-- This is a GNAT, GCC or GNAT Studio project file -- for the Zip-Ada library project: -- -- home page: http://unzip-ada.sf.net/ -- project page: http://sf.net/projects/unzip-ada/ -- mirror: https://github.com/zertovitch/zip-ada -- -- Build me with "gprbuild -P zipada_lib", or "gnatmake -P zipada_lib", -- or open me with GNAT Studio. -- -- Important: -- For building tests, see the zipada_test.gpr project file. -- For building standalone tools, see the zipada.gpr project file. -- library project ZipAda_Lib is for Source_Dirs use ("zip_lib"); for Object_Dir use "obj_lib"; for Create_Missing_Dirs use "True"; -- Flips by default the "-p" switch for Library_Dir use "lib"; for Library_Name use "zipada"; type Library_Type is ("static", "dynamic", "relocatable" ); Library_Mode : Library_Type := external ("Library_Mode", "dynamic"); for Library_Kind use Library_Mode; Common_Options := ( "-gnatwa", -- Warnings switches (a:turn on all info/warnings marked with +) "-gnatwh", -- Warnings switches (h:turn on warnings for hiding declarations) "-gnatwcijkmopruvz.c.n.p.t.w.x", -- Warnings switches (run "gnatmake" for full list) "-gnatf", -- Full errors. Verbose details, all undefined references "-gnatq", -- Don't quit, try semantics, even if parse errors "-gnatQ", -- Don't quit, write ali/tree file even if compile errors "-g" ); Fast_Options_Inlining_Neutral := Common_Options & ( "-O2", "-gnatp", "-funroll-loops", "-fpeel-loops", "-funswitch-loops", "-ftracer", "-fweb", "-frename-registers", "-fpredictive-commoning", "-fgcse-after-reload", "-ftree-vectorize", "-fipa-cp-clone", "-ffunction-sections" ); Fast_Options := Fast_Options_Inlining_Neutral & ( "-gnatn" -- Cross-unit inlining ); type Zip_OS_Kind is ("Win32", "Win64", "Linux", "MacOSX", "Any"); Zip_OS : Zip_OS_Kind := external ("Zip_OS", "Any"); package Compiler is for Local_Configuration_Pragmas use project'Project_Dir & "za_elim.pra"; case Zip_OS is when "Win32" | "Win64" => for Default_Switches ("ada") use Fast_Options & ("-mfpmath=sse", "-msse3"); when others => for Default_Switches ("ada") use Fast_Options; end case; end Compiler; package Binder is -- -Es: Store tracebacks in exception occurrences, and enable symbolic tracebacks for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-Es"); end Binder; package Builder is -- "If -j0 is used, then the maximum number of simultaneous compilation -- jobs is the number of core processors on the platform." for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-j0"); end Builder; package Ide is for Default_Switches ("adacontrol") use ("-f", "tools/verif.aru", "-r"); for Vcs_Kind use "Subversion"; end Ide; end ZipAda_Lib;