path: root/Main/Forms/PreferencesDialog.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Main/Forms/PreferencesDialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 488 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Main/Forms/PreferencesDialog.cpp b/Main/Forms/PreferencesDialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b10a5cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Main/Forms/PreferencesDialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2008-2009 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved.
+ Governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0 the full text of which is contained in
+ the file License.txt included in TrueCrypt binary and source code distribution
+ packages.
+#include "System.h"
+#include <wx/dynlib.h>
+#ifdef TC_WINDOWS
+#include <wx/msw/registry.h>
+#include "Common/SecurityToken.h"
+#include "Main/Main.h"
+#include "Main/Application.h"
+#include "Main/GraphicUserInterface.h"
+#include "Volume/Cipher.h"
+#include "PreferencesDialog.h"
+namespace TrueCrypt
+ PreferencesDialog::PreferencesDialog (wxWindow* parent)
+ : PreferencesDialogBase (parent),
+ LastVirtualKeyPressed (0),
+ Preferences (Gui->GetPreferences()),
+ RestoreValidatorBell (false)
+ {
+#define TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR(NAME) (TC_JOIN(NAME,CheckBox))->SetValidator (wxGenericValidator (&Preferences.NAME));
+#ifdef TC_MACOSX
+ PreferencesNotebook->SetMinSize (wxSize (Gui->GetCharWidth (PreferencesNotebook) * 108, -1));
+ // Security
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (DismountOnPowerSaving);
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (DismountOnScreenSaver);
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (DismountOnInactivity);
+ DismountOnInactivitySpinCtrl->SetValidator (wxGenericValidator (&Preferences.MaxVolumeIdleTime));
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (ForceAutoDismount);
+ PreserveTimestampsCheckBox->SetValidator (wxGenericValidator (&Preferences.DefaultMountOptions.PreserveTimestamps));
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (WipeCacheOnAutoDismount);
+ // Mount options
+ CachePasswordsCheckBox->SetValidator (wxGenericValidator (&Preferences.DefaultMountOptions.CachePassword));
+ MountReadOnlyCheckBox->SetValue (Preferences.DefaultMountOptions.Protection == VolumeProtection::ReadOnly);
+ MountRemovableCheckBox->SetValidator (wxGenericValidator (&Preferences.DefaultMountOptions.Removable));
+ FilesystemOptionsTextCtrl->SetValue (Preferences.DefaultMountOptions.FilesystemOptions);
+ // Keyfiles
+ DefaultKeyfilesPanel = new KeyfilesPanel (DefaultKeyfilesPage, make_shared <KeyfileList> (Preferences.DefaultKeyfiles));
+ DefaultKeyfilesSizer->Add (DefaultKeyfilesPanel, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND);
+ DefaultKeyfilesSizer->Layout();
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (BackgroundTaskEnabled);
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (CloseBackgroundTaskOnNoVolumes);
+ CloseBackgroundTaskOnNoVolumesCheckBox->Show (!Core->IsInPortableMode());
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (BackgroundTaskMenuDismountItemsEnabled);
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (BackgroundTaskMenuMountItemsEnabled);
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (BackgroundTaskMenuOpenItemsEnabled);
+ // Encryption
+ AesHwCpuSupportedStaticText->SetLabel (
+#ifdef TC_AES_HW_CPU
+ (is_aes_hw_cpu_supported() ? LangString["UISTR_YES"] : LangString["UISTR_NO"]));
+ NoHardwareCryptoCheckBox->SetValidator (wxGenericValidator (&Preferences.DefaultMountOptions.NoHardwareCrypto));
+ // Security tokens
+ Pkcs11ModulePathTextCtrl->SetValue (wstring (Preferences.SecurityTokenModule));
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (CloseSecurityTokenSessionsAfterMount);
+ // System integration
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (MountDevicesOnLogon);
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (MountFavoritesOnLogon);
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (CloseExplorerWindowsOnDismount);
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (OpenExplorerWindowAfterMount);
+ NoKernelCryptoCheckBox->SetValidator (wxGenericValidator (&Preferences.DefaultMountOptions.NoKernelCrypto));
+#ifdef TC_WINDOWS
+ // Hotkeys
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (BeepAfterHotkeyMountDismount);
+ TC_CHECK_BOX_VALIDATOR (DisplayMessageAfterHotkeyDismount);
+ TransferDataToWindow(); // Code below relies on TransferDataToWindow() called at this point
+#if defined (TC_WINDOWS) || defined (TC_MACOSX)
+ FilesystemSizer->Show (false);
+ // Auto-dismount is not supported on Linux as dismount may require the user to enter admin password
+ AutoDismountSizer->Show (false);
+ WipeCacheOnAutoDismountCheckBox->Show (false);
+#ifndef TC_WINDOWS
+ LogOnSizer->Show (false);
+ MountRemovableCheckBox->Show (false);
+ CloseExplorerWindowsOnDismountCheckBox->Show (false);
+ DismountOnPowerSavingCheckBox->Show (false);
+#ifdef TC_MACOSX
+ DismountOnScreenSaverCheckBox->Show (false);
+ DismountOnLogOffCheckBox->SetLabel (_("TrueCrypt quits"));
+ OpenExplorerWindowAfterMountCheckBox->SetLabel (_("Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume"));
+ MountRemovableCheckBox->Show (false);
+ FilesystemSizer->Show (false);
+ LogOnSizer->Show (false);
+ CloseExplorerWindowsOnDismountCheckBox->Show (false);
+#ifndef TC_LINUX
+ KernelServicesSizer->Show (false);
+#ifdef TC_WINDOWS
+ // Hotkeys
+ list <int> colPermilles;
+ HotkeyListCtrl->InsertColumn (ColumnHotkeyDescription, LangString["ACTION"], wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 1);
+ colPermilles.push_back (642);
+ HotkeyListCtrl->InsertColumn (ColumnHotkey, LangString["SHORTCUT"], wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 1);
+ colPermilles.push_back (358);
+ vector <wstring> fields (HotkeyListCtrl->GetColumnCount());
+ UnregisteredHotkeys = Preferences.Hotkeys;
+ Hotkey::UnregisterList (Gui->GetMainFrame(), UnregisteredHotkeys);
+ foreach (shared_ptr <Hotkey> hotkey, Preferences.Hotkeys)
+ {
+ fields[ColumnHotkeyDescription] = hotkey->Description;
+ fields[ColumnHotkey] = hotkey->GetShortcutString();
+ Gui->AppendToListCtrl (HotkeyListCtrl, fields, -1, hotkey.get());
+ }
+ Gui->SetListCtrlHeight (HotkeyListCtrl, 5);
+ Layout();
+ Fit();
+ Gui->SetListCtrlColumnWidths (HotkeyListCtrl, colPermilles);
+ RestoreValidatorBell = !wxTextValidator::IsSilent();
+ wxTextValidator::SetBellOnError (true);
+ HotkeyTextCtrl->SetValidator (wxTextValidator (wxFILTER_INCLUDE_CHAR_LIST));
+ UpdateHotkeyButtons();
+ // Page setup
+ for (size_t page = 0; page < PreferencesNotebook->GetPageCount(); page++)
+ {
+ wxNotebookPage *np = PreferencesNotebook->GetPage (page);
+ if (np == HotkeysPage)
+ {
+#ifndef TC_WINDOWS
+ PreferencesNotebook->RemovePage (page--);
+ continue;
+ }
+ np->Layout();
+ }
+ Layout();
+ Fit();
+ Center();
+ StdButtonsOK->SetDefault();
+#ifdef TC_WINDOWS
+ // Hotkey timer
+ class Timer : public wxTimer
+ {
+ public:
+ Timer (PreferencesDialog *dialog) : Dialog (dialog) { }
+ void Notify()
+ {
+ Dialog->OnTimer();
+ }
+ PreferencesDialog *Dialog;
+ };
+ mTimer.reset (dynamic_cast <wxTimer *> (new Timer (this)));
+ mTimer->Start (25);
+ }
+ PreferencesDialog::~PreferencesDialog ()
+ {
+ if (RestoreValidatorBell)
+ wxTextValidator::SetBellOnError (false);
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::SelectPage (wxPanel *page)
+ {
+ for (size_t pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < PreferencesNotebook->GetPageCount(); pageIndex++)
+ {
+ if (PreferencesNotebook->GetPage (pageIndex) == page)
+ PreferencesNotebook->ChangeSelection (pageIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnAssignHotkeyButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+#ifdef TC_WINDOWS
+ foreach (long item, Gui->GetListCtrlSelectedItems (HotkeyListCtrl))
+ {
+ Hotkey *hotkey = reinterpret_cast <Hotkey *> (HotkeyListCtrl->GetItemData (item));
+ int mods = 0;
+ mods |= HotkeyShiftCheckBox->IsChecked() ? wxMOD_SHIFT : 0;
+ mods |= HotkeyControlCheckBox->IsChecked() ? wxMOD_CONTROL : 0;
+ mods |= HotkeyAltCheckBox->IsChecked() ? wxMOD_ALT : 0;
+ mods |= HotkeyWinCheckBox->IsChecked() ? wxMOD_WIN : 0;
+ // F1 is help and F12 is reserved for use by the debugger at all times
+ if (mods == 0 && (LastVirtualKeyPressed == VK_F1 || LastVirtualKeyPressed == VK_F12))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Test if the hotkey can be registered
+ if (!this->RegisterHotKey (hotkey->Id, mods, LastVirtualKeyPressed))
+ {
+ Gui->ShowError (SystemException (SRC_POS));
+ return;
+ }
+ UnregisterHotKey (hotkey->Id);
+ foreach_ref (const Hotkey &h, Preferences.Hotkeys)
+ {
+ if (h.Id != hotkey->Id && h.VirtualKeyCode == LastVirtualKeyPressed && h.VirtualKeyModifiers == mods)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ hotkey->VirtualKeyCode = LastVirtualKeyPressed;
+ hotkey->VirtualKeyModifiers = mods;
+ vector <wstring> fields (HotkeyListCtrl->GetColumnCount());
+ fields[ColumnHotkeyDescription] = hotkey->Description;
+ fields[ColumnHotkey] = hotkey->GetShortcutString();
+ Gui->UpdateListCtrlItem (HotkeyListCtrl, item, fields);
+ UpdateHotkeyButtons();
+ }
+#endif // TC_WINDOWS
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnBackgroundTaskEnabledCheckBoxClick (wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+ if (!event.IsChecked())
+ BackgroundTaskEnabledCheckBox->SetValue (!Gui->AskYesNo (LangString["CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED"], false, true));
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnNoHardwareCryptoCheckBoxClick (wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+ if (event.IsChecked())
+ {
+ if (Gui->AskYesNo (LangString["CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE"], true, true))
+ {
+#ifdef TC_LINUX
+ Gui->ShowWarning (_("Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled."));
+ }
+ else
+ NoHardwareCryptoCheckBox->SetValue (false);
+ }
+ Gui->ShowWarning (_("Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting."));
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnNoKernelCryptoCheckBoxClick (wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+ if (event.IsChecked())
+ NoKernelCryptoCheckBox->SetValue (Gui->AskYesNo (_("Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?"), false, true));
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnClose (wxCloseEvent& event)
+ {
+#ifdef TC_WINDOWS
+ Hotkey::RegisterList (Gui->GetMainFrame(), UnregisteredHotkeys);
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnDismountOnPowerSavingCheckBoxClick (wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+ if (event.IsChecked() && !ForceAutoDismountCheckBox->IsChecked())
+ Gui->ShowWarning ("WARN_PREF_AUTO_DISMOUNT");
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnDismountOnScreenSaverCheckBoxClick (wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+ if (event.IsChecked() && !ForceAutoDismountCheckBox->IsChecked())
+ Gui->ShowWarning ("WARN_PREF_AUTO_DISMOUNT");
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnForceAutoDismountCheckBoxClick (wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+ if (!event.IsChecked())
+ ForceAutoDismountCheckBox->SetValue (!Gui->AskYesNo (LangString["CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTODISMOUNT"], false, true));
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnHotkeyListItemDeselected (wxListEvent& event)
+ {
+ UpdateHotkeyButtons();
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnHotkeyListItemSelected (wxListEvent& event)
+ {
+ UpdateHotkeyButtons();
+ HotkeyTextCtrl->ChangeValue (LangString ["PRESS_A_KEY_TO_ASSIGN"]);
+ AssignHotkeyButton->Enable (false);
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnOKButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+#ifdef TC_WINDOWS
+ HotkeyTextCtrl->SetValidator (wxTextValidator (wxFILTER_NONE));
+ if (!Validate())
+ return;
+ TransferDataFromWindow();
+ Preferences.DefaultMountOptions.Protection = MountReadOnlyCheckBox->IsChecked() ? VolumeProtection::ReadOnly : VolumeProtection::None;
+ Preferences.DefaultMountOptions.FilesystemOptions = FilesystemOptionsTextCtrl->GetValue();
+ Preferences.DefaultKeyfiles = *DefaultKeyfilesPanel->GetKeyfiles();
+ bool securityTokenModuleChanged = (Preferences.SecurityTokenModule != wstring (Pkcs11ModulePathTextCtrl->GetValue()));
+ Preferences.SecurityTokenModule = wstring (Pkcs11ModulePathTextCtrl->GetValue());
+ Gui->SetPreferences (Preferences);
+ try
+ {
+ if (securityTokenModuleChanged)
+ {
+ if (Preferences.SecurityTokenModule.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ if (SecurityToken::IsInitialized())
+ SecurityToken::CloseLibrary ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Gui->InitSecurityTokenLibrary();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (exception &e)
+ {
+ Gui->ShowError (e);
+ }
+#ifdef TC_WINDOWS
+ // Hotkeys
+ Hotkey::RegisterList (Gui->GetMainFrame(), Preferences.Hotkeys);
+ EndModal (wxID_OK);
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnPreserveTimestampsCheckBoxClick (wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+#ifdef TC_LINUX
+ if (!event.IsChecked())
+ Gui->ShowInfo (_("Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services."));
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnRemoveHotkeyButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+#ifdef TC_WINDOWS
+ foreach (long item, Gui->GetListCtrlSelectedItems (HotkeyListCtrl))
+ {
+ Hotkey *hotkey = reinterpret_cast <Hotkey *> (HotkeyListCtrl->GetItemData (item));
+ hotkey->VirtualKeyCode = 0;
+ hotkey->VirtualKeyModifiers = 0;
+ vector <wstring> fields (HotkeyListCtrl->GetColumnCount());
+ fields[ColumnHotkeyDescription] = hotkey->Description;
+ fields[ColumnHotkey] = hotkey->GetShortcutString();
+ Gui->UpdateListCtrlItem (HotkeyListCtrl, item, fields);
+ UpdateHotkeyButtons();
+ }
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnSelectPkcs11ModuleButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+ list < pair <wstring, wstring> > extensions;
+ wxString libExtension;
+ libExtension = wxDynamicLibrary::CanonicalizeName (L"x");
+#ifdef TC_MACOSX
+ extensions.push_back (make_pair (L"dylib", LangString["DLL_FILES"]));
+ if (!libExtension.empty())
+ {
+ extensions.push_back (make_pair (libExtension.Mid (libExtension.find (L'.') + 1), LangString["DLL_FILES"]));
+ extensions.push_back (make_pair (L"*", L""));
+ }
+ string libDir;
+#ifdef TC_WINDOWS
+ char sysDir[TC_MAX_PATH];
+ GetSystemDirectoryA (sysDir, sizeof (sysDir));
+ libDir = sysDir;
+#elif defined (TC_MACOSX)
+ libDir = "/usr/local/lib";
+#elif defined (TC_UNIX)
+ libDir = "/usr/lib";
+ Gui->ShowInfo ("SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE_HELP");
+ FilePathList files = Gui->SelectFiles (this, LangString["SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE"], false, false, extensions, libDir);
+ if (!files.empty())
+ Pkcs11ModulePathTextCtrl->SetValue (wstring (*files.front()));
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::OnTimer ()
+ {
+#ifdef TC_WINDOWS
+ for (UINT vKey = 0; vKey <= 0xFF; vKey++)
+ {
+ if (GetAsyncKeyState (vKey) < 0)
+ {
+ bool shift = wxGetKeyState (WXK_SHIFT);
+ bool control = wxGetKeyState (WXK_CONTROL);
+ bool alt = wxGetKeyState (WXK_ALT);
+ bool win = wxGetKeyState (WXK_WINDOWS_LEFT) || wxGetKeyState (WXK_WINDOWS_RIGHT);
+ if (!Hotkey::GetVirtualKeyCodeString (vKey).empty()) // If the key is allowed and its name has been resolved
+ {
+ LastVirtualKeyPressed = vKey;
+ HotkeyShiftCheckBox->SetValue (shift);
+ HotkeyControlCheckBox->SetValue (control);
+ HotkeyAltCheckBox->SetValue (alt);
+ HotkeyWinCheckBox->SetValue (win);
+ HotkeyTextCtrl->ChangeValue (Hotkey::GetVirtualKeyCodeString (LastVirtualKeyPressed));
+ UpdateHotkeyButtons();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void PreferencesDialog::UpdateHotkeyButtons()
+ {
+ AssignHotkeyButton->Enable (!HotkeyTextCtrl->IsEmpty() && HotkeyListCtrl->GetSelectedItemCount() > 0);
+ bool remove = false;
+ foreach (long item, Gui->GetListCtrlSelectedItems (HotkeyListCtrl))
+ {
+ if (reinterpret_cast <Hotkey *> (HotkeyListCtrl->GetItemData (item))->VirtualKeyCode != 0)
+ remove = true;
+ }
+ RemoveHotkeyButton->Enable (remove);
+ }