-- Programmed by Jedidiah Barber -- Released into the public domain with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion, FLTK.Widgets; use type FLTK.Widgets.Widget_Callback; package body FLTK.Widget_Callback_Conversions is function To_Access (Addy : in Storage.Integer_Address) return FLTK.Widgets.Widget_Callback is function Raw is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Storage.Integer_Address, FLTK.Widgets.Widget_Callback); begin if Addy = Null_Pointer then return null; else return Raw (Addy); end if; end To_Access; function To_Address (Call : in FLTK.Widgets.Widget_Callback) return Storage.Integer_Address is function Raw is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (FLTK.Widgets.Widget_Callback, Storage.Integer_Address); begin if Call = null then return Null_Pointer; else return Raw (Call); end if; end To_Address; end FLTK.Widget_Callback_Conversions;