-- Programmed by Jedidiah Barber -- Released into the public domain package FLTK.Images.Bitmaps is ------------- -- Types -- ------------- type Bitmap is new Image with private; type Bitmap_Reference (Data : not null access Bitmap'Class) is limited null record with Implicit_Dereference => Data; -------------------- -- Construction -- -------------------- package Forge is -- Please note that I'm pretty sure (?) input data here should be some -- declared item that lives at least as long as the resulting Bitmap function Create (Data : in Color_Component_Array; Width, Height : in Natural) return Bitmap; end Forge; function Copy (This : in Bitmap; Width, Height : in Natural) return Bitmap'Class; function Copy (This : in Bitmap) return Bitmap'Class; ---------------- -- Activity -- ---------------- procedure Uncache (This : in out Bitmap); --------------- -- Drawing -- --------------- procedure Draw (This : in Bitmap; X, Y : in Integer); procedure Draw (This : in Bitmap; X, Y, W, H : in Integer; CX, CY : in Integer := 0); private type Bitmap is new Image with null record; overriding procedure Finalize (This : in out Bitmap); pragma Inline (Copy); pragma Inline (Uncache); pragma Inline (Draw); end FLTK.Images.Bitmaps;