diff options
3 files changed, 128 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/example/sentence.adb b/example/sentence.adb
index d4a707f..7e9114b 100644
--- a/example/sentence.adb
+++ b/example/sentence.adb
@@ -29,244 +29,122 @@ procedure Sentence is
type Lexer_Labels is (Word, Whitespace);
type Parser_Labels is (S, NP, PP, VP, Det, Noun, Verb, Prep);
package My_Rat is new Packrat.Text.Standard (Lexer_Labels, Parser_Labels);
- package Lexer_Parts is
- function Word
- (Input : in String;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Lexers.Lexer_Context)
- return My_Rat.Lexers.Component_Result;
+ function Sat_Alpha is new My_Rat.Lexers.Satisfy (Packrat.Utilities.Is_Letter);
+ function Many_Alpha is new My_Rat.Lexers.Many (Sat_Alpha, 1);
+ function Word is new My_Rat.Lexers.Stamp (Word, Many_Alpha);
- function Whitespace
- (Input : in String;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Lexers.Lexer_Context)
- return My_Rat.Lexers.Component_Result;
+ function Sat_Blank is new My_Rat.Lexers.Satisfy (Packrat.Utilities.Is_Whitespace);
+ function Many_Blank is new My_Rat.Lexers.Many (Sat_Blank, 1);
+ function Whitespace is new My_Rat.Lexers.Ignore (Whitespace, Many_Blank);
- end Lexer_Parts;
+ function Scanner is new My_Rat.Lexers.Scan_Only ((Word'Access, Whitespace'Access));
- package body Lexer_Parts is
- function Sat_Alpha is new My_Rat.Lexers.Satisfy (Packrat.Utilities.Is_Letter);
- function Many_Alpha is new My_Rat.Lexers.Many (Sat_Alpha, 1);
- function Word_Inst is new My_Rat.Lexers.Stamp (Word, Many_Alpha);
- function Sat_Blank is new My_Rat.Lexers.Satisfy (Packrat.Utilities.Is_Whitespace);
- function Many_Blank is new My_Rat.Lexers.Many (Sat_Blank, 1);
- function Whitespace_Inst is new My_Rat.Lexers.Ignore (Whitespace, Many_Blank);
+ generic
+ Match : in String;
+ function Is_Value
+ (Element : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token)
+ return Boolean;
- function Word
- (Input : in String;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Lexers.Lexer_Context)
- return My_Rat.Lexers.Component_Result renames Word_Inst;
+ function Is_Value
+ (Element : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token)
+ return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Value (Element) = Match;
+ end Is_Value;
- function Whitespace
- (Input : in String;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Lexers.Lexer_Context)
- return My_Rat.Lexers.Component_Result renames Whitespace_Inst;
+ function Is_I is new Is_Value ("i");
+ function Is_Saw is new Is_Value ("saw");
+ function Is_A is new Is_Value ("a");
+ function Is_Man is new Is_Value ("man");
+ function Is_In is new Is_Value ("in");
+ function Is_The is new Is_Value ("the");
+ function Is_Park is new Is_Value ("park");
+ function Is_With is new Is_Value ("with");
+ function Is_Bat is new Is_Value ("bat");
- end Lexer_Parts;
+ function Sat_In is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_In);
+ function Sat_With is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_With);
+ function Prep_Choice is new My_Rat.Parsers.Choice ((Sat_In'Access, Sat_With'Access));
+ function Prep is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (Prep, Prep_Choice);
+ function Sat_Saw is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_Saw);
+ function Verb is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (Verb, Sat_Saw);
- function Scanner is new My_Rat.Lexers.Scan_Only
- ((Lexer_Parts.Word'Access, Lexer_Parts.Whitespace'Access));
+ function Sat_I is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_I);
+ function Sat_Man is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_Man);
+ function Sat_Park is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_Park);
+ function Sat_Bat is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_Bat);
+ function Noun_Choice is new My_Rat.Parsers.Choice
+ ((Sat_I'Access, Sat_Man'Access, Sat_Park'Access, Sat_Bat'Access));
+ function Noun is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (Noun, Noun_Choice);
+ function Sat_A is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_A);
+ function Sat_The is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_The);
+ function Det_Choice is new My_Rat.Parsers.Choice ((Sat_A'Access, Sat_The'Access));
+ function Det is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (Det, Det_Choice);
+ package NP_Redir is new My_Rat.Parsers.Redirect;
+ package S_Redir is new My_Rat.Parsers.Redirect;
+ function VP_Seq is new My_Rat.Parsers.Sequence ((Verb'Access, NP_Redir.Call'Access));
+ function VP is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (VP, VP_Seq);
- package Parser_Parts is
+ function PP_Seq is new My_Rat.Parsers.Sequence ((Prep'Access, NP_Redir.Call'Access));
+ function PP is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (PP, PP_Seq);
- function Prep
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result;
+ function NP_Seq_1 is new My_Rat.Parsers.Sequence ((Det'Access, Noun'Access));
+ function NP_Seq_2 is new My_Rat.Parsers.Sequence ((NP_Redir.Call'Access, PP'Access));
+ function NP_Choice is new My_Rat.Parsers.Choice
+ ((Noun'Access, NP_Seq_1'Access, NP_Seq_2'Access));
+ function NP is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (NP, NP_Choice);
- function Verb
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result;
+ function S_Seq_1 is new My_Rat.Parsers.Sequence ((NP'Access, VP'Access));
+ function S_Seq_2 is new My_Rat.Parsers.Sequence ((S_Redir.Call'Access, PP'Access));
+ function S_Choice is new My_Rat.Parsers.Choice ((S_Seq_1'Access, S_Seq_2'Access));
+ function S is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (S, S_Choice);
- function Noun
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result;
+ function Parser is new My_Rat.Parsers.Parse_Only (S);
- function Det
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result;
- function VP
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result;
- function PP
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result;
- function NP
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result;
- function S
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result;
- end Parser_Parts;
- package body Parser_Parts is
- generic
- Match : in String;
- function Is_Value
- (Element : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token)
- return Boolean;
- function Is_Value
- (Element : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token)
- return Boolean is
- begin
- return My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Value (Element) = Match;
- end Is_Value;
- function Is_I is new Is_Value ("i");
- function Is_Saw is new Is_Value ("saw");
- function Is_A is new Is_Value ("a");
- function Is_Man is new Is_Value ("man");
- function Is_In is new Is_Value ("in");
- function Is_The is new Is_Value ("the");
- function Is_Park is new Is_Value ("park");
- function Is_With is new Is_Value ("with");
- function Is_Bat is new Is_Value ("bat");
- function Sat_In is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_In);
- function Sat_With is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_With);
- function Prep_Choice is new My_Rat.Parsers.Choice ((Sat_In'Access, Sat_With'Access));
- function Prep_Inst is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (Prep, Prep_Choice);
- function Sat_Saw is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_Saw);
- function Verb_Inst is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (Verb, Sat_Saw);
- function Sat_I is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_I);
- function Sat_Man is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_Man);
- function Sat_Park is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_Park);
- function Sat_Bat is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_Bat);
- function Noun_Choice is new My_Rat.Parsers.Choice
- ((Sat_I'Access, Sat_Man'Access, Sat_Park'Access, Sat_Bat'Access));
- function Noun_Inst is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (Noun, Noun_Choice);
- function Sat_A is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_A);
- function Sat_The is new My_Rat.Parsers.Satisfy (Is_The);
- function Det_Choice is new My_Rat.Parsers.Choice ((Sat_A'Access, Sat_The'Access));
- function Det_Inst is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (Det, Det_Choice);
- function VP_Seq is new My_Rat.Parsers.Sequence ((Verb'Access, NP'Access));
- function VP_Inst is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (VP, VP_Seq);
- function PP_Seq is new My_Rat.Parsers.Sequence ((Prep'Access, NP'Access));
- function PP_Inst is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (PP, PP_Seq);
- function NP_Seq_1 is new My_Rat.Parsers.Sequence ((Det'Access, Noun'Access));
- function NP_Seq_2 is new My_Rat.Parsers.Sequence ((NP'Access, PP'Access));
- function NP_Choice is new My_Rat.Parsers.Choice
- ((Noun'Access, NP_Seq_1'Access, NP_Seq_2'Access));
- function NP_Inst is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (NP, NP_Choice);
- function S_Seq_1 is new My_Rat.Parsers.Sequence ((NP'Access, VP'Access));
- function S_Seq_2 is new My_Rat.Parsers.Sequence ((S'Access, PP'Access));
- function S_Choice is new My_Rat.Parsers.Choice ((S_Seq_1'Access, S_Seq_2'Access));
- function S_Inst is new My_Rat.Parsers.Stamp (S, S_Choice);
- function Prep
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result renames Prep_Inst;
- function Verb
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result renames Verb_Inst;
- function Noun
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result renames Noun_Inst;
- function Det
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result renames Det_Inst;
- function VP
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result renames VP_Inst;
- function PP
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result renames PP_Inst;
- function NP
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result renames NP_Inst;
- function S
- (Input : in My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Token_Array;
- Context : in out My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context;
- Start : in Positive)
- return My_Rat.Parsers.Combinator_Result renames S_Inst;
- end Parser_Parts;
- function Parser is new My_Rat.Parsers.Parse_Only (Parser_Parts.S);
- My_Lexer_Context : My_Rat.Lexers.Lexer_Context :=
- My_Rat.Lexers.Empty_Context;
- My_Parser_Context : My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context :=
- My_Rat.Parsers.Empty_Context;
+ My_Lexer_Context : My_Rat.Lexers.Lexer_Context := My_Rat.Lexers.Empty_Context;
+ My_Parser_Context : My_Rat.Parsers.Parser_Context := My_Rat.Parsers.Empty_Context;
Lexed_Tokens : My_Rat.Lexer_Result := Scanner (Input, My_Lexer_Context);
- Result_Graph : My_Rat.Parser_Result := Parser (Lexed_Tokens, My_Parser_Context);
+ Result_Graph : My_Rat.Parser_Result;
- Put_Line ("Input:" & Input);
+ -- Very important!
+ -- If these aren't set before calling the parser, an exception will be raised.
+ NP_Redir.Set (NP'Access);
+ S_Redir.Set (S'Access);
+ Result_Graph := Parser (Lexed_Tokens, My_Parser_Context);
+ Put_Line ("Input:");
+ Put_Line (Input);
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("Lexer token output:");
+ for T of Lexed_Tokens loop
+ Put (My_Rat.Lexer_Traits.Tokens.Debug_String (T));
+ end loop;
- Put_Line ("Output:");
+ Put_Line ("Parser graph output:");
Put_Line (My_Rat.Parse_Graphs.Debug_String (Result_Graph));
diff --git a/src/packrat-parsers.adb b/src/packrat-parsers.adb
index f639195..df88e71 100644
--- a/src/packrat-parsers.adb
+++ b/src/packrat-parsers.adb
@@ -582,6 +582,33 @@ package body Packrat.Parsers is
+ package body Redirect is
+ procedure Set
+ (Target : in Combinator) is
+ begin
+ Combo := Target;
+ end Set;
+ function Call
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result is
+ begin
+ if Combo = null then
+ raise Parser_Error;
+ else
+ return Combo (Input, Context, Start);
+ end if;
+ end Call;
+ end Redirect;
function Sequence
(Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
Context : in out Parser_Context;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 99dbee7..8d0ba68 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -114,6 +114,27 @@ package Packrat.Parsers is
+ package Redirect is
+ procedure Set
+ (Target : in Combinator);
+ function Call
+ (Input : in Traits.Element_Array;
+ Context : in out Parser_Context;
+ Start : in Positive)
+ return Combinator_Result;
+ private
+ Combo : Combinator := null;
+ end Redirect;
+ generic
Params : in Combinator_Array;
function Sequence
(Input : in Traits.Element_Array;