with Datatypes, ANSI_Terminal, Ada.Characters.Latin_1, Ada.Text_IO; use Datatypes; use type Datatypes.Plane.Complex, Datatypes.Plane.Imaginary; procedure Fluid_Simulator is package ANSI renames ANSI_Terminal; package Latin renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1; package IO renames Ada.Text_IO; Particles : Particle_Vector := Particle_Vectors.Empty_Vector; -- Constant properties of particles Particle_Radius : constant Quantity := 2.0; Particle_Mass : constant Quantity := 1.0; -- Constant used in calculating fluid interaction forces P0 : constant Quantity := 1.5; -- Other constant force factors Gravity_Factor : constant Plane.Complex := Plane.Compose_From_Cartesian (0.0, 1.0); Pressure_Factor : constant Quantity := 4.0; Viscosity_Factor : constant Quantity := 8.0; procedure Read_Input (Store : out Particle_Vector) is Input : Character; X, Y : Quantity := 1.0; begin while not IO.End_Of_File (IO.Standard_Input) loop IO.Get_Immediate (Input); if Input = Latin.LF then X := 1.0; Y := Y + 2.0; else if Input > Latin.Space and Input < Latin.DEL then Store.Append (Create (X, Y, (Input = '#'))); Store.Append (Create (X, Y + 1.0, (Input = '#'))); end if; X := X + 1.0; end if; end loop; end Read_Input; procedure Calculate_Density (Store : in out Particle_Vector) is Rij, W : Quantity; begin for P of Store loop P.Density := (if P.Solid then 9.0 else 0.0); for Q of Store loop Rij := Plane.Modulus (P.Place - Q.Place); W := (Rij / Particle_Radius - 1.0) ** 2; if Rij < Particle_Radius then P.Density := P.Density + Particle_Mass * W; end if; end loop; end loop; end Calculate_Density; procedure Calculate_Interaction (Store : in out Particle_Vector) is Displacement, Pressure, Viscosity : Plane.Complex; Rij : Quantity; begin for P of Store loop P.Acceleration := Gravity_Factor; for Q of Store loop Displacement := P.Place - Q.Place; Rij := Plane.Modulus (Displacement); if Rij < Particle_Radius then Pressure := (P.Density + Q.Density - 2.0 * P0) * Pressure_Factor * Displacement; Viscosity := (P.Velocity - Q.Velocity) * Viscosity_Factor; P.Acceleration := P.Acceleration + Plane.Compose_From_Cartesian (1.0 - Rij / Particle_Radius) / P.Density * (Pressure - Viscosity); end if; end loop; end loop; end Calculate_Interaction; procedure Update_Position (Store : in out Particle_Vector) is begin for P of Store loop if not P.Solid then P.Velocity := P.Velocity + P.Acceleration / 10.0; P.Place := P.Place + P.Velocity; end if; end loop; end Update_Position; procedure Cull_Outside_Bounds (Store : in out Particle_Vector; Threshold : in Quantity) is begin for C in reverse Store.First_Index .. Store.Last_Index loop if Plane.Re (Store (C).Place) < 1.0 - Threshold or Plane.Re (Store (C).Place) > 80.0 + Threshold or Plane.Im (Store (C).Place) < 1.0 - Threshold or Plane.Im (Store (C).Place) > 50.0 + Threshold then Store.Delete (C); end if; end loop; end Cull_Outside_Bounds; begin Read_Input (Particles); loop ANSI.Clear_Screen; ANSI.Reset_Cursor; IO.Put (ANSI.Marching_Squares (Particles)); Calculate_Density (Particles); Calculate_Interaction (Particles); Update_Position (Particles); Cull_Outside_Bounds (Particles, 50.0); delay 0.012321; end loop; end Fluid_Simulator;