================================================================= Study file example ================================================================== Version 1.4 ========================== * Removed card-based interval: * Removed tag (in the end) * Grades changed: ("2" removed) - 0 -> 1 - 1 -> 2 - 2 -> 3 * Added level param: Add to old tags using interval: - i=0, c=7 -> i=, l=2 (short learning) - i=0, c=15 -> i=, l=2 (short learning) - i>0 (also 0.9 days) -> l=10 (repeating) "Learning" (10 min) interval was not used before. Level "long learning" (3) will not be added. *** dictionary.fms **** ================================================================================= Version 1.2 ========================== * The card-based interval cannot be "after all" (-1). Version 1.1 ========================== * Saved current selected card for Spaced repetition (it's not yet in the study history): - tag in the beginning of tag. * New fields: * c = card-based interval - If 'c' attribute is present, then 'i' (day interval) == 0. - Either 'c' or 'i' (day interval) can be present at the same time. * rt = recall time * at = full answer time * Remaining card-based intervals are saved as separate last study record: - * If the card-based interval is after all cards, it is == -1. * Attribute order changed: - *** dictionary.fms **** ================================================================================= Version 1.0 ========================== * The study file contains the whole history of repetitions. * Card interval delays are not saved!!! The delayed cards will be shown first at the next session. * Packs and cards are matched with the dictionary file by IDs (open strings) - Pack ID is space delimited list of its field names: question, main answer, other answers. - Card ID is its question * New cards can be seen with the study history (only 1 record) * Study record fields: d = date i = next interval (days) g = grade e = easiness t = answering time (seconds) *** dictionary.fms **** ================================================================================= Version 0.4 ========================== * Active deadline must not be saved! Shifted active deadline is forgotten after a spacedrep session is closed. * Status of unrepeated card can be seen after loading. * Postponing length (Num of cards) is saved in cards section * Fresh cards can be regenerated at new spacedrep start. * The default question-answer pair is the first two fields of the dictionary. * Reversed two first fields are defined by argument s:rev="yes". *** .config/freshmemory/{550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440001}.fms **** =================================================================================