with FLTK.Images; limited with FLTK.Widgets.Groups; private with System; private with System.Address_To_Access_Conversions; private with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; private with Interfaces.C; package FLTK.Widgets is type Widget is new Wrapper with private; type Widget_Callback is access procedure (Item : in out Widget'Class); type Font_Size is new Natural; Normal_Size : constant Font_Size := 14; type Event_Outcome is (Not_Handled, Handled); function Create (X, Y, W, H : in Integer; Text : in String) return Widget; procedure Activate (This : in out Widget); procedure Deactivate (This : in out Widget); function Is_Active (This : in Widget) return Boolean; function Is_Tree_Active (This : in Widget) return Boolean; function Parent (This : in Widget) return access FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Group'Class; function Get_Box (This : in Widget) return Box_Kind; procedure Set_Box (This : in out Widget; Box : in Box_Kind); function Get_Label (This : in out Widget) return String; procedure Set_Label (This : in out Widget; Text : in String); function Get_Label_Font (This : in Widget) return Font_Kind; procedure Set_Label_Font (This : in out Widget; Font : in Font_Kind); function Get_Label_Size (This : in Widget) return Font_Size; procedure Set_Label_Size (This : in out Widget; Size : in Font_Size); function Get_Label_Type (This : in Widget) return Label_Kind; procedure Set_Label_Type (This : in out Widget; Label : in Label_Kind); procedure Set_Callback (This : in out Widget; Func : in Widget_Callback); function Get_X (This : in Widget) return Integer; function Get_Y (This : in Widget) return Integer; function Get_W (This : in Widget) return Integer; function Get_H (This : in Widget) return Integer; procedure Resize (This : in out Widget; W, H : in Integer); procedure Reposition (This : in out Widget; X, Y : in Integer); function Get_Image (This : in Widget) return access FLTK.Images.Image'Class; procedure Set_Image (This : in out Widget; Pic : in out FLTK.Images.Image'Class); procedure Draw (This : in out Widget) is null; function Handle (This : in out Widget; Event : in Event_Kind) return Event_Outcome; private type Widget is new Wrapper with record Callback : Widget_Callback; Current_Image : access FLTK.Images.Image'Class; end record; -- the user data portion should always be a reference back to the Ada binding procedure Callback_Hook (W, U : in System.Address); pragma Convention (C, Callback_Hook); procedure Draw_Hook (U : in System.Address); pragma Convention (C, Draw_Hook); function Handle_Hook (U : in System.Address; E : in Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Convention (C, Handle_Hook); overriding procedure Finalize (This : in out Widget); package Widget_Convert is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (Widget'Class); package Callback_Convert is function To_Pointer is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Widget_Callback); function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Widget_Callback, System.Address); end Callback_Convert; function fl_widget_get_user_data (W : in System.Address) return System.Address; pragma Import (C, fl_widget_get_user_data, "fl_widget_get_user_data"); procedure fl_widget_set_user_data (W, D : in System.Address); pragma Import (C, fl_widget_set_user_data, "fl_widget_set_user_data"); end FLTK.Widgets;