with FLTK.Images; package FLTK.Devices.Graphics is type Graphics_Driver is new Device with private; type Graphics_Driver_Reference (Data : not null access Graphics_Driver'Class) is limited null record with Implicit_Dereference => Data; function Get_Color (This : in Graphics_Driver) return Color; function Get_Text_Descent (This : in Graphics_Driver) return Integer; function Get_Line_Height (This : in Graphics_Driver) return Integer; function Get_Width (This : in Graphics_Driver; Char : in Character) return Long_Float; function Get_Width (This : in Graphics_Driver; Str : in String) return Long_Float; function Get_Font_Kind (This : in Graphics_Driver) return Font_Kind; function Get_Font_Size (This : in Graphics_Driver) return Font_Size; procedure Set_Font (This : in Graphics_Driver; Face : in Font_Kind; Size : in Font_Size); procedure Draw_Scaled_Image (This : in Graphics_Driver; Img : in FLTK.Images.Image'Class; X, Y, W, H : in Integer); private type Graphics_Driver is new Device with null record; pragma Inline (Get_Color); pragma Inline (Get_Text_Descent); pragma Inline (Get_Line_Height); pragma Inline (Get_Width); pragma Inline (Get_Font_Kind); pragma Inline (Get_Font_Size); pragma Inline (Set_Font); pragma Inline (Draw_Scaled_Image); end FLTK.Devices.Graphics;