path: root/src/
diff options
authorJedidiah Barber <>2023-07-02 21:36:34 +1200
committerJedidiah Barber <>2023-07-02 21:36:34 +1200
commit049d2a9a337331295b4a2d4ad13061bc73536236 (patch)
treec360b2ce05f91d070c14dad7a3691c1435df7df7 /src/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67e355f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+-- Programmed by Jedidiah Barber
+-- Released into the public domain
+private with
+ Interfaces.C,
+ System;
+package Libsndfile is
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- Data Types and Structures --
+ ---------------------------------
+ type Count_Type is new Long_Long_Integer;
+ type Sound_File is tagged limited private;
+ type File_Mode is (Read_Only, Write_Only, Read_Write);
+ type Seek_From is (From_Start, From_Current, From_End);
+ type Short_Data is array (Positive range <>) of Short_Integer;
+ type Integer_Data is array (Positive range <>) of Integer;
+ type Float_Data is array (Positive range <>) of Float;
+ type Double_Data is array (Positive range <>) of Long_Float;
+ type Raw_Data is new String;
+ type Metadata is
+ (Title_String,
+ Copyright_String,
+ Software_String,
+ Artist_String,
+ Comment_String,
+ Date_String,
+ Album_String,
+ License_String,
+ Track_Number_String,
+ Genre_String);
+ type File_Info is private;
+ type Major_Format is
+ (Format_Unknown,
+ Wav_Format,
+ Aiff_Format,
+ Au_Format,
+ Raw_Format,
+ Paf_Format,
+ Svx_Format,
+ Nist_Format,
+ Voc_Format,
+ Ircam_Format,
+ W64_Format,
+ Mat4_Format,
+ Mat5_Format,
+ Pvf_Format,
+ Xi_Format,
+ Htk_Format,
+ Sds_Format,
+ Avr_Format,
+ Wavex_Format,
+ Sd2_Format,
+ Flac_Format,
+ Caf_Format,
+ Wve_Format,
+ Ogg_Format,
+ Mpc2k_Format,
+ Rf64_Format,
+ Mpeg_Format);
+ type Minor_Format is
+ (Encoding_Unknown,
+ Pcm_S8_Encoding,
+ Pcm_16_Encoding,
+ Pcm_24_Encoding,
+ Pcm_32_Encoding,
+ Pcm_U8_Encoding,
+ Float_Encoding,
+ Double_Encoding,
+ Ulaw_Encoding,
+ Alaw_Encoding,
+ Ima_Adpcm_Encoding,
+ Ms_Adpcm_Encoding,
+ Gsm610_Encoding,
+ Vox_Adpcm_Encoding,
+ Nms_Adpcm_16_Encoding,
+ Nms_Adpcm_24_Encoding,
+ Nms_Adpcm_32_Encoding,
+ G721_32_Encoding,
+ G723_24_Encoding,
+ G723_40_Encoding,
+ Dwvw_12_Encoding,
+ Dwvw_16_Encoding,
+ Dwvw_24_Encoding,
+ Dwvw_N_Encoding,
+ Dpcm_8_Encoding,
+ Dpcm_16_Encoding,
+ Vorbis_Encoding,
+ Opus_Encoding,
+ Alac_16_Encoding,
+ Alac_20_Encoding,
+ Alac_24_Encoding,
+ Alac_32_Encoding,
+ Mpeg_Layer_I_Encoding,
+ Mpeg_Layer_II_Encoding,
+ Mpeg_Layer_III_Encoding);
+ type Endianness is
+ (Default_Endian,
+ Little_Endian,
+ Big_Endian,
+ Machine_Native);
+ -- Use a copy of this for reading non-raw files
+ Blank_Info : constant File_Info;
+ -- Use this for reading raw files and writing files
+ function Create
+ (Rate : in Positive;
+ Channels : in Positive;
+ Major : in Major_Format;
+ Minor : in Minor_Format;
+ Endian : in Endianness := Default_Endian)
+ return File_Info;
+ function Frames
+ (Info : in File_Info)
+ return Count_Type;
+ function Rate
+ (Info : in File_Info)
+ return Natural;
+ function Channels
+ (Info : in File_Info)
+ return Natural;
+ function Major
+ (Info : in File_Info)
+ return Major_Format;
+ function Minor
+ (Info : in File_Info)
+ return Minor_Format;
+ function Endian
+ (Info : in File_Info)
+ return Endianness;
+ function Sections
+ (Info : in File_Info)
+ return Natural;
+ function Seekable
+ (Info : in File_Info)
+ return Boolean;
+ ------------------
+ -- Exceptions --
+ ------------------
+ -- May be raised by Open
+ Unrecognised_Format_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Open
+ Unsupported_Encoding_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Open
+ Malformed_File_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Open, Close?
+ System_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Seek
+ Seek_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Current_Byterate
+ Unknown_Byterate_Error : exception;
+ -- May be raised by Open, Close
+ General_Failure : exception;
+ -- Program_Error may be raised if libsndfile in general does something out of spec
+ -- Set_Meta may raise errors but it is unclear which ones
+ ---------------
+ -- Utility --
+ ---------------
+ function Is_Open
+ (File : in Sound_File)
+ return Boolean;
+ ---------------------
+ -- API Interface --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Open
+ (File : in out Sound_File;
+ Name : in String;
+ Mode : in File_Mode;
+ Info : in out File_Info)
+ with Pre => not Is_Open (File),
+ Post => Is_Open (File);
+ function Format_Check
+ (Info : in File_Info)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Seek
+ (File : in Sound_File;
+ Offset : in Count_Type;
+ Whence : in Seek_From;
+ Mode : in File_Mode := Read_Write)
+ return Count_Type
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ procedure Close
+ (File : in out Sound_File)
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File),
+ Post => not Is_Open (File);
+ procedure Write_Sync
+ (File : in Sound_File)
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ function Read_Short
+ (File : in Sound_File;
+ Data : out Short_Data;
+ Frames : in Count_Type)
+ return Count_Type
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ function Read_Integer
+ (File : in Sound_File;
+ Data : out Integer_Data;
+ Frames : in Count_Type)
+ return Count_Type
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ function Read_Float
+ (File : in Sound_File;
+ Data : out Float_Data;
+ Frames : in Count_Type)
+ return Count_Type
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ function Read_Double
+ (File : in Sound_File;
+ Data : out Double_Data;
+ Frames : in Count_Type)
+ return Count_Type
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ function Write_Short
+ (File : in Sound_File;
+ Data : in Short_Data;
+ Frames : in Count_Type)
+ return Count_Type
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ function Write_Integer
+ (File : in Sound_File;
+ Data : in Integer_Data;
+ Frames : in Count_Type)
+ return Count_Type
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ function Write_Float
+ (File : in Sound_File;
+ Data : in Float_Data;
+ Frames : in Count_Type)
+ return Count_Type
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ function Write_Double
+ (File : in Sound_File;
+ Data : in Double_Data;
+ Frames : in Count_Type)
+ return Count_Type
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ function Read_Raw
+ (File : in Sound_File;
+ Data : out Raw_Data;
+ Bytes : in Count_Type)
+ return Count_Type
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ function Write_Raw
+ (File : in Sound_File;
+ Data : in Raw_Data;
+ Bytes : in Count_Type)
+ return Count_Type
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ function Get_Meta
+ (File : in Sound_File;
+ Kind : in Metadata)
+ return String
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ procedure Set_Meta
+ (File : in Sound_File;
+ Kind : in Metadata;
+ Value : in String)
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ function Version_String
+ return String;
+ function Current_Byterate
+ (File : in Sound_File)
+ return Natural
+ with Pre => Is_Open (File);
+ -- RIFF chunk API goes here
+ pragma Linker_Options ("-lsndfile");
+ pragma Inline (Is_Open);
+ pragma Inline (Write_Sync);
+ pragma Inline (Read_Raw);
+ pragma Inline (Write_Raw);
+ pragma Inline (Version_String);
+ type Sound_File is tagged limited record
+ Ptr : System.Address := System.Null_Address;
+ FMode : File_Mode := Read_Only;
+ Chans : := 0;
+ end record;
+ type C_Short_Data is array (Positive range <>) of Interfaces.C.short;
+ type C_Integer_Data is array (Positive range <>) of;
+ type C_Float_Data is array (Positive range <>) of Interfaces.C.C_float;
+ type C_Double_Data is array (Positive range <>) of Interfaces.C.double;
+ -- This cannot correspond to the C-side SF_INFO since sf_count_t can vary
+ type File_Info is record
+ My_Frames : Interfaces.Integer_64;
+ My_Sample_Rate :;
+ My_Channels :;
+ My_Major :;
+ My_Minor :;
+ My_Endian :;
+ My_Sections :;
+ My_Seekable :;
+ end record with Convention => C;
+ Blank_Info : constant File_Info := (My_Frames => 0, others => 0);
+ procedure Raise_Error
+ (Num : in;
+ function To_Major
+ (Num : in
+ return Major_Format;
+ function To_Minor
+ (Num : in
+ return Minor_Format;
+ function To_Endian
+ (Num : in
+ return Endianness;
+ function To_Cint
+ (Major : in Major_Format)
+ return;
+ function To_Cint
+ (Minor : in Minor_Format)
+ return;
+ function To_Cint
+ (Endian : in Endianness)
+ return;
+ sf_false : constant;
+ pragma Import (C, sf_false, "sf_false");
+ sf_true : constant;
+ pragma Import (C, sf_true, "sf_true");
+ sfm_read : constant;
+ pragma Import (C, sfm_read, "sfm_read");
+ sfm_write : constant;
+ pragma Import (C, sfm_write, "sfm_write");
+ sfm_rdwr : constant;
+ pragma Import (C, sfm_rdwr, "sfm_rdwr");
+ sf_seek_set : constant;
+ pragma Import (C, sf_seek_set, "sf_seek_set");
+ sf_seek_cur : constant;
+ pragma Import (C, sf_seek_cur, "sf_seek_cur");
+ sf_seek_end : constant;
+ pragma Import (C, sf_seek_end, "sf_seek_end");
+ function sf_error
+ (File : in System.Address)
+ return;
+ pragma Import (C, sf_error, "sf_error");
+end Libsndfile;