with Interfaces.C.Strings; package body SQLite3 is procedure Finalize (This : in out SQLite3_DB) is begin This.Close; end Finalize; procedure Finalize (This : in out SQLite3_Statement) is begin This.Finish; end Finalize; procedure Open (Handle : out SQLite3_DB; Filename : in String) is function sqlite3_open (Filename : in Interfaces.C.char_array; DB_Handle : access DB_Private_Access) return Interfaces.C.int with Import => True, Convention => C; Code : Interfaces.C.int; begin Code := sqlite3_open (Interfaces.C.To_C (Filename), Handle.Ptr'Access); Handle.Prep := True; if Status_Code (Code) /= SQLITE_OK then raise Program_Error with Error_Message (Handle); end if; end Open; procedure Open (Handle : out SQLite3_DB; Filename : in String; Flags : in Open_Flag) is function sqlite3_open_v2 (Filename : in Interfaces.C.char_array; DB_Handle : access DB_Private_Access; Flags : in Interfaces.C.int; VFS : in Interfaces.C.char_array) return Interfaces.C.int with Import => True, Convention => C; Code : Interfaces.C.int; begin Code := sqlite3_open_v2 (Interfaces.C.To_C (Filename), Handle.Ptr'Access, Interfaces.C.int (Flags), Interfaces.C.To_C ("")); Handle.Prep := True; if Status_Code (Code) /= SQLITE_OK then raise Program_Error with Error_Message (Handle); end if; end Open; procedure Close (Handle : in out SQLite3_DB) is function sqlite3_close (DB_Handle : in DB_Private_Access) return Interfaces.C.int with Import => True, Convention => C; Code : Interfaces.C.int; begin if Handle.Prep = False then return; end if; Code := sqlite3_close (Handle.Ptr); Handle.Prep := False; if Status_Code (Code) /= SQLITE_OK then raise Program_Error with Error_Message (Handle); end if; end Close; procedure Prepare (Handle : in SQLite3_DB; SQL : in String; SQL_Handle : out SQLite3_Statement'Class) is type Chars_Ptr_Ptr is access all Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- int sqlite3_prepare_v2( -- sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */ -- const char *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-8 encoded */ -- int nByte, /* Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */ -- sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */ -- const char **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */ -- ); function sqlite3_prepare_v2 (DB_Handle : in DB_Private_Access; zSql : in Interfaces.C.char_array; nByte : in Interfaces.C.int; ppStmt : access Statement_Private_Access; pzTail : in Chars_Ptr_Ptr) return Interfaces.C.int with Import => True, Convention => C; SQL_Str : Interfaces.C.char_array := Interfaces.C.To_C (SQL); Code : Interfaces.C.int; begin Code := sqlite3_prepare_v2 (DB_Handle => Handle.Ptr, zSql => SQL_Str, nByte => SQL_Str'Length, ppStmt => SQL_Handle.Ptr'Access, pzTail => null); SQL_Handle.Prep := True; SQL_Handle.Status := Status_Code (Code); if SQL_Handle.Status /= SQLITE_OK then raise Program_Error with Error_Message (Handle); end if; end Prepare; procedure Prepare (Handle : in SQLite3_DB; SQL : in String; Flags : in Prepare_Flag; SQL_Handle : out SQLite3_Statement'Class) is type Chars_Ptr_Ptr is access all Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- int sqlite3_prepare_v3( -- sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */ -- const char *zSql, /* SQL statement, UTF-8 encoded */ -- int nByte, /* Maximum length of zSql in bytes. */ -- unsigned int prepFlags /* Zero or more SQLITE_PREPARE_ flags */ -- sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Statement handle */ -- const char **pzTail /* OUT: Pointer to unused portion of zSql */ -- ); function sqlite3_prepare_v2 (DB_Handle : in DB_Private_Access; zSql : in Interfaces.C.char_array; nByte : in Interfaces.C.int; prepFlags : in Interfaces.C.unsigned; ppStmt : access Statement_Private_Access; pzTail : in Chars_Ptr_Ptr) return Interfaces.C.int with Import => True, Convention => C; SQL_Str : Interfaces.C.char_array := Interfaces.C.To_C (SQL); Code : Interfaces.C.int; begin Code := sqlite3_prepare_v2 (DB_Handle => Handle.Ptr, zSql => SQL_Str, nByte => SQL_Str'Length, prepFlags => Interfaces.C.unsigned (Flags), ppStmt => SQL_Handle.Ptr'Access, pzTail => null); SQL_Handle.Prep := True; SQL_Handle.Status := Status_Code (Code); if SQL_Handle.Status /= SQLITE_OK then raise Program_Error with Error_Message (Handle); end if; end Prepare; procedure Step (SQL_Handle : in out SQLite3_Statement) is -- int sqlite3_step(sqlite3_stmt*); function sqlite3_step (Stmt : in Statement_Private_Access) return Interfaces.C.int with Import => True, Convention => C; Code : Interfaces.C.int; begin Code := sqlite3_step (SQL_Handle.Ptr); SQL_Handle.Status := Status_Code (Code); if SQL_Handle.Status /= SQLITE_OK and SQL_Handle.Status /= SQLITE_ROW and SQL_Handle.Status /= SQLITE_DONE then raise Program_Error with Error_String (SQL_Handle.Status); end if; end Step; function Status (SQL_Handle : in SQLite3_Statement) return Status_Code is begin return SQL_Handle.Status; end Status; procedure Finish (SQL_Handle : in out SQLite3_Statement) is -- int sqlite3_finalize(sqlite3_stmt*); function sqlite3_finalize (Stmt : in Statement_Private_Access) return Interfaces.C.int with Import => True, Convention => C; Code : Interfaces.C.int; begin if SQL_Handle.Prep = False then return; end if; Code := sqlite3_finalize (SQL_Handle.Ptr); SQL_Handle.Prep := False; SQL_Handle.Status := Status_Code (Code); if SQL_Handle.Status /= SQLITE_OK then raise Program_Error with Error_String (SQL_Handle.Status); end if; end Finish; procedure Reset (SQL_Handle : in out SQLite3_Statement) is -- int sqlite3_reset(sqlite3_stmt*); function sqlite3_reset (Stmt : in Statement_Private_Access) return Interfaces.C.int with Import => True, Convention => C; Code : Interfaces.C.int; begin Code := sqlite3_reset (SQL_Handle.Ptr); SQL_Handle.Status := Status_Code (Code); if SQL_Handle.Status /= SQLITE_OK then raise Program_Error with Error_String (SQL_Handle.Status); end if; end Reset; procedure Bind (SQL_Handle : in out SQLite3_Statement; Index : in SQL_Parameter_Index; Value : in Integer) is begin Bind (SQL_Handle, Index, Long_Integer (Value)); end Bind; procedure Bind (SQL_Handle : in out SQLite3_Statement; Index : in SQL_Parameter_Index; Value : in Long_Integer) is -- int sqlite3_bind_int(sqlite3_stmt*, int, int); function sqlite3_bind_int (Stmt : in Statement_Private_Access; Index : in Interfaces.C.int; Value : in Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.int with Import => True, Convention => C; Code : Interfaces.C.int; begin Code := sqlite3_bind_int (Stmt => SQL_Handle.Ptr, Index => Interfaces.C.int (Index), Value => Interfaces.C.int (Value)); SQL_Handle.Status := Status_Code (Code); if SQL_Handle.Status /= SQLITE_OK then raise Program_Error with Error_String (SQL_Handle.Status); end if; end Bind; procedure Bind (SQL_Handle : in out SQLite3_Statement; Index : in SQL_Parameter_Index; Value : in Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) is use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; -- int sqlite3_bind_text -- (sqlite3_stmt*, -- int, -- const char*, -- int, -- void(*)(void*)); function sqlite3_bind_text (Stmt : in Statement_Private_Access; Index : in Interfaces.C.int; Value : in Interfaces.C.char_array; Bytes : in Interfaces.C.int; Opt : in Interfaces.C.long) return Interfaces.C.int with Import => True, Convention => C; Code : Interfaces.C.int; begin Code := sqlite3_bind_text (Stmt => SQL_Handle.Ptr, Index => Interfaces.C.int (Index), Value => Interfaces.C.To_C (To_String (Value)), Bytes => Interfaces.C.int (Length (Value)), Opt => SQLITE_TRANSIENT); SQL_Handle.Status := Status_Code (Code); if SQL_Handle.Status /= SQLITE_OK then raise Program_Error with Error_String (SQL_Handle.Status); end if; end Bind; function Column (SQL_Handle : in SQLite3_Statement; Index : in SQL_Column_Index) return Integer is -- int sqlite3_column_int(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); function sqlite3_column_int (Stmt : in Statement_Private_Access; Index : in Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.int with Import => True, Convention => C; Ret_Val : Interfaces.C.int; begin Ret_Val := sqlite3_column_int (Stmt => SQL_Handle.Ptr, Index => Interfaces.C.int (Index)); return Integer (Ret_Val); end Column; function Column (SQL_Handle : in SQLite3_Statement; Index : in SQL_Column_Index) return Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String is use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Interfaces; use type Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- const unsigned char *sqlite3_column_text(sqlite3_stmt*, int iCol); function sqlite3_column_text (Stmt : in Statement_Private_Access; Index : in Interfaces.C.int) return Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr with Import => True, Convention => C; Ret_Val : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; begin Ret_Val := sqlite3_column_text (Stmt => SQL_Handle.Ptr, Index => Interfaces.C.int (Index)); if Ret_Val = C.Strings.Null_Ptr then return Null_Unbounded_String; else return To_Unbounded_String (C.To_Ada (C.Strings.Value (Ret_Val))); end if; end Column; function Error_Message (Handle : in SQLite3_DB) return String is use Interfaces; -- const char *sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite3*); function sqlite3_errmsg (DB_Handle : in DB_Private_Access) return C.Strings.chars_ptr with Import => True, Convention => C; begin return C.To_Ada (C.Strings.Value (sqlite3_errmsg (Handle.Ptr))); end Error_Message; function Error_String (Status : in Status_Code) return String is use Interfaces; function sqlite3_errstr (Code : in Interfaces.C.int) return C.Strings.chars_ptr with Import => True, Convention => C; begin return C.To_Ada (C.Strings.Value (sqlite3_errstr (Interfaces.C.int (Status)))); end Error_String; end SQLite3;