with Ada.Strings.Fixed, Ada.Characters.Handling, Ada.Characters.Latin_1; package body Packrat.Errors is package SU renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded; package SF renames Ada.Strings.Fixed; package CH renames Ada.Characters.Handling; package Latin renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1; function Image (Num : in Natural) return String is Raw : String := Integer'Image (Num); begin return Raw (Raw'First + 1 .. Raw'Last); end Image; function Is_Upper (Char : in Character) return Boolean is begin return Char >= 'A' and Char <= 'Z'; end Is_Upper; function Is_Lower (Char : in Character) return Boolean is begin return Char >= 'a' and Char <= 'z'; end Is_Lower; function Is_Letter (Char : in Character) return Boolean is begin return Is_Upper (Char) or Is_Lower (Char); end Is_Letter; function Is_Digit (Char : in Character) return Boolean is begin return Char >= '0' and Char <= '9'; end Is_Digit; generic Message : in String; package Parts is function Length return Natural; procedure Reset_Position; procedure Set_Position (To : in Positive); procedure Next_ID_Token (Start : out Positive; Finish : out Natural); procedure Next_Pos_Token (Start : out Positive; Finish : out Natural); procedure Next_Full_Token (Start : out Positive; Finish : out Natural); end Parts; package body Parts is separate; function Valid_Identifier (Check : in String) return Boolean is All_Digit : Boolean; begin if Check'Length < 1 then return False; end if; -- Have to relax requirements to allow Integers and such -- since there is no way to require a generic parameter to -- *only* be an enumeration. All_Digit := True; for N in Integer range Check'First .. Check'Last loop if not Is_Digit (Check (N)) then All_Digit := False; exit; end if; end loop; if All_Digit then return True; end if; -- Regular checks for a valid identifier. if not Is_Letter (Check (Check'First)) then return False; end if; for N in Integer range Check'First + 1 .. Check'Last - 1 loop if not Is_Letter (Check (N)) and not Is_Digit (Check (N)) and Check (N) /= '_' then return False; end if; if Check (N) = '_' and ((not Is_Letter (Check (N - 1)) and not Is_Digit (Check (N - 1))) or (not Is_Letter (Check (N + 1)) and not Is_Digit (Check (N + 1)))) then return False; end if; end loop; if not Is_Letter (Check (Check'Last)) and not Is_Digit (Check (Check'Last)) then return False; end if; return True; end Valid_Identifier; function Valid_Identifier (Check : in SU.Unbounded_String) return Boolean is begin return Valid_Identifier (-Check); end Valid_Identifier; function Valid_Identifier_Array (Check : in Error_Info_Array) return Boolean is begin for EI of Check loop if not Valid_Identifier (-EI.Symbol) then return False; end if; end loop; return True; end Valid_Identifier_Array; function Valid_Message (Check : in String) return Boolean is S_Place, P_Place : Natural := 1; begin while S_Place <= Check'Length loop if Check (S_Place) /= 's' then return False; end if; P_Place := SF.Index (Check, "p", S_Place); if (P_Place < S_Place) then return False; end if; declare ID : String := Check (S_Place + 1 .. P_Place - 1); begin if not Valid_Identifier (ID) or ID /= CH.To_Upper (ID) then return False; end if; end; P_Place := P_Place + 1; if P_Place > Check'Last or else not Is_Digit (Check (P_Place)) then return False; end if; loop P_Place := P_Place + 1; exit when P_Place > Check'Last or else not Is_Digit (Check (P_Place)); end loop; S_Place := P_Place; end loop; return True; end Valid_Message; function Debug_String (This : in Error_Message) return String is Result : SU.Unbounded_String := +""; Info : Error_Info_Array := Decode (This); begin for E of Info loop SU.Append (Result, "Expected " & (-E.Symbol) & " at input position" & Integer'Image (E.Position) & Latin.LF); end loop; return -Result; end Debug_String; function Join (Left, Right : in Error_Message) return Error_Message is package Left_Parts is new Parts (Left); package Right_Parts is new Parts (Right); LS, LF, RS, RF : Natural; Add : Boolean; Result : SU.Unbounded_String := +Left; begin for R in Integer range 1 .. Right_Parts.Length loop Add := True; Right_Parts.Next_Full_Token (RS, RF); for L in Integer range 1 .. Left_Parts.Length loop Left_Parts.Next_Full_Token (LS, LF); if Left (LS .. LF) = Right (RS .. RF) then Add := False; exit; end if; end loop; if Add then SU.Append (Result, +Right (RS .. RF)); end if; Left_Parts.Reset_Position; end loop; return -Result; end Join; function Encode (Name : in String; Pos : in Natural) return Error_Message is begin return "s" & CH.To_Upper (Name) & "p" & Image (Pos); end Encode; function Encode (Name : in SU.Unbounded_String; Pos : in Natural) return Error_Message is begin return Encode (-Name, Pos); end Encode; function Encode (Info : in Error_Info) return Error_Message is begin return Encode (-Info.Symbol, Info.Position); end Encode; function Encode_Array (Info : in Error_Info_Array) return Error_Message is Result : SU.Unbounded_String := SU.To_Unbounded_String (0); begin for EI of Info loop SU.Append (Result, (Encode (-EI.Symbol, EI.Position))); end loop; return -Result; end Encode_Array; function Decode (Msg : in Error_Message) return Error_Info_Array is package Msg_Parts is new Parts (Msg); Result : Error_Info_Array (1 .. Msg_Parts.Length); Start, Finish : Natural; begin for EI of Result loop Msg_Parts.Next_ID_Token (Start, Finish); EI.Symbol := +Msg (Start .. Finish); Msg_Parts.Next_Pos_Token (Start, Finish); EI.Position := Integer'Value (Msg (Start .. Finish)); end loop; return Result; end Decode; end Packrat.Errors;