with Interfaces.C; with System; use type System.Address; package body FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Text_Displays.Text_Editors is function new_fl_text_editor (X, Y, W, H : in Interfaces.C.int; Text : in Interfaces.C.char_array) return System.Address; pragma Import (C, new_fl_text_editor, "new_fl_text_editor"); procedure free_fl_text_editor (TE : in System.Address); pragma Import (C, free_fl_text_editor, "free_fl_text_editor"); procedure fl_text_editor_cut (TE : in System.Address); pragma Import (C, fl_text_editor_cut, "fl_text_editor_cut"); procedure fl_text_editor_copy (TE : in System.Address); pragma Import (C, fl_text_editor_copy, "fl_text_editor_copy"); procedure fl_text_editor_paste (TE : in System.Address); pragma Import (C, fl_text_editor_paste, "fl_text_editor_paste"); procedure fl_text_editor_delete (TE : in System.Address); pragma Import (C, fl_text_editor_delete, "fl_text_editor_delete"); procedure Finalize (This : in out Text_Editor) is begin Finalize (Text_Display (This)); if This.Void_Ptr /= System.Null_Address then if This in Text_Editor then free_fl_text_editor (This.Void_Ptr); end if; end if; end Finalize; function Create (X, Y, W, H : in Integer; Text : in String) return Text_Editor is begin return This : Text_Editor do This.Void_Ptr := new_fl_text_editor (Interfaces.C.int (X), Interfaces.C.int (Y), Interfaces.C.int (W), Interfaces.C.int (H), Interfaces.C.To_C (Text)); fl_group_end (This.Void_Ptr); fl_widget_set_user_data (This.Void_Ptr, Widget_Convert.To_Address (This'Unchecked_Access)); end return; end Create; procedure Cut (This : in out Text_Editor) is begin fl_text_editor_cut (This.Void_Ptr); end Cut; procedure Copy (This : in out Text_Editor) is begin fl_text_editor_copy (This.Void_Ptr); end Copy; procedure Paste (This : in out Text_Editor) is begin fl_text_editor_paste (This.Void_Ptr); end Paste; procedure Delete (This : in out Text_Editor) is begin fl_text_editor_delete (This.Void_Ptr); end Delete; end FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Text_Displays.Text_Editors;