Converter From Anki .apkg to Fresh Memory .fmd ============================================== This is a command line utility that can convert Anki .apkg flashcard decks into either .csv format or Fresh Memory .fmd format. Due to the limitations of those formats, text style/formatting does not carry over well. However for simpler decks it should be sufficient. Dependencies: FLTKAda (only for the GUI version) GNAT (GNAT.Command_Line, GNAT.Strings, GNAT.Regpat) GNATCOLL-Core (GNATCOLL.JSON) SQLite (C library interface) ZipAda (UnZip) How to build/install: This repository is written to use the GNAT Project Manager build tools. Before building this utility you must first install ZipAda as a standalone library. Afterwards, to build this utility use the following commands gprbuild freshdeck.gpr gprbuild freshdeck_gui.gpr And to install, use gprinstall -p -m freshdeck.gpr gprinstall -p -m freshdeck_gui.gpr For further information on the build tools, consult For further information on the structure of Anki decks, consult