AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-01-14Tests added for Stamp and Ignore procedures in Packrat.LexerJed Barber
2019-01-14Implemented details of Lexer_Context typeJed Barber
2019-01-14Merged Packrat.Lexer.Combinators into Packrat.Lexer, separated debugging func...Jed Barber
2019-01-13Spec for Packrat.Lexer Stamp, Scan, and derivative functions and proceduresJed Barber
2019-01-13Remaining lexer combinators workingJed Barber
2019-01-13All lexer combinators except Many and Many_Until now functionalJed Barber
2019-01-13Added equals function overload for TokensJed Barber
2019-01-13Revised tests and notesJed Barber
2019-01-12Packrat.Lexer.Combinators specs and tests completeJed Barber
2019-01-11Restructured Lexer combinators to use record return typeJed Barber
2019-01-11Refactored Ratnest.Tests into nested subpackagesJed Barber
2019-01-10Test framework for Lexer CombinatorsJed Barber
2019-01-10Corrected Start_Of_Line and End_Of_Line to be genericJed Barber
2019-01-10Packrat.Lexer.Combinators specificationJed Barber
2019-01-10Minor potential bugfix, now using 'First and 'Last instead of 'Length in a fe...Jed Barber
2019-01-10Debug_String functions added to Packrat.Errors and Packrat.TokensJed Barber
2019-01-09Packrat.Tokens added, tested, and functionalJed Barber
2019-01-09Relaxed validity rules on error identifiers due to inability to have enum-spe...Jed Barber
2019-01-09Packrat.Errors functionality complete and testedJed Barber
2019-01-08Packrat.Errors specification and testsJed Barber
2019-01-08Packrat.Util set predicates now workJed Barber
2019-01-08Tests for Packrat.Util set predicatesJed Barber
2019-01-08Fixed bug in packrat.gprJed Barber
2019-01-08Packrat.Util basic predicates now workJed Barber
2019-01-08Basic test framework and initial tests for Packrat.Util predicatesJed Barber
2019-01-06Initial commit of design notesJed Barber