AboutDialog About %1 License: Learn new things quickly and keep your memory fresh with time spaced repetition. AppModel No dictionary opened. The current dictionary is empty. CardEditDialog Go to dictionary window Close Edit card: In title of card edit view CardPack (empty pack) CardPreview Card preview CsvDialog Preview: Separators Ta&b &Text delimiter: CsvExportDialog Export to CSV Write column &names C&haracter set: Used &columns: Output &Quote all fields Field &separator: Co&mment character: Show &invisible characters Cannot save to file: %1. CsvImportDialog Import from CSV C&haracter set: From &line: Number of colum&ns: All &First line has field names Input An&y character Fields are separated by any separator character A co&mbination of characters Fields are separated by a combination of separator characters, in any order E&xact string Fields are separated by the exact string of separators, in the above defined order &Comment character: Field &separator: Separation mode: Dictionary noname Question Answer Example Cannot open dictionary file: Cannot open study file: The file is not a dictionary file. Unsupported format Dictionary uses unsupported format %1. The minimum supported version is %2 Dictionary %1 uses obsolete format %2. It will be converted to the current format %3. Old dictionary The file is not a study file. The study file uses unsupported format %1. The minimum supported version is %2 DictionaryOptionsDialog Dictionary options File name Fields Card packs FieldsListModel Field Style new field FieldsPage Fields Move up Move down Add Add new field Remove Remove field(s) Rename Rename field Preview FindPanel Close Find: Title of the find pane Find previous Find next Case sensitive Whole words Regular expression In selection String is not found FontColorSettingsDialog Font & color settings Card background color: Field styles Font family: Size: Bold Italic Color: Prefix: Suffix: Keyword style Style preview IStudyWindow Close this pack E Shortcut for 'Edit card' button Edit card D Shortcut for 'Delete card' button Delete card Show answer Delete card? Delete card "%1"? LanguageMenu &Language System The application must be restarted to use the selected language The application must be restarted to use the selected language MainWindow Records: %1 Open dictionary Dictionaries Filter name in dialog Save dictionary as ... Import CSV file Export to CSV file Cannot save dictionary: Cannot save study file: Save dictionary? Dictionary %1 was modified. Save changes? Add image Images Filter name in dialog All files &New Ctrl+N &Open ... Ctrl+O &Save Ctrl+S Save &as ... Save &copy ... &Import from CSV ... &Export to CSV ... &Close dictionary Ctrl+W &Quit Ctrl+Q &Copy Ctrl+C Cu&t Ctrl+X &Paste Ctrl+V &Find... Ctrl+F Find &again &Add image Ctrl+G &Insert record Ctrl+I &Remove record &Word drill &Spaced repetition S&tatistics &Dictionary options &Font and color settings &Study settings Help About &Edit &View &Tools &Options &Help Online dictionaries Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Y &File &Recent files Main Card packs The pasted records contain %n new field(s) The pasted records contain %n new field The pasted records contain %n new fields Do you want to add new fields to this dictionary? Add new fields Paste only existing fields The study cannot be started. First part of error message Website: Usage: FILE is a dictionary filename to load. Options: Display this help and exit Output version information and exit PacksPage Add Remove Move pack up Move pack down Card packs Move field up Move field down Pack fields Remove field from pack Add field to pack Uses exact answer Unused fields Preview PacksTreeModel Card pack Sched New ProgressPage Studied Scheduled for today New Total: %1 Study progress QObject Insert %n record(s) Undo action of inserting records Insert %n record Insert %n records Remove %n record(s) Undo action of removing records Remove %n record Remove %n records Edit "%1" Undo action of editing a record Paste %n record(s) Undo action of pasting records Paste %n record Paste %n records ScheduledPage Scheduled cards SpacedRepetitionWindow Spaced repetition Today learned new cards Scheduled learning reviews: new cards must be repeated today to learn Time left to the next learning review Scheduled cards for today New scheduled cards for today: new cards that will be shown between the scheduled ones Reviewed cards Learning reviews Scheduled cards New cards for today Progress of reviews scheduled for today: Unknown Completely forgotten card, couldn't recall the answer. Incorrect The answer is incorrect. Difficult It's difficult to recall the answer. The last interval was too long. Good The answer is recalled in couple of seconds. The last interval was good enough. Easy The card is too easy, and recalled without any effort. The last interval was too short. OK (%1 min) Day cards limit is reached: %1 cards. It is recommended to stop studying this dictionary. All cards are reviewed You can go to the next pack or dictionary, or open the Word drill. StatisticsView Statistics Card pack: Period: %n week(s) %n week %n weeks %n month(s) %n month %n months %n year(s) %n year %n years All time Strings Build Author: Mykhaylo Kopytonenko Fresh Memory Error StudiedPage Studied cards StudySettingsDialog Add new cards in random order Day starts at, o'clock: Share of new cards: Repetition interval randomness: Day reviews limit: Don't add new cards after scheduled cards threshold: Limits Day limit of new cards: Study settings StylePreviewModel keyword TimeChartPage Date Cards Total: %1 WelcomeScreen Create new dictionary Open existing dictionary Open online dictionaries Import from CSV file Recent dictionaries WordDrillWindow Word drill Current card / All cards Progress of reviewing cards Show answers S Shortcut for 'Show answers' checkbox Back Go back in history Forward Go forward in history Next Show next card (Enter) No cards available