List of interpreters: Fractran Thue Unlambda Brainfuck Grasp Usage of each interpreter is of the form: <interpreter name> <program file> The Thue interpreter has several command line switches: -l --left Evaluates applicable rules left to right -r --right Evaluates applicable rules right to left -a --random Evaluetes applicable rules randomly (default) -1 --ver1 Uses the version 1 parser/interpreter (default) -2 --ver2a Uses the version 2a parser/interpreter The Grasp interpreter has a command line switch: --testing Outputs a before and after of the graph, for debugging Fractran file format is one integer followed by an arbitrary number of fractions of the form a/b where both a and b are integers and b is not 0. Whitespace is not allowed inside a fraction, but is otherwise ignored. Thue file format is of a list of thue rules followed by the initial program state, as per the thue specification. Note that whitespace before and after the lhs or rhs of a rule is counted in that rule, and that a rule consisting of only whitespace (eg " ::= ") is treated as any other rule, not the termination of the rule list. Unlambda files should contain a single unlambda term, usually an application. All characters on a line after a # will be ignored, unless the # was part of a . or ? function. All whitespace is ignored. Brainfuck files should contain a number of brainfuck commands. All other characters are treated as whitespace and summarily ignored. The only restriction is that all [ loops must be closed with a corresponding ]. Grasp files follow the DOT graph description language, but for the purposes of programming are restricted to digraphs. Everything is ignored except for the nodes, edges, and their labels. Nodes may be named arbitrarily - it is the label of the node that is important for the grasp program.