path: root/test/graph_tests-inspection.adb
diff options
authorJed Barber <>2020-05-21 21:24:25 +1000
committerJed Barber <>2020-05-21 21:24:25 +1000
commit82a42674ba64c6386152a5910fd7345a92b135e8 (patch)
treebe453540ca12e0679f9ea741f99c592696ce3b96 /test/graph_tests-inspection.adb
parentd07979218ea80c58e64148d9638ed3e6195ff6ed (diff)
Tests complete, minor bugs fixed
Diffstat (limited to 'test/graph_tests-inspection.adb')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/graph_tests-inspection.adb b/test/graph_tests-inspection.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac2cdb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/graph_tests-inspection.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+-- with Ada.Text_IO;
+-- use Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ada.Containers;
+package body Graph_Tests.Inspection is
+ function Node_Count_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ use type Ada.Containers.Count_Type;
+ begin
+ if Graphs.Empty_Graph.Node_Count /= 0 or
+ My_Empty_Graph.Node_Count /= 0 or
+ My_Nonempty_Graph.Node_Count /= Some_Nodes'Length or
+ My_Complex_Graph.Node_Count /= Complex_Nodes'Length
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ return Pass;
+ end Node_Count_Check;
+ function Node_Count_Subgraph_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ use type Ada.Containers.Count_Type;
+ Cursor_1 : Graphs.Cursor := My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (1);
+ Cursor_2 : Graphs.Cursor := My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (5);
+ Cursor_3 : Graphs.Cursor := My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (7);
+ Cursor_4 : Graphs.Cursor := My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (6);
+ begin
+ if Graphs.Node_Count_In_Subgraph (Cursor_1) /= Complex_Nodes'Length or
+ Graphs.Node_Count_In_Subgraph (Cursor_2) /= 6 or
+ Graphs.Node_Count_In_Subgraph (Cursor_3) /= 6 or
+ Graphs.Node_Count_In_Subgraph (Cursor_4) /= 3
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ return Pass;
+ end Node_Count_Subgraph_Check;
+ function Edge_Count_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ use type Ada.Containers.Count_Type;
+ begin
+ if Graphs.Empty_Graph.Edge_Count /= 0 or
+ My_Empty_Graph.Edge_Count /= 0 or
+ My_Nonempty_Graph.Edge_Count /= Some_Edges'Length or
+ My_Complex_Graph.Edge_Count /= Complex_Edges'Length
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ return Pass;
+ end Edge_Count_Check;
+ function Edge_Count_Subgraph_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ use type Ada.Containers.Count_Type;
+ Cursor_1 : Graphs.Cursor := My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (1);
+ Cursor_2 : Graphs.Cursor := My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (5);
+ Cursor_3 : Graphs.Cursor := My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (6);
+ begin
+ if Graphs.Edge_Count_In_Subgraph (Cursor_1) /= Complex_Edges'Length or
+ Graphs.Edge_Count_In_Subgraph (Cursor_2) /= 8 or
+ Graphs.Edge_Count_In_Subgraph (Cursor_3) /= 2
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ return Pass;
+ end Edge_Count_Subgraph_Check;
+ function Nodes_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ function Perm is new Is_Permutation (Node_ID, Positive, Graphs.Node_Array);
+ Node_List : Graphs.Node_Array := My_Complex_Graph.Nodes;
+ begin
+ if Perm (Node_List, Complex_Nodes) then
+ return Pass;
+ else
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ end Nodes_Check;
+ function Nodes_Subgraph_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ function Perm is new Is_Permutation (Node_ID, Positive, Graphs.Node_Array);
+ Node_List_1 : Graphs.Node_Array :=
+ Graphs.Nodes_In_Subgraph (My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (6));
+ Node_List_2 : Graphs.Node_Array :=
+ Graphs.Nodes_In_Subgraph (My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (7));
+ Node_List_3 : Graphs.Node_Array :=
+ Graphs.Nodes_In_Subgraph (My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (1));
+ begin
+ if Perm (Node_List_1, (6, 8, 9)) and
+ Perm (Node_List_2, (5, 6, 10, 8, 9, 7)) and
+ Perm (Node_List_3, Complex_Nodes)
+ then
+ return Pass;
+ else
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ end Nodes_Subgraph_Check;
+ function Edges_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ function Perm is new Is_Permutation (Graphs.Edge_Type, Positive, Graphs.Edge_Array);
+ Edge_List : Graphs.Edge_Array := My_Complex_Graph.Edges;
+ begin
+ if Perm (Edge_List, Complex_Edges) then
+ return Pass;
+ else
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ end Edges_Check;
+ function Edges_Subgraph_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ function Perm is new Is_Permutation (Graphs.Edge_Type, Positive, Graphs.Edge_Array);
+ Edge_List_1 : Graphs.Edge_Array :=
+ Graphs.Edges_In_Subgraph (My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (6));
+ Edge_List_2 : Graphs.Edge_Array :=
+ Graphs.Edges_In_Subgraph (My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (7));
+ Edge_List_3 : Graphs.Edge_Array :=
+ Graphs.Edges_In_Subgraph (My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (1));
+ begin
+ if Perm (Edge_List_1, ((8, 6, 8), (9, 6, 9))) and
+ Perm (Edge_List_2, ((10, 7, 9), (11, 7, 10), (12, 7, 7),
+ (13, 7, 5), (6, 5, 6), (7, 5, 7), (8, 6, 8), (9, 6, 9))) and
+ Perm (Edge_List_3, Complex_Edges)
+ then
+ return Pass;
+ else
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ end Edges_Subgraph_Check;
+ function Node_Range_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ Min, Max : Node_ID;
+ begin
+ My_Complex_Graph.Node_Range (Min, Max);
+ if Min /= 1 or Max /= 10 then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ My_Nonempty_Graph.Node_Range (Min, Max);
+ if Min /= 2 or Max /= 11 then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ return Pass;
+ end Node_Range_Check;
+ function Unused_Check
+ return Test_Result
+ is
+ use type Graphs.Node_Array;
+ begin
+ if My_Empty_Graph.Unused /= Node_ID (1) or
+ My_Nonempty_Graph.Unused /= Node_ID (1) or
+ My_Complex_Graph.Unused /= Node_ID (11) or
+ My_Empty_Graph.Unused /= Edge_ID (1) or
+ My_Nonempty_Graph.Unused /= Edge_ID (1) or
+ My_Complex_Graph.Unused /= Edge_ID (14) or
+ Graphs.Unused (My_Nonempty_Graph.To_Cursor (2)) /= Node_ID (1) or
+ Graphs.Unused (My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (3)) /= Node_ID (11) or
+ Graphs.Unused (My_Nonempty_Graph.To_Cursor (2)) /= Edge_ID (1) or
+ Graphs.Unused (My_Complex_Graph.To_Cursor (10)) /= Edge_ID (14) or
+ My_Nonempty_Graph.Unused (8) /= (1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12)
+ then
+ return Fail;
+ end if;
+ return Pass;
+ end Unused_Check;
+end Graph_Tests.Inspection;