module Preferences( Preference, FullPreferences, normalise, parsePreferences ) where import qualified Candidate as Typ import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec import qualified Data.List as List type Preference = (Typ.Position,Typ.Ranking) type FullPreferences = ([Preference],[Preference]) minAboveTheLine = 1 minBelowTheLine = 6 -- converts a set of above+below-the-line preferences to just formal below-the-line normalise :: Typ.AboveLineBallot -> Typ.BelowLineBallot -> FullPreferences -> Maybe [Preference] normalise a b f = let na = extractFormal (fst f) nb = extractFormal (snd f) in if (isValidFormal minBelowTheLine b nb) then Just nb else if (isValidFormal minAboveTheLine a na) then Just (fromAboveToBelow a na) else Nothing extractFormal :: [Preference] -> [Preference] extractFormal pref = let formTail n r p = let (matches,rest) = List.partition ((== n) . snd) p in if (p == [] || (length matches) /= 1) then r else formTail (n + 1) ((head matches):r) rest in formTail 1 [] pref isValidFormal :: Foldable t => Int -> t a -> [Preference] -> Bool isValidFormal minLimit ballot pref = (length pref >= minLimit) || (length pref == length ballot) -- inefficient? fromAboveToBelow :: Typ.AboveLineBallot -> [Preference] -> [Preference] fromAboveToBelow a p = let sortedByRanking = List.sortBy (\x y -> compare (snd x) (snd y)) p tailFunc n bp ap = if (ap == []) then bp else let place = fst (head ap) newPrefs = zip (a !! (place - 1)) [n, n+1 ..] in tailFunc (n + length newPrefs) (bp ++ newPrefs) (tail ap) in tailFunc 1 [] sortedByRanking -- the two int arguments are the number of boxes above the line and the number -- of boxes below the line respectively parsePreferences :: Int -> Int -> String -> Either Parsec.ParseError FullPreferences parsePreferences aboveBoxes belowBoxes input = Parsec.parse (preference aboveBoxes belowBoxes) "error" input preference a b = do x <- Parsec.count a rank y <- Parsec.count b rank Parsec.eof let xr = map (read :: String -> Typ.Ranking) x yr = map (read :: String -> Typ.Ranking) y xp = (filter ((> 0) . snd) (zip [1,2..] xr)) yp = (filter ((> 0) . snd) (zip [1,2..] yr)) return (xp,yp) rank = do n <- Parsec.choice [normalRank, weirdRank, nullRank] Parsec.choice [Parsec.char ',' >> return (), Parsec.eof] return n normalRank = do n <- Parsec.oneOf "123456789" ns <- Parsec.many Parsec.digit return (n:ns) -- these symbols are taken to mean '1' according to AEC guidelines weirdRank = do Parsec.choice [Parsec.char '/', Parsec.char '*'] return "1" -- these ranks are standins that will be filtered out nullRank = return "0"