path: root/src/Grasp
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authorJed Barber <>2014-08-31 18:33:06 +1000
committerJed Barber <>2014-08-31 18:33:06 +1000
commit5826e8e9b69e0e299765c6691f22e27dfe3213f4 (patch)
tree4297e45078e15d8f0a4cdb50f71d66bd1f661b57 /src/Grasp
parent6927f94b2d7e709a4941b9566b282d808cd05b31 (diff)
Pick instruction complete
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Grasp')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs b/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs
index 7223416..2d04226 100644
--- a/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs
+++ b/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ pickI g node =
stackN = targetNodes (getByLabel "stack" edges)
depthL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "depth" edges)
- outL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "out" edges)
+ outN = targetNodes (getByLabel "out" edges)
emptyL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "empty" edges)
in case (stackN, depthL) of
@@ -276,15 +276,29 @@ pickI g node =
(_,y) | length y /= 1 -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++
" should have one depth argument")
- (_,y) | not (isFloat (head y)) -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++
- " should have numeric depth argument")
+ (_,y) | not (isInteger (head y)) -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++
+ " should have integer depth argument")
+ (x,y) -> doPickI g (head x) (read (head y)) outN emptyL
- (x,y) -> doPickI g (head x) (head y) outL emptyL
+doPickI :: GraspProgram -> Node -> Int -> [Node] -> [String] -> IO GraspProgram
+doPickI g stackN depth outN emptyL =
+ let nextN = targetNodes (getByLabel "next" (Graph.out g stackN))
+ in case nextN of
+ x | length x > 1 -> error ("Stack has too many next edges at node " ++ (show stackN))
+ x | length x == 0 ->
+ if (emptyL == []) then return g
+ else (getStdRandom (randomR (0,length emptyL - 1))) >>=
+ (\x -> return (foldl' (\gr n -> reLabel gr n (emptyL !! x)) g outN))
-doPickI :: GraspProgram -> Node -> String -> [String] -> [String] -> IO GraspProgram
-doPickI g s d out empty = return g
+ x ->
+ if (depth > 0) then doPickI g (head nextN) (depth - 1) outN emptyL
+ else let label = fromJust (Graph.lab g stackN)
+ in return (foldl' (\gr n -> reLabel gr n label) g outN)