_Average
       (This   : in out Shared_Image;
        Col    : in     Color;
        Amount : in     Blend);
virtual Fl_Image * copy(int W, int H);
function Copy
       (This          : in Shared_Image;
        Width, Height : in Natural)
    return Shared_Image'Class;
Fl_Image * copy();
function Copy
       (This : in Shared_Image)
    return Shared_Image'Class;
virtual void desaturate();
procedure Desaturate
       (This : in out Shared_Image);
virtual void draw(int X, int Y, int W, int H, int cx, int cy);
procedure Draw
       (This       : in Shared_Image;
        X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
        CX, CY     : in Integer := 0);
void draw(int X, int Y);
procedure Draw
       (This : in Shared_Image;
        X, Y : in Integer);
static Fl_Shared_Image * find(const char *name, int W=0, int H=0);
function Find
       (Name : in String;
        W, H : in Integer := 0)
    return Shared_Image;
static Fl_Shared_Image * get(const char *name, int W=0, int H=0);
function Create
       (Filename : in String;
        W, H     : in Integer)
    return Shared_Image;
static Fl_Shared_Image * get(Fl_RGB_Image *rgb, int own_it=1);
function Create
       (From : in FLTK.Images.RGB.RGB_Image'Class)
    return Shared_Image;
static Fl_Shared_Image ** images();
const char * name();
function Name
       (This : in Shared_Image)
    return String;
static int num_images();
int refcount();
void release();
Used as destructor, handled automatically with Finalize procedure using Limited_Controlled types
void reload();
procedure Reload
       (This : in out Shared_Image);
static void remove_handler(Fl_Shared_Handler f);
void scale(int width, int height, int proportional=1, int can_expand=0);
procedure Scale
       (This         : in out Shared_Image;
        W, H         : in     Integer;
        Proportional : in     Boolean := True;
        Can_Expand   : in     Boolean := False);
static void scaling_algorithm(Fl_RGB_Scaling algorithm);
procedure Set_Scaling_Algorithm
       (To : in Scaling_Kind);
virtual void uncache();