package FLTK.Images is ------------- -- Types -- ------------- type Image is new Wrapper with private; type Image_Reference (Data : not null access Image'Class) is limited null record with Implicit_Dereference => Data; type Scaling_Kind is (Nearest, Bilinear); type Blend is new Float range 0.0 .. 1.0; No_Image_Error, File_Access_Error, Format_Error : exception; -------------------- -- Construction -- -------------------- package Forge is function Create (Width, Height, Depth : in Natural) return Image; end Forge; function Get_Copy_Algorithm return Scaling_Kind; procedure Set_Copy_Algorithm (To : in Scaling_Kind); function Copy (This : in Image; Width, Height : in Natural) return Image'Class; function Copy (This : in Image) return Image'Class; -------------- -- Colors -- -------------- procedure Color_Average (This : in out Image; Col : in Color; Amount : in Blend); procedure Desaturate (This : in out Image); ---------------- -- Activity -- ---------------- procedure Inactive (This : in out Image); function Is_Empty (This : in Image) return Boolean; procedure Uncache (This : in out Image); ------------------ -- Dimensions -- ------------------ function Get_W (This : in Image) return Natural; function Get_H (This : in Image) return Natural; function Get_D (This : in Image) return Natural; function Get_Line_Data (This : in Image) return Natural; function Get_Data_Count (This : in Image) return Natural; function Get_Data_Size (This : in Image) return Natural; ------------------ -- Pixel Data -- ------------------ function Get_Datum (This : in Image; Data : in Positive; Position : in Positive) return Color_Component with Pre => Data <= Get_Data_Count (This) and Position <= Get_Data_Size (This); procedure Set_Datum (This : in out Image; Data : in Positive; Position : in Positive; Value : in Color_Component) with Pre => Data <= Get_Data_Count (This) and Position <= Get_Data_Size (This); function Get_Data (This : in Image; Data : in Positive; Position : in Positive; Count : in Natural) return Color_Component_Array with Pre => Data <= Get_Data_Count (This) and Position <= Get_Data_Size (This) and Count <= Get_Data_Size (This) - Position + 1; function All_Data (This : in Image; Data : in Positive) return Color_Component_Array with Pre => Data <= Get_Data_Count (This); procedure Update_Data (This : in out Image; Data : in Positive; Position : in Positive; Values : in Color_Component_Array) with Pre => Data <= Get_Data_Count (This) and Position <= Get_Data_Size (This) and Values'Length <= Get_Data_Size (This) - Position + 1; --------------- -- Drawing -- --------------- procedure Draw (This : in Image; X, Y : in Integer); procedure Draw (This : in Image; X, Y, W, H : in Integer; CX, CY : in Integer := 0); procedure Draw_Empty (This : in Image; X, Y : in Integer); private type Image is new Wrapper with null record; overriding procedure Finalize (This : in out Image); pragma Inline (Get_Copy_Algorithm); pragma Inline (Set_Copy_Algorithm); pragma Inline (Copy); pragma Inline (Color_Average); pragma Inline (Desaturate); pragma Inline (Inactive); pragma Inline (Is_Empty); pragma Inline (Uncache); pragma Inline (Get_W); pragma Inline (Get_H); pragma Inline (Get_D); pragma Inline (Get_Line_Data); pragma Inline (Get_Data_Count); pragma Inline (Draw); pragma Inline (Draw_Empty); function fl_image_fail (I : in System.Address) return; pragma Import (C, fl_image_fail, "fl_image_fail"); end FLTK.Images;