path: root/src/
diff options
authorJedidiah Barber <>2023-06-19 22:15:44 +1200
committerJedidiah Barber <>2023-06-19 22:15:44 +1200
commit74af58587359206ef92249d18e4830c40cac0bc5 (patch)
tree8dfae06813f8e9f41787e45e7e31354b017f5713 /src/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bdb142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+-- Programmed by Jedidiah Barber
+-- Released into the public domain
+private with
+ Ada.Finalization,
+ Ada.Containers.Vectors,
+ Interfaces.C.Strings,
+ System;
+package Libao is
+ -----------------------
+ -- Data Structures --
+ -----------------------
+ type Driver_ID_Number is new Natural;
+ type Data_Buffer is new String;
+ type Device is private;
+ type Info is tagged private;
+ type Info_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Info;
+ type Output_Kind is (Live_Output, File_Output);
+ type Endianness is (Little_Endian, Big_Endian, Machine_Native);
+ function Kind
+ (Attributes : in Info)
+ return Output_Kind
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ function Name
+ (Attributes : in Info)
+ return String
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ function Short_Name
+ (Attributes : in Info)
+ return String
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ function Preferred_Byte_Format
+ (Attributes : in Info)
+ return Endianness
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ function Priority_Level
+ (Attributes : in Info)
+ return Positive
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ function Comment
+ (Attributes : in Info)
+ return String
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ function Option_Count
+ (Attributes : in Info)
+ return Natural
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ function Option_Key
+ (Attributes : in Info;
+ Index : in Positive)
+ return String
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ type Option_List is tagged private;
+ Empty_Options : constant Option_List;
+ type Sample_Format is private;
+ type Channel_Mnemonic is (L, R, C, M, CL, CR, BL, BR, BC, SL, SR, LFE, A1, A2, A3, A4, X);
+ type Mnemonic_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Channel_Mnemonic;
+ function Create
+ (Bits, Rate, Channels : in Positive;
+ Byte_Format : in Endianness;
+ Channel_Matrix : in Mnemonic_Array)
+ return Sample_Format;
+ Stereo : constant Mnemonic_Array := (L, R);
+ Quadraphonic : constant Mnemonic_Array := (L, R, BL, BR);
+ ------------------
+ -- Exceptions --
+ ------------------
+ -- May be raised by Open_Live, Open_File, Driver_ID, Driver_Info
+ No_Driver_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Open_File
+ Not_File_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Open_Live
+ Not_Live_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Open_Live, Open_File
+ Bad_Option_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Open_Live
+ Open_Device_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Shutdown, Close
+ Close_Device_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Default_Driver_ID
+ No_Device_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Open_File
+ Open_File_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Open_File
+ File_Exists_Error : exception;
+ -- Documentation lacking, but presumably may be raised by Open_Live, Open_File
+ Bad_Format_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Open_Live, Open_File, Play
+ General_Failure : exception;
+ -- Storage_Error may be raised by Append, Append_Global_Option
+ -- Program_Error may be raised if libao in general does something out of spec
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Library Setup/Teardown --
+ ------------------------------
+ function Is_Alive
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Startup
+ with Pre => not Is_Alive,
+ Post => Is_Alive;
+ procedure Shutdown
+ with Pre => Is_Alive,
+ Post => not Is_Alive;
+ --------------------------------------
+ -- Device Setup/Playback/Teardown --
+ --------------------------------------
+ procedure Append
+ (This : in out Option_List;
+ Key : in String;
+ Value : in String)
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ procedure Append_Global_Option
+ (Key : in String;
+ Value : in String)
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ function Open_Live
+ (Driver_ID : in Driver_ID_Number;
+ Format : in Sample_Format;
+ Options : in Option_List'Class)
+ return Device
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ function Open_File
+ (Driver_ID : in Driver_ID_Number;
+ Filename : in String;
+ Format : in Sample_Format;
+ Options : in Option_List'Class;
+ Overwrite : in Boolean := False)
+ return Device
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ procedure Play
+ (Output_Device : in Device;
+ Samples : in Data_Buffer)
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ procedure Close
+ (Output_Device : in out Device)
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ --------------------------
+ -- Driver Information --
+ --------------------------
+ function Driver_ID
+ (Short_Name : in String)
+ return Driver_ID_Number
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ function Default_Driver_ID
+ return Driver_ID_Number
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ function Driver_Info
+ (Ident : in Driver_ID_Number)
+ return Info
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ function Driver_Info_List
+ return Info_Array
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ function File_Extension
+ (Ident : in Driver_ID_Number)
+ return String
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Miscellaneous --
+ ---------------------
+ function Is_Big_Endian
+ return Boolean
+ with Pre => Is_Alive;
+ pragma Linker_Options ("-lao");
+ pragma Inline (Is_Alive);
+ procedure Do_Append
+ (Ptr : in out System.Address;
+ Key : in Interfaces.C.char_array;
+ Value : in Interfaces.C.char_array);
+ procedure Do_Close
+ (Ptr : in System.Address);
+ type Device is record
+ Ptr : System.Address;
+ end record;
+ type Info is tagged record
+ Ptr : System.Address;
+ end record;
+ type Option_List is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
+ Ptr : System.Address := System.Null_Address;
+ end record;
+ overriding procedure Adjust
+ (This : in out Option_List);
+ overriding procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Option_List);
+ Empty_Options : constant Option_List :=
+ (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with Ptr => System.Null_Address);
+ type C_Sample_Format is record
+ Bits :;
+ Rate :;
+ Channels :;
+ Byte_Format :;
+ Matrix : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
+ end record with Convention => C;
+ type Sample_Format is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
+ C_Struct : C_Sample_Format;
+ end record;
+ overriding procedure Adjust
+ (This : in out Sample_Format);
+ overriding procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Sample_Format);
+ Alive_Status : Boolean := False;
+ package Address_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors
+ (Index_Type => Positive,
+ Element_Type => System.Address,
+ "=" => System."=");
+ Device_List : Address_Vectors.Vector := Address_Vectors.Empty_Vector;
+end Libao;