private with Interfaces.C, Ada.Containers.Vectors; package FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Text_Displays.Text_Editors is type Text_Editor is new Text_Display with private; type Text_Editor_Reference (Data : not null access Text_Editor'Class) is limited null record with Implicit_Dereference => Data; type Insert_Mode is (Before, After); -- type Tab_Navigation is (Insert_Char, Widget_Focus); type Key_Func is access procedure (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); type Default_Key_Func is access procedure (This : in out Text_Editor'Class; Key : in Key_Combo); type Key_Binding is record Key : Key_Combo; Func : Key_Func; end record; type Key_Binding_List is array (Positive range <>) of Key_Binding; package Forge is function Create (X, Y, W, H : in Integer; Text : in String) return Text_Editor; end Forge; procedure Default (This : in out Text_Editor'Class; Key : in Key_Combo); procedure Undo (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure Cut (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure Copy (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure Paste (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure Delete (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure Select_All (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Backspace (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Insert (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Enter (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ignore (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Home (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_End (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Page_Down (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Page_Up (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Down (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Left (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Right (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Up (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Shift_Home (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Shift_End (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Shift_Page_Down (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Shift_Page_Up (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Shift_Down (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Shift_Left (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Shift_Right (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Shift_Up (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Home (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_End (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Page_Down (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Page_Up (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Down (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Left (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Right (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Up (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Shift_Home (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Shift_End (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Shift_Page_Down (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Shift_Page_Up (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Shift_Down (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Shift_Left (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Shift_Right (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); procedure KF_Ctrl_Shift_Up (This : in out Text_Editor'Class); Default_Key_Bindings : constant Key_Binding_List := ((Mod_None + Enter_Key, KF_Enter'Access), (Mod_None + Keypad_Enter_Key, KF_Enter'Access), (Mod_None + Backspace_Key, KF_Backspace'Access), (Mod_None + Insert_Key, KF_Insert'Access), (Mod_None + Delete_Key, Delete'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + 'c', Copy'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + 'v', Paste'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + 'x', Cut'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + 'z', Undo'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + 'a', Select_All'Access), (Mod_None + Home_Key, KF_Home'Access), (Mod_None + End_Key, KF_End'Access), (Mod_None + Page_Down_Key, KF_Page_Down'Access), (Mod_None + Page_Up_Key, KF_Page_Up'Access), (Mod_None + Down_Key, KF_Down'Access), (Mod_None + Left_Key, KF_Left'Access), (Mod_None + Right_Key, KF_Right'Access), (Mod_None + Up_Key, KF_Up'Access), (Mod_Shift + Home_Key, KF_Shift_Home'Access), (Mod_Shift + End_Key, KF_Shift_End'Access), (Mod_Shift + Page_Down_Key, KF_Shift_Page_Down'Access), (Mod_Shift + Page_Up_Key, KF_Shift_Page_Up'Access), (Mod_Shift + Down_Key, KF_Shift_Down'Access), (Mod_Shift + Left_Key, KF_Shift_Left'Access), (Mod_Shift + Right_Key, KF_Shift_Right'Access), (Mod_Shift + Up_Key, KF_Shift_Up'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Home_Key, KF_Ctrl_Home'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + End_Key, KF_Ctrl_End'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Page_Down_Key, KF_Ctrl_Page_Down'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Page_Up_Key, KF_Ctrl_Page_Up'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Down_Key, KF_Ctrl_Down'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Left_Key, KF_Ctrl_Left'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Right_Key, KF_Ctrl_Right'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Up_Key, KF_Ctrl_Up'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Mod_Shift + Home_Key, KF_Ctrl_Shift_Home'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Mod_Shift + End_Key, KF_Ctrl_Shift_End'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Mod_Shift + Page_Down_Key, KF_Ctrl_Shift_Page_Down'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Mod_Shift + Page_Up_Key, KF_Ctrl_Shift_Page_Up'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Mod_Shift + Down_Key, KF_Ctrl_Shift_Down'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Mod_Shift + Left_Key, KF_Ctrl_Shift_Left'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Mod_Shift + Right_Key, KF_Ctrl_Shift_Right'Access), (Mod_Ctrl + Mod_Shift + Up_Key, KF_Ctrl_Shift_Up'Access)); procedure Add_Key_Binding (This : in out Text_Editor; Key : in Key_Combo; Func : in Key_Func); procedure Add_Key_Binding (This : in out Text_Editor; Bind : in Key_Binding); procedure Add_Key_Bindings (This : in out Text_Editor; List : in Key_Binding_List); function Get_Bound_Key_Function (This : in Text_Editor; Key : in Key_Combo) return Key_Func; procedure Remove_Key_Binding (This : in out Text_Editor; Key : in Key_Combo); procedure Remove_Key_Binding (This : in out Text_Editor; Bind : in Key_Binding); procedure Remove_Key_Bindings (This : in out Text_Editor; List : in Key_Binding_List); procedure Remove_All_Key_Bindings (This : in out Text_Editor); function Get_Default_Key_Function (This : in Text_Editor) return Default_Key_Func; procedure Set_Default_Key_Function (This : in out Text_Editor; Func : in Default_Key_Func); function Get_Insert_Mode (This : in Text_Editor) return Insert_Mode; procedure Set_Insert_Mode (This : in out Text_Editor; To : in Insert_Mode); -- function Get_Tab_Nav_Mode -- (This : in Text_Editor) -- return Tab_Navigation; -- procedure Set_Tab_Nav_Mode -- (This : in out Text_Editor; -- To : in Tab_Navigation); procedure Draw (This : in out Text_Editor); function Handle (This : in out Text_Editor; Event : in Event_Kind) return Event_Outcome; private package Binding_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => Key_Binding); type Text_Editor is new Text_Display with record Bindings : Binding_Vectors.Vector; Default_Func : Default_Key_Func; end record; overriding procedure Finalize (This : in out Text_Editor); function Key_Func_Hook (K : in; E : in System.Address) return; pragma Convention (C, Key_Func_Hook); package Editor_Convert is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (Text_Editor'Class); pragma Inline (Default); pragma Inline (Undo); pragma Inline (Cut); pragma Inline (Copy); pragma Inline (Paste); pragma Inline (Delete); pragma Inline (Select_All); pragma Inline (KF_Backspace); pragma Inline (KF_Insert); pragma Inline (KF_Enter); pragma Inline (KF_Ignore); pragma Inline (KF_Home); pragma Inline (KF_End); pragma Inline (KF_Page_Down); pragma Inline (KF_Page_Up); pragma Inline (KF_Down); pragma Inline (KF_Left); pragma Inline (KF_Right); pragma Inline (KF_Up); pragma Inline (KF_Shift_Home); pragma Inline (KF_Shift_End); pragma Inline (KF_Shift_Page_Down); pragma Inline (KF_Shift_Page_Up); pragma Inline (KF_Shift_Down); pragma Inline (KF_Shift_Left); pragma Inline (KF_Shift_Right); pragma Inline (KF_Shift_Up); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Home); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_End); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Page_Down); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Page_Up); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Down); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Left); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Right); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Up); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Shift_Home); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Shift_End); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Shift_Page_Down); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Shift_Page_Up); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Shift_Down); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Shift_Left); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Shift_Right); pragma Inline (KF_Ctrl_Shift_Up); pragma Inline (Add_Key_Binding); pragma Inline (Remove_All_Key_Bindings); pragma Inline (Get_Default_Key_Function); pragma Inline (Set_Default_Key_Function); pragma Inline (Get_Insert_Mode); pragma Inline (Set_Insert_Mode); -- pragma Inline (Get_Tab_Nav_Mode); -- pragma Inline (Set_Tab_Nav_Mode); pragma Inline (Draw); pragma Inline (Handle); end FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Text_Displays.Text_Editors;