diff options
authorJed Barber <>2017-12-17 11:32:11 +1100
committerJed Barber <>2017-12-17 11:32:11 +1100
commitfe69d2cc0c3b671378e1bff40863c03d3b2679ed (patch)
parent1a98873c6ef52d5b61b77878c83021b07b558294 (diff)
Ada specification files for core binding mostly done
3 files changed, 920 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d6fff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+package Wayland.Client is
+ subtype Num_Events_Dispatched is Natural;
+ subtype Num_Bytes_Sent is Natural;
+ type Proxy is new Wayland_Object with private;
+ type Proxy_Access is access Proxy;
+ type Display is new Proxy with private;
+ type Display_Access is access Display;
+ type Event_Queue is new Wayland_Object private;
+ type Event_Queue_Access is access Event_Queue;
+ type Dispatcher_Function is access procedure
+ (Obj : in Wayland_Object;
+ Op : in Opcode);
+ -- Proxy
+ function Create
+ (Factory : in Proxy;
+ My_Interface : in Protocol_Interface)
+ return Proxy;
+ procedure Marshal
+ (This : in out Proxy;
+ Op : in Opcode;
+ Args : in Argument_Array);
+ function Marshal_Constructor
+ (This : in out Proxy;
+ My_Interface : in Protocol_Interface;
+ Op : in Opcode;
+ Args : in Argument_Array)
+ return Proxy;
+ function Marshal_Constructor
+ (This : in out Proxy;
+ My_Interface : in Protocol_Interface;
+ Op : in Opcode;
+ Args : in Argument_Array;
+ Version : in Version_Number)
+ return Proxy;
+ procedure Add_Listener
+ (This : in out Proxy;
+ Op : in Opcode;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ function Get_Listener
+ (This : in Proxy;
+ Op : in Opcode)
+ return Listener_Function;
+ procedure Remove_Listener
+ (This : in out Proxy;
+ Op : in Opcode);
+ procedure Set_Dispatcher
+ (This : in out Proxy;
+ Func : in Dispatcher_Function);
+ function Get_Version
+ (This : in Proxy)
+ return Version_Number;
+ function Get_ID
+ (This : in Proxy)
+ return ID_Number;
+ function Get_Interface_Name
+ (This : in Proxy)
+ return String;
+ procedure Set_Queue
+ (This : in out Proxy;
+ Queue : in Event_Queue_Access);
+ -- Display
+ function Connect
+ (Name : in String)
+ return Display;
+ function Connect_To_FD
+ (FD : in File_Descriptor)
+ return Display;
+ procedure Disconnect
+ (This : in out Display);
+ function Get_FD
+ (This : in Display)
+ return File_Descriptor;
+ function Dispatch
+ (This : in out Display)
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched;
+ function Dispatch_Pending
+ (This : in out Display)
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched;
+ function Dispatch_Queue
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Queue : in out Event_Queue)
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched;
+ function Dispatch_Queue_Pending
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Queue : in out Event_Queue)
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched;
+ function Get_Error
+ (This : in out Display)
+ return Error_Value;
+ function Get_Protocol_Error
+ (This : in Display;
+ My_Interface : in Protocol_Interface_Access;
+ ID : in ID_Number)
+ return Error_Value;
+ function Flush
+ (This : in out Display)
+ return Num_Bytes_Sent;
+ function Roundtrip_Queue
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Queue : in out Event_Queue)
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched;
+ function Roundtrip
+ (This : in out Display)
+ return Num_Events_Dispatched;
+ procedure Read_Events
+ (This : in out Display);
+ procedure Read_Events
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Queue : in out Event_Queue);
+ -- Event_Queue
+ function Create_Queue
+ (This : in out Display)
+ return Event_Queue;
+ -- Log
+ procedure Set_Log_Handler
+ (Handler : in Log_Function);
+ type Proxy is new Wayland_Object with null record;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Proxy);
+ type Display is new Proxy with null record;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Display);
+ type Event_Queue is new Wayland_Object with null record;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Event_Queue);
+end Wayland.Client;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ab05c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+package Wayland.Server is
+ -- All types declared first to make primitive op grouping easier
+ type Signal is new Wayland_Object with private;
+ type Signal_Number is new Integer;
+ type Event_Source is new Wayland_Object with private;
+ type Event_Loop is new Wayland_Object with private;
+ type Event_Loop_Access is access Event_Loop;
+ type Event_Loop_Reference (Data : not null access Event_Loop) is limited private
+ with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
+ type Event_Loop_FD_Function is access function
+ (This : in out Event_Loop;
+ FD : in File_Descriptor;
+ Mask : in Client_State)
+ return Boolean;
+ type Event_Loop_Timer_Function is access function
+ (This : in out Event_Loop)
+ return Boolean;
+ type Event_Loop_Signal_Function is access function
+ (This : in out Event_Loop;
+ Num : in Signal_Number)
+ return Boolean;
+ type Event_Loop_Idle_Function is access procedure
+ (This : in out Event_Loop);
+ type Client is new Wayland_Object with private
+ with Variable_Indexing => Get_Object;
+ type Client_Access is access Client;
+ type Client_Reference (Data : not null access Client) is limited private
+ with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
+ type Client_State is record
+ Readable : Boolean := False;
+ Writable : Boolean := False;
+ Hangup : Boolean := False;
+ Error : Boolean := False;
+ end record;
+ type Display is new Wayland_Object with private;
+ type Display_Access is access Display;
+ type Display_Reference (Data : not null access Display) is limited private
+ with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
+ type Global is new Wayland_Object with private;
+ type Global_Access is access Global;
+ type Global_Bind_Function is access procedure
+ (My_Client : in Client_Access;
+ Version : in Version_Number;
+ ID : in ID_Number);
+ type Global_Filter_Function is access function
+ (Caller : in Display;
+ My_Client : in Client;
+ My_Global : in Global)
+ return Boolean;
+ type Resource is new Wayland_Object with private;
+ type Resource_Access is access Resource;
+ type Resource_Reference (Data : not null access Resource) is limited private
+ with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
+ type Pixel_Value is new Unsigned_Integer;
+ type Stride_Size is new Positive;
+ type Pixel_Format is new Unsigned_Integer;
+ type Shared_Memory is new Wayland_Object with private;
+ type SHM_Access is access Shared_Memory;
+ type Shared_Pool is new Wayland_Object with private;
+ type SHM_Pool_Access is access Shared_Pool;
+ type Protocol_Logger is new Wayland_Object with private;
+ type Protocol_Logger_Direction is (Request, Event);
+ type Protocol_Logger_Message is record
+ end record;
+ type Protocol_Logger_Function is access procedure
+ (From : in Display;
+ Dir : in Protocol_Logger_Direction;
+ Msg : in Protocol_Logger_Message);
+ -- Signal
+ function Create
+ return Signal;
+ procedure Add
+ (This : in out Signal;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ function Has
+ (This : in Signal;
+ Func : in Listener_Function)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Remove
+ (This : in out Signal;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ procedure Emit
+ (This : in Signal);
+ -- Event_Source
+ function FD_Update
+ (Source : in Event_Source;
+ Mask : in Client_State)
+ return Result;
+ function Timer_Update
+ (Source : in Event_Source;
+ Time : in Duration)
+ return Result;
+ procedure Remove
+ (Source : in Event_Source);
+ procedure Check
+ (Source : in Event_Source);
+ -- Event_Loop
+ function Create
+ return Event_Loop;
+ function Add_FD
+ (This : in out Event_Loop;
+ FD : in File_Descriptor;
+ Mask : in Client_State;
+ Func : in Event_Loop_FD_Function)
+ return Event_Source;
+ function Get_FD
+ (This : in Event_Loop)
+ return File_Descriptor;
+ function Add_Timer
+ (This : in out Event_Loop;
+ Func : in Event_Loop_Timer_Function)
+ return Event_Source;
+ function Add_Signal
+ (This : in out Event_Loop;
+ Sig : in Signal_Number;
+ Func : in Event_Loop_Signal_Function)
+ return Event_Source;
+ function Add_Idle
+ (This : in out Event_Loop;
+ Func : in Event_Loop_Idle_Function)
+ return Event_Source;
+ function Dispatch
+ (This : in out Event_Loop;
+ Timeout : in Natural)
+ return Result;
+ procedure Dispatch_Idle
+ (This : in out Event_Loop);
+ procedure Add_Destroy_Listener
+ (This : in out Event_Loop;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ function Has_Destroy_Listener
+ (This : in Event_Loop;
+ Func : in Listener_Function)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Remove_Destroy_Listener
+ (This : in out Event_Loop;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ -- Display
+ function Create
+ return Display;
+ function Get_Event_Loop
+ (This : in Display)
+ return Event_Loop_Reference;
+ function Add_Socket
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Name : in String)
+ return Result;
+ function Add_Socket_Auto
+ (This : in out Display)
+ return String;
+ function Add_Socket_FD
+ (This : in out Display;
+ FD : in File_Descriptor)
+ return Result;
+ procedure Stop
+ (This : in out Display);
+ procedure Run
+ (This : in out Display);
+ procedure Flush_Clients
+ (This : in out Display);
+ function Get_Serial
+ (This : in Display)
+ return Serial_Number;
+ function Next_Serial
+ (This : in Display)
+ return Serial_Number;
+ procedure Add_Destroy_Listener
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ function Has_Destroy_Listener
+ (This : in Display;
+ Func : in Listener_Function)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Remove_Destroy_Listener
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ procedure Add_Client_Created_Listener
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ function Has_Client_Created_Listener
+ (This : in Display)
+ Func : in Listener_Function)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Remove_Client_Created_Listener
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ procedure Set_Global_Filter
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Func : in Global_Filter_Function);
+ function Add_Protocol_Logger
+ (This : in out Display;
+ Func : in Protocol_Logger_Function)
+ return Protocol_Logger;
+ -- Client
+ function Create
+ (My_Display : in Display_Access;
+ FD : in File_Descriptor)
+ return Client;
+ procedure Flush
+ (This : in out Client);
+ procedure Get_Credentials
+ (This : in Client;
+ PID : out Process_ID;
+ UID : out User_ID;
+ GID : out Group_ID);
+ function Get_Display
+ (This : in Client)
+ return Display_Reference;
+ function Get_FD
+ (This : in Client)
+ return File_Descriptor;
+ function Get_Object
+ (This : in Client;
+ ID : in ID_Number)
+ return Resource_Reference;
+ procedure Post_No_Memory
+ (This : in out Client);
+ procedure Add_Destroy_Listener
+ (This : in out Client;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ function Has_Destroy_Listener
+ (This : in Client;
+ Func : in Listener_Function)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Remove_Destroy_Listener
+ (This : in out Client;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ procedure Add_Resource_Created_Listener
+ (This : in out Client;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ function Has_Resource_Created_Listener
+ (This : in Client;
+ Func : in Listener_Function)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Remove_Resource_Created_Listener
+ (This : in out Client;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ -- Global
+ function Create
+ (My_Display : in Display_Access;
+ My_Interface : in Protocol_Interface_Access;
+ Version : in Version_Number;
+ Bind_Func : in Global_Bind_Function)
+ return Global;
+ function Get_Interface
+ (This : in Global_Access)
+ return Protocol_Interface_Reference;
+ -- Resource
+ function Create
+ (My_Client : in Client_Access;
+ My_Interface : in Protocol_Interface_Access;
+ Version : in Version_Number;
+ ID : in ID_Number)
+ return Resource;
+ procedure Post_Event
+ (This : in out Resource;
+ Op : in Opcode;
+ Args : in Argument_Array);
+ procedure Queue_Event
+ (This : in out Resource;
+ Op : in Opcode;
+ Args : in Argument_Array);
+ procedure Post_Error
+ (This : in out Resource;
+ Code : in Error_Code;
+ Msg : in String);
+ procedure Post_No_Memory
+ (This : in out Resource);
+ function Get_ID
+ (This : in Resource)
+ return ID_Number;
+ function Get_Client
+ (This : in Resource)
+ return Client_Reference;
+ function Get_Version
+ (This : in Resource)
+ return Version_Number;
+ procedure Add_Destroy_Listener
+ (This : in out Resource;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ function Has_Destroy_Listener
+ (This : in Resource;
+ Func : in Listener_Function)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Remove_Destroy_Listener
+ (This : in out Resource;
+ Func : in Listener_Function);
+ -- Shared_Memory
+ function Create
+ (My_Client : in Client_Access;
+ ID : in ID_Number;
+ W, H : in Natural;
+ Stride : in Stride_Size;
+ Format : in Pixel_Format)
+ return Shared_Memory;
+ function Get_Buffer
+ (From : in Resource)
+ return Shared_Memory;
+ function Get_Pixel
+ (This : in Shared_Memory;
+ X, Y : in Natural)
+ return Pixel_Value;
+ procedure Set_Pixel
+ (This : in out Shared_Memory;
+ X, Y : in Natural;
+ Value : in Pixel_Value);
+ function Get_Stride
+ (This : in Shared_Memory)
+ return Stride_Size;
+ function Get_Format
+ (This : in Shared_Memory)
+ return Pixel_Format;
+ function Get_Width
+ (This : in Shared_Memory)
+ return Natural;
+ function Get_Height
+ (This : in Shared_Memory)
+ return Natural;
+ -- Shared_Pool
+ function Reference_Pool
+ (From : in Shared_Memory)
+ return Shared_Pool;
+ procedure Unreference
+ (This : in out Shared_Pool);
+ -- Log
+ procedure Set_Log_Handler
+ (Handler : in Log_Function);
+ type Signal is new Wayland_Object with null record;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Signal);
+ type Event_Source is new Wayland_Object with null record;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Event_Source);
+ type Event_Loop is new Wayland_Object with null record;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Event_Loop);
+ type Event_Loop_Reference (Data : not null access Event_Loop) is limited null record
+ with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
+ type Client is new Wayland_Object with null record
+ with Variable_Indexing => Get_Object;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Client);
+ type Client_Reference (Data : not null access Client) is limited null record
+ with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
+ type Display is new Wayland_Object with null record;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Display);
+ type Display_Reference (Data : not null access Display) is limited null record
+ with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
+ type Global is new Wayland_Object with null record;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Global);
+ type Resource is new Wayland_Object with null record;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Resource);
+ type Resource_Reference (Data : not null access Resource) is limited null record
+ with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
+ type Shared_Memory is new Wayland_Object with record
+ Needs_Dealloc : Boolean;
+ end record;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Shared_Memory);
+ type Shared_Pool is new Wayland_Object with null record;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Shared_Pool);
+ type Protocol_Logger is new Wayland_Object with null record;
+ procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Protocol_Logger);
+end Wayland.Server;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfab18d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+private with
+ Ada.Finalization,
+ System;
+package Wayland is
+ type Unsigned_Integer is mod 2 ** 32;
+ type Result is (Success, Failure);
+ type Error_Code is new Unsigned_Integer;
+ type File_Descriptor is new Natural;
+ type Version_Number is new Positive;
+ type Serial_Number is new Unsigned_Integer;
+ type ID_Number is new Unsigned_Integer;
+ type Process_ID is new Natural;
+ type User_ID is new Natural;
+ type Group_ID is new Natural;
+ type Opcode is new Unsigned_Integer;
+ type Argument_Kind is (Uint, Int, Fixed, Str, Arr, FD, ID, Obj);
+ type Argument (Kind : Argument_Kind) is private;
+ type Argument_Array is array (Integer range <>) of Argument;
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in Unsigned_Integer)
+ return Arg (Uint);
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in Integer)
+ return Arg (Int);
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in )
+ return Arg (Fixed);
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in String)
+ return Arg (String);
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in )
+ return Arg (Arr);
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in File_Descriptor)
+ return Arg (FD);
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in ID_Number)
+ return Arg (ID);
+ function Arg
+ (Of_Type : in )
+ return Arg (Obj);
+ type Protocol_Interface is private;
+ type Protocol_Interface_Access is access Protocol_Interface;
+ type Protocol_Interface_Reference (Data : not null access Protocol_Interface) is limited private
+ with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
+ type Wayland_Object is limited tagged private;
+ type Listener_Function is access procedure
+ (Obj : in out Wayland_Object);
+ type Log_Function is access procedure
+ (Msg : in String);
+ type Wayland_Object is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record
+ Void_Ptr : System.Address := System.Null_Address;
+ end record;
+ procedure Initialize
+ (This : in out Wayland_Object);
+ type Protocol_Interface is record
+ end record;
+ type Protocol_Interface_Reference (Data : not null access Protocol_Interface) is limited null record
+ with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
+end Wayland;