with Ada.Finalization; private with Interfaces.C, System; package FLTK is function Run return Integer; -- ugly implementation detail, never use this -- just ignore the hand moving behind the curtain -- (this is necessary so things like text_buffers and -- widgets can talk to each other behind the binding) type Wrapper is abstract new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with private; type Color is new Natural; type Color_Component is mod 256; No_Color : constant Color; type Alignment is private; Align_Center : constant Alignment; Align_Top : constant Alignment; Align_Bottom : constant Alignment; Align_Left : constant Alignment; Align_Right : constant Alignment; type Keypress is private; subtype Pressable_Key is Character range Character'Val (32) .. Character'Val (126); function Press (Key : in Pressable_Key) return Keypress; Enter_Key : constant Keypress; Keypad_Enter_Key : constant Keypress; Backspace_Key : constant Keypress; Insert_Key : constant Keypress; Delete_Key : constant Keypress; Home_Key : constant Keypress; End_Key : constant Keypress; Page_Down_Key : constant Keypress; Page_Up_Key : constant Keypress; Down_Key : constant Keypress; Left_Key : constant Keypress; Right_Key : constant Keypress; Up_Key : constant Keypress; Escape_Key : constant Keypress; type Mouse_Button is (No_Button, Left_Button, Middle_Button, Right_Button); type Key_Combo is private; function Press (Key : in Pressable_Key) return Key_Combo; function Press (Key : in Keypress) return Key_Combo; function Press (Key : in Mouse_Button) return Key_Combo; No_Key : constant Key_Combo; type Modifier is private; function "+" (Left, Right : in Modifier) return Modifier; function "+" (Left : in Modifier; Right : in Pressable_Key) return Key_Combo; function "+" (Left : in Modifier; Right : in Keypress) return Key_Combo; function "+" (Left : in Modifier; Right : in Mouse_Button) return Key_Combo; function "+" (Left : in Modifier; Right : in Key_Combo) return Key_Combo; Mod_None : constant Modifier; Mod_Shift : constant Modifier; Mod_Ctrl : constant Modifier; Mod_Alt : constant Modifier; type Box_Kind is (No_Box, Flat_Box, Up_Box, Down_Box, Up_Frame, Down_Frame, Thin_Up_Box, Thin_Down_Box, Thin_Up_Frame, Thin_Down_Frame, Engraved_Box, Embossed_Box, Engraved_Frame, Embossed_Frame, Border_Box, Shadow_Box, Border_Frame, Shadow_Frame, Rounded_Box, RShadow_Box, Rounded_Frame, RFlat_Box, Round_Up_Box, Round_Down_Box, Diamond_Up_Box, Diamond_Down_Box, Oval_Box, OShadow_Box, Oval_Frame, OFlat_Box, Plastic_Up_Box, Plastic_Down_Box, Plastic_Up_Frame, Plastic_Down_Frame, Plastic_Thin_Up_Box, Plastic_Thin_Down_Box, Plastic_Round_Up_Box, Plastic_Round_Down_Box, Gtk_Up_Box, Gtk_Down_Box, Gtk_Up_Frame, Gtk_Down_Frame, Gtk_Thin_Up_Box, Gtk_Thin_Down_Box, Gtk_Thin_Up_Frame, Gtk_Thin_Down_Frame, Gtk_Round_Up_Box, Gtk_Round_Down_Box, Gleam_Up_Box, Gleam_Down_Box, Gleam_Up_Frame, Gleam_Down_Frame, Gleam_Thin_Up_Box, Gleam_Thin_Down_Box, Gleam_Round_Up_Box, Gleam_Round_Down_Box, Free_Box); type Font_Kind is (Helvetica, Helvetica_Bold, Helvetica_Italic, Helvetica_Bold_Italic, Courier, Courier_Bold, Courier_Italic, Courier_Bold_Italic, Times, Times_Bold, Times_Italic, Times_Bold_Italic, Symbol, Monospace, Monospace_Bold, Zapf_Dingbats, Free_Font); type Font_Size is new Natural; Normal_Size : constant Font_Size := 14; type Label_Kind is (Normal_Label, No_Label, Shadow_Label, Engraved_Label, Embossed_Label, Multi_Label, Icon_Label, Image_Label, Free_Label); type Event_Kind is (No_Event, Push, Release, Enter, Leave, Drag, Focus, Unfocus, Keydown, Keyup, Close, Move, Shortcut, Deactivate, Activate, Hide, Show, Paste, Selection_Clear, Mouse_Wheel, DnD_Enter, DnD_Drag, DnD_Leave, DnD_Release, Screen_Config_Changed, Fullscreen); type Event_Outcome is (Not_Handled, Handled); type Menu_Flag is private; function "+" (Left, Right : in Menu_Flag) return Menu_Flag; Flag_Normal : constant Menu_Flag; Flag_Inactive : constant Menu_Flag; Flag_Toggle : constant Menu_Flag; Flag_Value : constant Menu_Flag; Flag_Radio : constant Menu_Flag; Flag_Invisible : constant Menu_Flag; Flag_Submenu : constant Menu_Flag; Flag_Divider : constant Menu_Flag; private function Has_Valid_Ptr (This : in Wrapper) return Boolean; type Wrapper is abstract new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record Void_Ptr : System.Address; Needs_Dealloc : Boolean := True; end record; -- with Type_Invariant => Has_Valid_Ptr (Wrapper); -- unsure if the above invariant is doing what I'm after -- oh well, something to work on overriding procedure Initialize (This : in out Wrapper); No_Color : constant Color := 0; type Alignment is new Interfaces.Unsigned_16; Align_Center : constant Alignment := 0; Align_Top : constant Alignment := 1; Align_Bottom : constant Alignment := 2; Align_Left : constant Alignment := 4; Align_Right : constant Alignment := 8; type Keypress is new Interfaces.Unsigned_16; type Modifier is new Interfaces.Unsigned_16; type Key_Combo is record Modcode : Modifier; Keycode : Keypress; Mousecode : Mouse_Button; end record; function To_C (Key : in Key_Combo) return Interfaces.C.unsigned_long; function To_Ada (Key : in Interfaces.C.unsigned_long) return Key_Combo; function To_C (Key : in Keypress) return Interfaces.C.unsigned_long; function To_Ada (Key : in Interfaces.C.unsigned_long) return Keypress; function To_C (Modi : in Modifier) return Interfaces.C.unsigned_long; function To_Ada (Modi : in Interfaces.C.unsigned_long) return Modifier; function To_C (Button : in Mouse_Button) return Interfaces.C.unsigned_long; function To_Ada (Button : in Interfaces.C.unsigned_long) return Mouse_Button; -- these values designed to align with FLTK enumeration types Mod_None : constant Modifier := 2#00000000#; Mod_Shift : constant Modifier := 2#00000001#; Mod_Ctrl : constant Modifier := 2#00000100#; Mod_Alt : constant Modifier := 2#00001000#; No_Key : constant Key_Combo := (Modcode => Mod_None, Keycode => 0, Mousecode => No_Button); -- these values correspond to constants defined in FLTK Enumerations.H Enter_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff0d#; Keypad_Enter_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff8d#; Backspace_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff08#; Insert_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff63#; Delete_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ffff#; Home_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff50#; End_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff57#; Page_Down_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff56#; Page_Up_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff55#; Down_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff54#; Left_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff51#; Right_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff53#; Up_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff52#; Escape_Key : constant Keypress := 16#ff1b#; type Menu_Flag is new Interfaces.Unsigned_8; Flag_Normal : constant Menu_Flag := 2#00000000#; Flag_Inactive : constant Menu_Flag := 2#00000001#; Flag_Toggle : constant Menu_Flag := 2#00000010#; Flag_Value : constant Menu_Flag := 2#00000100#; Flag_Radio : constant Menu_Flag := 2#00001000#; Flag_Invisible : constant Menu_Flag := 2#00010000#; -- Flag_Submenu_Pointer unlikely to be used Flag_Submenu : constant Menu_Flag := 2#01000000#; Flag_Divider : constant Menu_Flag := 2#10000000#; end FLTK;