Dictionary options ================== .. _field-configuration: Field configuration ------------------- The configuration of card fields can be edited in :menuselection:`Options --> Dictionary options`, tab :guilabel:`Fields`. See figure below. .. figure:: images/settings/field_options.png Field configuration The list of fields is on the left side, and their preview with selected styles is on the right. It is possible to add new fields and remove existing ones with :guilabel:`Add` |Add icon| and :guilabel:`Remove` |Remove icon| buttons. In order to rename a field, select it and press :guilabel:`Rename` button (shortcut :kbd:`F2`) or double-click on the field name. .. |Add icon| image:: icons/add.png .. |Remove icon| image:: icons/delete.png To change the appearance of fields, change the field style. Double-click a :guilabel:`Style` cell or select a field and press :kbd:`Space`. Select a style from the drop-down list and press :kbd:`Enter`. The preview will update the appearance of the field. The styles can be edited in another dialog: :menuselection:`Options --> Fonts and color settings`, see :ref:`field-styles` subsection. The order of the fields can be changed with the arrow buttons |Up arrow icon| |Down arrow icon| to the right of the list. This affects only the order, in which the fields are shown in the dictionary view. .. |Up arrow icon| image:: icons/1uparrow.png .. |Down arrow icon| image:: icons/1downarrow.png Card pack configuration ----------------------- The configuration of card packs can be edited in :menuselection:`Options --> Dictionary options`, tab :guilabel:`Card packs`. See figure below. .. figure:: images/settings/pack_options.png Card pack configuration This dialog has three columns: Card packs, Pack fields and Preview. The :guilabel:`Card packs` column shows configured packs. The next column shows fields of the selected pack. And the last column shows preview of cards of the current pack, with the same fonts as will be seen during study. The :guilabel:`Pack fields` column has two parts: the top and bottom lists. The top list shows fields included to cards. The first field (highlighted) is the question field, the rest fields will be displayed in the answer. The order of the fields can be changed with the arrow buttons |Up arrow icon| |Down arrow icon| to the right of the list. The field items can be also dragged by mouse. The bottom list, :guilabel:`Unused fields`, has the fields, which are not included to cards. To move the fields between *used* and *unused*, press arrow buttons |Down move icon| |Up move icon| between the lists. The same can be done also with drag-and-drop. .. |Down move icon| image:: icons/down.png .. |Up move icon| image:: icons/up.png It is possible to add new packs or remove existing ones with :guilabel:`Add` |Add icon| and :guilabel:`Remove` |Remove icon| buttons. The packs are named automatically according to the contained fields. By default, a new dictionary has three fields: "Question", "Answer" and "Example". Two card packs are created. The first pack uses Question field as the question, and Answer and Example as the answer. The second pack uses the fields in reverse order: "Answer - Question, Example". It is easy to rename fields according to one's needs and set required card packs in the dictionary options. The fields can be renamed, added and removed in the neighboring :guilabel:`Fields` tab, see :ref:`field-configuration` subsection. It is possible to enable using the *exact answer* for the current pack. Check the checkbox :guilabel:`Uses exact answer`. If it is enabled, Spaced Repetition view will ask user's answer before showing the correct one. .. _field-styles: Field styles ------------ The appearance of the fields are controlled with *styles*. The field style defines its font, color and other parameters. One style can be re-used with many fields. The most often used style is "Normal", it is used by many fields by default. The configuration of styles can be edited in :menuselection:`Options --> Font and color settings`. See figure below. .. figure:: images/settings/field_style_options.png Field styles This dialog has three parts: list of styles, style parameters and preview. The background color of cards can be changed at the top of the dialog. Click the colored rectangle to choose color. There are enough built-in styles for all purposes in practice. The "Normal" style is used by default with new fields. "Example" is for example fields, "Transcription" is for transcriptions. "Big" is for larger font, and two colored styles are for highlighted fields. The appearance of the styles can be, although, changed disregarding their names. The styles cannot be renamed, added or removed in this version. The style parameters are: font family, size, color, bold, italic, preffix, suffix, *keyword* style. The *keyword* is described below. The font is changed without any surprises, just click the corresponding controls. The preview will be updated on each change. The preffix is some text (usually one character) that is automatically inserted before the field content. The suffix is text inserted after the content. These parameters are rarely used. The use of preffix and suffix is illustrated with the "Transcription" style. Keyword style ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In Fresh Memory, it is possible to highlight words of the question, if they appear in the answer. It is very convenient for the example field, when you want to highlight the word of the answer. The exact match of words from the answer are automatically highlighted. In other cases, when the question word is changed in the example, you can use manual highlighting by enclosing the word or phrase in brackets [] . For example, question "write" with example "Tom [wrote] a letter." will appear like in the figure below. .. figure:: images/settings/keyword.png Keyword highlighting The highlighted words in the example field are called *keywords*. Their style can be edited too. In the style of the e.g. "Example" field check the :guilabel:`Keyword style` checkbox and select its color and font variant. All other parameters (font family and size) will be the same as the main style. The style preview shows keyword styles at the right side.