Fl_Window Binding Map

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Package name
Fl_Window FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows
Fl_Window Window
Functions and Procedures
Fl_Window(int w, int h, const char *title=0);
function Create
       (W, H : in Integer;
        Text : in String)
    return Window;
Fl_Window(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *title=0);
function Create
       (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
        Text       : in String)
    return Window;
virtual Fl_Window * as_window();
Use view conversion and tag membership tests instead
void border(int b);
procedure Set_Border_State
       (This : in out Window;
        To   : in     Border_State);
unsigned int border() const;
function Get_Border_State
       (This : in Window)
    return Border_State;
void clear_border();
void clear_modal_states();
procedure Set_Modal_State
       (This : in out Window;
        To   : in     Modal_State);
void copy_label(const char *a);
static Fl_Window * current();
function Last_Made_Current
    return access Window'Class;
void cursor(Fl_Cursor);
procedure Set_Cursor
       (This : in out Window;
        To   : in     Cursor);
void cursor(const Fl_RGB_Image *, int, int);
procedure Set_Cursor
       (This         : in out Window;
        Pic          : in out FLTK.Images.RGB.RGB_Image'Class;
        Hot_X, Hot_Y : in     Integer);
void cursor(Fl_Cursor c, Fl_Color, Fl_Color=FL_WHITE);
int decorated_h();
function Get_Decorated_H
       (This : in Window)
    return Integer;
int decorated_w();
function Get_Decorated_W
       (This : in Window)
    return Integer;
void default_cursor(Fl_Cursor);
procedure Set_Default_Cursor
       (This : in out Window;
        To   : in     Cursor);
void default_cursor(Fl_Cursor c, Fl_Color, Fl_Color=FL_WHITE);
static void default_icon(const Fl_RGB_Image *);
procedure Set_Default_Icon
       (Pic : in out FLTK.Images.RGB.RGB_Image'Class);
virtual void draw();
procedure Draw
       (This : in out Window);
void free_position();
procedure Free_Position
       (This : in out Window);
void fullscreen();
procedure Fullscreen_On
       (This : in out Window);
unsigned int fullscreen_active() const;
function Is_Fullscreen
       (This : in Window)
    return Boolean;
void fullscreen_off();
procedure Fullscreen_Off
       (This : in out Window);
void fullscreen_off(int X, int Y, int W, int H);
procedure Fullscreen_Off
       (This       : in out Window;
        X, Y, W, H : in     Integer);
void fullscreen_screens(int top, int bottom, int left, int right);
procedure Fullscreen_Screens
       (This                     : in out Window;
        Top, Bottom, Left, Right : in     Natural);
virtual int handle(int);
function Handle
       (This  : in out Window;
        Event : in     Event_Kind)
    return Event_Outcome;
virtual void hide();
procedure Hide
       (This : in out Window);
void hotspot(int x, int y, int offscreen=0);
procedure Hotspot
       (This      : in out Window;
        X, Y      : in     Integer;
        Offscreen : in     Boolean := False);
void hotspot(const Fl_Widget *, int offscreen=0);
void hotspot(const Fl_Widget &p, int offscreen=0);
procedure Hotspot
       (This      : in out Window;
        Item      : in     Widget'Class;
        Offscreen : in     Boolean := False);
void icon(const Fl_RGB_Image *);
procedure Set_Icon
       (This : in out Window;
        Pic  : in out FLTK.Images.RGB.RGB_Image'Class);
const void * icon() const;
void icon(const void *ic);
void iconize();
procedure Iconify
       (This : in out Window);
const char * iconlabel() const;
function Get_Icon_Label
       (This : in Window)
    return String;
void iconlabel(const char *);
procedure Set_Icon_Label
       (This : in out Window;
        To   : in     String);
void icons(const Fl_RGB_Image *[], int);
const char * label() const;
function Get_Label
       (This : in Window)
    return String;
void label(const char *);
procedure Set_Label
       (This : in out Window;
        Text : in     String);
void label(const char *label, const char *iconlabel);
void make_current();
procedure Make_Current
       (This : in out Window);
unsigned int menu_window() const;
Use tag membership tests instead
unsigned int modal() const;
function Get_Modal_State
       (This : in Window)
    return Modal_State;
unsigned int non_modal() const;
See unsigned int modal() const;
unsigned int override() const;
function Is_Override
       (This : in Window)
    return Boolean;
virtual void resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H);
void set_menu_window();
void set_modal();
See void clear_modal_states();
void set_non_modal();
See void clear_modal_states();
void set_override();
procedure Set_Override
       (This : in out Window);
void set_tooltip_window();
void shape(const Fl_Image *img);
void shape(const Fl_Image &b);
procedure Shape
       (This : in out Window;
        Pic  : in out FLTK.Images.Image'Class);
virtual void show();
procedure Show
       (This : in out Window);
void show(int argc, char **argv);
int shown();
function Is_Shown
       (This : in Window)
    return Boolean;
void size_range(int minw, int minh, int maxw=0, int maxh=0, int dw=0, int dh=0, int aspect=0);
procedure Set_Size_Range
       (This                           : in out Window;
        Min_W, Min_H                   : in     Integer;
        Max_W, Max_H, Incre_W, Incre_H : in     Integer := 0;
        Keep_Aspect                    : in     Boolean := False);
unsigned int tooltip_window() const;
void wait_for_expose();
procedure Wait_For_Expose
       (This : in out Window);
int x_root() const;
function Get_X_Root
       (This : in Window)
    return Integer;
const char * xclass() const;
void xclass(const char *c);
int y_root() const;
function Get_Y_Root
       (This : in Window)
    return Integer;