-- Programmed by Jedidiah Barber -- Released into the public domain with Ada.Finalization; private with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion, Interfaces.C, System.Storage_Elements; package FLTK is -- Ugly implementation detail, never use this. -- This is necessary so things like Text_Buffers and -- Widgets can talk to each other behind the binding. type Wrapper is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with private; function Is_Valid (Object : in Wrapper) return Boolean; -- If this is ever raised it means FLTK has returned a value or otherwise -- acted in a way that the binding really did not expect. Internal_FLTK_Error : exception; -- Text buffers for marshalling purposes will be this size. Buffer_Size : constant Natural := 1024; -- Color -- -- Values scale from A/Black to X/White type Greyscale is new Character range 'A' .. 'X'; type Color is mod 2**32; type Color_Component is mod 256; type Color_Component_Array is array (Positive range <>) of aliased Color_Component; subtype Blend is Float range 0.0 .. 1.0; function RGB_Color (Light : in Greyscale) return Color; function RGB_Color (Light : in Color_Component) return Color; function RGB_Color (R, G, B : in Color_Component) return Color; function Color_Cube (R, G, B : in Color_Component) return Color; function Grey_Ramp (Light : in Greyscale) return Color; function Grey_Ramp (Light : in Color_Component) return Color; function Darker (Tone : in Color) return Color; function Lighter (Tone : in Color) return Color; function Contrast (Fore, Back : in Color) return Color; function Inactive (Tone : in Color) return Color; function Color_Average (Tone1, Tone2 : in Color; Weight : in Blend := 0.5) return Color; -- Examples of RGB colors without the above function -- The lowest byte has to be 00 for the color to be RGB RGB_Red_Color : constant Color := 16#ff000000#; RGB_Green_Color : constant Color := 16#00ff0000#; RGB_Blue_Color : constant Color := 16#0000ff00#; RGB_White_Color : constant Color := 16#ffffff00#; -- Standard colors used in widgets Foreground_Color : constant Color := 0; Background2_Color : constant Color := 7; Inactive_Color : constant Color := 8; Selection_Color : constant Color := 15; -- X allocation area Free_Color : constant Color := 16; -- Standard boxtype colors Grey0_Color : constant Color := 32; Dark3_Color : constant Color := 39; Dark2_Color : constant Color := 45; Dark1_Color : constant Color := 47; Background_Color : constant Color := 49; Light1_Color : constant Color := 50; Light2_Color : constant Color := 52; Light3_Color : constant Color := 54; -- Color cube colors Black_Color : constant Color := 56; Red_Color : constant Color := 88; Green_Color : constant Color := 63; Yellow_Color : constant Color := 95; Blue_Color : constant Color := 216; Magenta_Color : constant Color := 248; Cyan_Color : constant Color := 223; Dark_Red_Color : constant Color := 72; Dark_Green_Color : constant Color := 60; Dark_Yellow_Color : constant Color := 76; Dark_Blue_Color : constant Color := 136; Dark_Magenta_Color : constant Color := 152; Dark_Cyan_Color : constant Color := 140; White_Color : constant Color := 255; -- Alignment -- -- This should be a bitmask, except there are magic values... type Alignment is private; function "+" (Left, Right : in Alignment) return Alignment; function "-" (Left, Right : in Alignment) return Alignment; Align_Center : constant Alignment; Align_Top : constant Alignment; Align_Bottom : constant Alignment; Align_Left : constant Alignment; Align_Right : constant Alignment; Align_Inside : constant Alignment; Align_Text_Over_Image : constant Alignment; Align_Image_Over_Text : constant Alignment; Align_Clip : constant Alignment; Align_Wrap : constant Alignment; Align_Image_Next_To_Text : constant Alignment; Align_Text_Next_To_Image : constant Alignment; Align_Image_Backdrop : constant Alignment; Align_Top_Left : constant Alignment; Align_Top_Right : constant Alignment; Align_Bottom_Left : constant Alignment; Align_Bottom_Right : constant Alignment; Align_Left_Top : constant Alignment; Align_Right_Top : constant Alignment; Align_Left_Bottom : constant Alignment; Align_Right_Bottom : constant Alignment; Align_Nowrap : constant Alignment; Align_All_Position : constant Alignment; Align_All_Image : constant Alignment; -- Mouse Cursors -- type Mouse_Cursor_Kind is (Default_Mouse, Arrow_Mouse, Crosshair_Mouse, Wait_Mouse, Insert_Mouse, Hand_Mouse, Help_Mouse, Move_Mouse, NS_Mouse, WE_Mouse, NWSE_Mouse, NESW_Mouse, N_Mouse, NE_Mouse, E_Mouse, SE_Mouse, S_Mouse, SW_Mouse, W_Mouse, NW_Mouse, None_Mouse) with Default_Value => Default_Mouse; -- Keyboard and Mouse Input -- type Keypress is private; subtype Pressable_Key is Character range Character'Val (32) .. Character'Val (126); function Press (Key : in Pressable_Key) return Keypress; Enter_Key : constant Keypress; Keypad_Enter_Key : constant Keypress; Backspace_Key : constant Keypress; Insert_Key : constant Keypress; Delete_Key : constant Keypress; Home_Key : constant Keypress; End_Key : constant Keypress; Page_Down_Key : constant Keypress; Page_Up_Key : constant Keypress; Down_Key : constant Keypress; Left_Key : constant Keypress; Right_Key : constant Keypress; Up_Key : constant Keypress; Escape_Key : constant Keypress; Tab_Key : constant Keypress; type Mouse_Button is (No_Button, Left_Button, Middle_Button, Right_Button); type Key_Combo is private; function Press (Key : in Pressable_Key) return Key_Combo; function Press (Key : in Keypress) return Key_Combo; function Press (Key : in Mouse_Button) return Key_Combo; No_Key : constant Key_Combo; type Modifier is private; function "+" (Left, Right : in Modifier) return Modifier; function "+" (Left : in Modifier; Right : in Pressable_Key) return Key_Combo; function "+" (Left : in Modifier; Right : in Keypress) return Key_Combo; function "+" (Left : in Modifier; Right : in Mouse_Button) return Key_Combo; function "+" (Left : in Modifier; Right : in Key_Combo) return Key_Combo; Mod_None : constant Modifier; Mod_Shift : constant Modifier; Mod_Caps_Lock : constant Modifier; Mod_Ctrl : constant Modifier; Mod_Alt : constant Modifier; Mod_Num_Lock : constant Modifier; Mod_Meta : constant Modifier; Mod_Scroll_Lock : constant Modifier; Mod_Command : constant Modifier; -- Box Types -- type Box_Kind is (No_Box, Flat_Box, Up_Box, Down_Box, Up_Frame, Down_Frame, Thin_Up_Box, Thin_Down_Box, Thin_Up_Frame, Thin_Down_Frame, Engraved_Box, Embossed_Box, Engraved_Frame, Embossed_Frame, Border_Box, Shadow_Box, Border_Frame, Shadow_Frame, Rounded_Box, RShadow_Box, Rounded_Frame, RFlat_Box, Round_Up_Box, Round_Down_Box, Diamond_Up_Box, Diamond_Down_Box, Oval_Box, OShadow_Box, Oval_Frame, OFlat_Box, Plastic_Up_Box, Plastic_Down_Box, Plastic_Up_Frame, Plastic_Down_Frame, Plastic_Thin_Up_Box, Plastic_Thin_Down_Box, Plastic_Round_Up_Box, Plastic_Round_Down_Box, Gtk_Up_Box, Gtk_Down_Box, Gtk_Up_Frame, Gtk_Down_Frame, Gtk_Thin_Up_Box, Gtk_Thin_Down_Box, Gtk_Thin_Up_Frame, Gtk_Thin_Down_Frame, Gtk_Round_Up_Box, Gtk_Round_Down_Box, Gleam_Up_Box, Gleam_Down_Box, Gleam_Up_Frame, Gleam_Down_Frame, Gleam_Thin_Up_Box, Gleam_Thin_Down_Box, Gleam_Round_Up_Box, Gleam_Round_Down_Box, Free_Box); function Filled (Box : in Box_Kind) return Box_Kind; function Frame (Box : in Box_Kind) return Box_Kind; function Down (Box : in Box_Kind) return Box_Kind; -- Fonts -- type Font_Kind is (Helvetica, Helvetica_Bold, Helvetica_Italic, Helvetica_Bold_Italic, Courier, Courier_Bold, Courier_Italic, Courier_Bold_Italic, Times, Times_Bold, Times_Italic, Times_Bold_Italic, Symbol, Monospace, Monospace_Bold, Zapf_Dingbats, Free_Font); type Font_Size is new Natural; Normal_Size : constant Font_Size := 14; type Font_Size_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Font_Size; -- Label Types -- type Label_Kind is (Normal_Label, No_Label, Shadow_Label, Engraved_Label, Embossed_Label, Multi_Label, Icon_Label, Image_Label, Free_Label); -- Events -- type Event_Kind is (No_Event, Push, Release, Enter, Leave, Drag, Focus, Unfocus, Keydown, Keyup, Close, Move, Shortcut, Deactivate, Activate, Hide, Show, Paste, Selection_Clear, Mouse_Wheel, DnD_Enter, DnD_Drag, DnD_Leave, DnD_Release, Screen_Config_Changed, Fullscreen); type Event_Outcome is (Not_Handled, Handled); -- Callback Flags -- type Callback_Flag is record Changed : Boolean := False; Interact : Boolean := False; Release : Boolean := False; Enter_Key : Boolean := False; end record; function "+" (Left, Right : in Callback_Flag) return Callback_Flag; function "-" (Left, Right : in Callback_Flag) return Callback_Flag; Call_Never : constant Callback_Flag; When_Changed : constant Callback_Flag; When_Interact : constant Callback_Flag; When_Release : constant Callback_Flag; When_Release_Always : constant Callback_Flag; When_Enter_Key : constant Callback_Flag; When_Enter_Key_Always : constant Callback_Flag; -- Menu Flags -- -- It's easier to have this here rather than in Menu_Items for visibility reasons. type Menu_Flag is record Inactive : Boolean := False; Toggle : Boolean := False; Value : Boolean := False; Radio : Boolean := False; Invisible : Boolean := False; Submenu : Boolean := False; Divider : Boolean := False; end record; function "+" (Left, Right : in Menu_Flag) return Menu_Flag; function "-" (Left, Right : in Menu_Flag) return Menu_Flag; Flag_Normal : constant Menu_Flag; Flag_Inactive : constant Menu_Flag; Flag_Toggle : constant Menu_Flag; Flag_Value : constant Menu_Flag; Flag_Radio : constant Menu_Flag; Flag_Invisible : constant Menu_Flag; Flag_Submenu : constant Menu_Flag; Flag_Divider : constant Menu_Flag; -- Damage Bits -- type Damage_Mask is record Child : Boolean := False; Expose : Boolean := False; Scroll : Boolean := False; Overlay : Boolean := False; User_1 : Boolean := False; User_2 : Boolean := False; Full : Boolean := False; end record; function "+" (Left, Right : in Damage_Mask) return Damage_Mask; function "-" (Left, Right : in Damage_Mask) return Damage_Mask; Damage_None : constant Damage_Mask; Damage_Child : constant Damage_Mask; Damage_Expose : constant Damage_Mask; Damage_Scroll : constant Damage_Mask; Damage_Overlay : constant Damage_Mask; Damage_User_1 : constant Damage_Mask; Damage_User_2 : constant Damage_Mask; Damage_Full : constant Damage_Mask; -- Versioning -- type Version_Number is new Natural; function ABI_Check (ABI_Ver : in Version_Number) return Boolean; function ABI_Version return Version_Number; function API_Version return Version_Number; function Version return Version_Number; -- Threads -- procedure Awake; procedure Lock; procedure Unlock; -- Drawing -- -- Need to check/revise these damage bits... function Is_Damaged return Boolean; procedure Set_Damaged (To : in Boolean); procedure Flush; procedure Redraw; -- Event Loop -- function Check return Boolean; function Ready return Boolean; function Wait return Integer; function Wait (Seconds : in Long_Float) return Long_Float; function Run return Integer; private package Storage renames System.Storage_Elements; use type Interfaces.C.size_t, Storage.Integer_Address; Null_Pointer : constant Storage.Integer_Address := Storage.To_Integer (System.Null_Address); pragma Linker_Options ("-lfltk"); pragma Linker_Options ("-lfltk_images"); pragma Linker_Options ("-lfltk_gl"); function c_pointer_size return Interfaces.C.size_t; pragma Import (C, c_pointer_size, "c_pointer_size"); -- If this fails then we are on an architecture that for whatever reason -- has significant problems interfacing between C and Ada pragma Assert (c_pointer_size * Interfaces.C.CHAR_BIT = Storage.Integer_Address'Size, "Size of C void pointers and size of Ada address values do not match"); -- Note: This has to be Limited because otherwise the various init subprograms -- wouldn't work, the widget callbacks wouldn't work, deallocation would be -- a mess, really just all sorts of problems. type Wrapper is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record Void_Ptr : Storage.Integer_Address := Null_Pointer; Needs_Dealloc : Boolean := True; end record; for Color_Component_Array'Component_Size use Interfaces.C.CHAR_BIT; pragma Convention (C, Color_Component_Array); pragma Pack (Color_Component_Array); -- Default value here is Align_Center type Alignment is mod 2 ** 16 with Default_Value => 0; for Alignment'Size use 16; pragma Import (C, Align_Center, "fl_align_center"); pragma Import (C, Align_Top, "fl_align_top"); pragma Import (C, Align_Bottom, "fl_align_bottom"); pragma Import (C, Align_Left, "fl_align_left"); pragma Import (C, Align_Right, "fl_align_right"); pragma Import (C, Align_Inside, "fl_align_inside"); pragma Import (C, Align_Text_Over_Image, "fl_align_text_over_image"); pragma Import (C, Align_Image_Over_Text, "fl_align_image_over_text"); pragma Import (C, Align_Clip, "fl_align_clip"); pragma Import (C, Align_Wrap, "fl_align_wrap"); pragma Import (C, Align_Image_Next_To_Text, "fl_align_image_next_to_text"); pragma Import (C, Align_Text_Next_To_Image, "fl_align_text_next_to_image"); pragma Import (C, Align_Image_Backdrop, "fl_align_image_backdrop"); pragma Import (C, Align_Top_Left, "fl_align_top_left"); pragma Import (C, Align_Top_Right, "fl_align_top_right"); pragma Import (C, Align_Bottom_Left, "fl_align_bottom_left"); pragma Import (C, Align_Bottom_Right, "fl_align_bottom_right"); pragma Import (C, Align_Left_Top, "fl_align_left_top"); pragma Import (C, Align_Right_Top, "fl_align_right_top"); pragma Import (C, Align_Left_Bottom, "fl_align_left_bottom"); pragma Import (C, Align_Right_Bottom, "fl_align_right_bottom"); pragma Import (C, Align_Nowrap, "fl_align_nowrap"); pragma Import (C, Align_All_Position, "fl_align_all_position"); pragma Import (C, Align_All_Image, "fl_align_all_image"); -- What delightful magic numbers FLTK cursors are! -- (These correspond to the enum found in Enumerations.H) Cursor_Values : array (Mouse_Cursor_Kind) of Interfaces.C.int := (Default_Mouse => 0, Arrow_Mouse => 35, Crosshair_Mouse => 66, Wait_Mouse => 76, Insert_Mouse => 77, Hand_Mouse => 31, Help_Mouse => 47, Move_Mouse => 27, NS_Mouse => 78, WE_Mouse => 79, NWSE_Mouse => 80, NESW_Mouse => 81, N_Mouse => 70, NE_Mouse => 69, E_Mouse => 49, SE_Mouse => 8, S_Mouse => 9, SW_Mouse => 7, W_Mouse => 36, NW_Mouse => 68, None_Mouse => 255); type Keypress is new Interfaces.Unsigned_16; type Modifier is new Interfaces.Unsigned_16; type Key_Combo is record Modcode : Modifier; Keycode : Keypress; Mousecode : Mouse_Button; end record; function To_C (Key : in Key_Combo) return Interfaces.C.int; function To_Ada (Key : in Interfaces.C.int) return Key_Combo; function To_C (Key : in Keypress) return Interfaces.C.int; function To_Ada (Key : in Interfaces.C.int) return Keypress; function To_C (Modi : in Modifier) return Interfaces.C.int; function To_Ada (Modi : in Interfaces.C.int) return Modifier; function To_C (Button : in Mouse_Button) return Interfaces.C.int; function To_Ada (Button : in Interfaces.C.int) return Mouse_Button; -- these values designed to align with FLTK enumeration types Mod_None : constant Modifier := 2#00000000#; Mod_Shift : constant Modifier := 2#00000001#; Mod_Caps_Lock : constant Modifier := 2#00000010#; Mod_Ctrl : constant Modifier := 2#00000100#; Mod_Alt : constant Modifier := 2#00001000#; Mod_Num_Lock : constant Modifier := 2#00010000#; -- Missing 2#00100000#; Mod_Meta : constant Modifier := 2#01000000#; Mod_Scroll_Lock : constant Modifier := 2#10000000#; -- If this is Apple then Mod_Meta, otherwise Mod_Ctrl pragma Import (C, Mod_Command, "fl_mod_command"); No_Key : constant Key_Combo := (Modcode => Mod_None, Keycode => 0, Mousecode => No_Button); -- these values correspond to constants defined in FLTK Enumerations.H Enter_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff0d#; Keypad_Enter_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff8d#; Backspace_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff08#; Insert_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff63#; Delete_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ffff#; Home_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff50#; End_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff57#; Page_Down_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff56#; Page_Up_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff55#; Down_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff54#; Left_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff51#; Right_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff53#; Up_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff52#; Escape_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff1b#; Tab_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff09#; for Callback_Flag use record Changed at 0 range 0 .. 0; Interact at 0 range 1 .. 1; Release at 0 range 2 .. 2; Enter_Key at 0 range 3 .. 3; end record; for Callback_Flag'Size use Interfaces.C.unsigned_char'Size; Call_Never : constant Callback_Flag := (others => False); When_Changed : constant Callback_Flag := (Changed => True, others => False); When_Interact : constant Callback_Flag := (Interact => True, others => False); When_Release : constant Callback_Flag := (Release => True, others => False); When_Enter_Key : constant Callback_Flag := (Enter_Key => True, others => False); When_Release_Always : constant Callback_Flag := (Release => True, Interact => True, others => False); When_Enter_Key_Always : constant Callback_Flag := (Enter_Key => True, Interact => True, others => False); function Flag_To_UChar is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Callback_Flag, Interfaces.C.unsigned_char); function UChar_To_Flag is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Interfaces.C.unsigned_char, Callback_Flag); for Menu_Flag use record Inactive at 0 range 0 .. 0; Toggle at 0 range 1 .. 1; Value at 0 range 2 .. 2; Radio at 0 range 3 .. 3; Invisible at 0 range 4 .. 4; -- Submenu_Pointer unused Submenu at 0 range 6 .. 6; Divider at 0 range 7 .. 7; end record; for Menu_Flag'Size use Interfaces.C.int'Size; Flag_Normal : constant Menu_Flag := (others => False); Flag_Inactive : constant Menu_Flag := (Inactive => True, others => False); Flag_Toggle : constant Menu_Flag := (Toggle => True, others => False); Flag_Value : constant Menu_Flag := (Value => True, others => False); Flag_Radio : constant Menu_Flag := (Radio => True, others => False); Flag_Invisible : constant Menu_Flag := (Invisible => True, others => False); -- Flag_Submenu_Pointer unused Flag_Submenu : constant Menu_Flag := (Submenu => True, others => False); Flag_Divider : constant Menu_Flag := (Divider => True, others => False); function MFlag_To_Cint is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Menu_Flag, Interfaces.C.int); function Cint_To_MFlag is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Interfaces.C.int, Menu_Flag); for Damage_Mask use record Child at 0 range 0 .. 0; Expose at 0 range 1 .. 1; Scroll at 0 range 2 .. 2; Overlay at 0 range 3 .. 3; User_1 at 0 range 4 .. 4; User_2 at 0 range 5 .. 5; -- bit 6 missing Full at 0 range 7 .. 7; end record; for Damage_Mask'Size use Interfaces.C.unsigned_char'Size; Damage_None : constant Damage_Mask := (others => False); Damage_Child : constant Damage_Mask := (Child => True, others => False); Damage_Expose : constant Damage_Mask := (Expose => True, others => False); Damage_Scroll : constant Damage_Mask := (Scroll => True, others => False); Damage_Overlay : constant Damage_Mask := (Overlay => True, others => False); Damage_User_1 : constant Damage_Mask := (User_1 => True, others => False); Damage_User_2 : constant Damage_Mask := (User_2 => True, others => False); Damage_Full : constant Damage_Mask := (Full => True, others => False); function Mask_To_UChar is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Damage_Mask, Interfaces.C.unsigned_char); function UChar_To_Mask is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Interfaces.C.unsigned_char, Damage_Mask); pragma Import (C, Awake, "fl_awake"); pragma Import (C, Lock, "fl_lock"); pragma Import (C, Unlock, "fl_unlock"); pragma Import (C, Flush, "fl_flush"); pragma Import (C, Redraw, "fl_redraw"); pragma Inline (RGB_Color); pragma Inline (Color_Cube); pragma Inline (Contrast); pragma Inline (Grey_Ramp); pragma Inline (Darker); pragma Inline (Lighter); pragma Inline (Contrast); pragma Inline (Inactive); pragma Inline (Color_Average); pragma Inline (ABI_Check); pragma Inline (ABI_Version); pragma Inline (API_Version); pragma Inline (Version); pragma Inline (Awake); pragma Inline (Lock); pragma Inline (Unlock); pragma Inline (Is_Damaged); pragma Inline (Set_Damaged); pragma Inline (Flush); pragma Inline (Redraw); pragma Inline (Check); pragma Inline (Ready); pragma Inline (Wait); pragma Inline (Run); end FLTK;