path: root/src
diff options
authorJed Barber <>2014-12-08 11:59:40 +1100
committerJed Barber <>2014-12-08 11:59:40 +1100
commit9ea7bf952aa62038cf36c1a4eabd62d1dc0ad051 (patch)
treeb7af109c773f2adf65eb045e25aeac1b74238418 /src
parentedba51f6c1c0ab27fe078500cc0f3f3106816c62 (diff)
Stack instructions added
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 112 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs b/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs
index c9d807e..01d7eb1 100644
--- a/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs
+++ b/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs
@@ -132,22 +132,117 @@ delI = do
pushI :: GraspM ()
-pushI = GMonad.updateIP
+pushI = do
+ curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust
+ stackNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "stack") curNode
+ inNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "in") curNode
+ Monad.when (length stackNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction push should have one stack argument")
+ r <- liftIO (Random.getStdRandom (Random.randomR (0, length inNodes - 1)))
+ let stackInst = if (length inNodes == 0) then "" else GN.toInst (inNodes !! r)
+ n <- GMonad.newNodes [stackInst]
+ ne <- return ( (GN.toNode (head n), GN.toNode (head stackNodes), "next"))
+ se <- GMonad.edgesIn (head stackNodes)
+ se' <- return (map (\x -> (GE.toSrc x, GN.toNode (head n), GE.toLabel x)) se)
+ GMonad.delEdges se
+ GMonad.insNode (head n)
+ GMonad.insEdges (ne:se')
+ GMonad.updateIP
implicitPushI :: GraspM ()
-implicitPushI = GMonad.updateIP
+implicitPushI = do
+ curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust
+ stackNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "stack") curNode
+ Monad.when (length stackNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction implicit push should have one stack argument")
+ n <- GMonad.newNodes [GN.toInst curNode]
+ ne <- return ( (GN.toNode (head n), GN.toNode (head stackNodes), "next"))
+ se <- GMonad.edgesIn (head stackNodes)
+ se' <- return (map (\x -> (GE.toSrc x, GN.toNode (head n), GE.toLabel x)) se)
+ GMonad.delEdges se
+ GMonad.insNode (head n)
+ GMonad.insEdges (ne:se')
+ GMonad.updateIP
popI :: GraspM ()
-popI = GMonad.updateIP
+popI = do
+ curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust
+ stackNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "stack") curNode
+ outNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "out") curNode
+ emptyNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "empty") curNode
+ Monad.when (length stackNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction pop should have one stack argument")
+ nextNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "next") (head stackNodes)
+ Monad.when (length nextNodes > 1) (error "Stack nodes should have at most one next edge")
+ if (length nextNodes == 1) then do
+ mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel (GN.toInst (head stackNodes))) outNodes
+ se <- GMonad.edgesIn (head stackNodes)
+ se' <- return (map (\x -> (GE.toSrc x, GN.toNode (head nextNodes), GE.toLabel x)) se)
+ GMonad.delEdges se
+ GMonad.insEdges se'
+ else do
+ Monad.when (length emptyNodes > 0) (do
+ r <- liftIO (Random.getStdRandom (Random.randomR (0, length emptyNodes - 1)))
+ mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel (GN.toInst (emptyNodes !! r))) outNodes )
+ GMonad.updateIP
pickI :: GraspM ()
-pickI = GMonad.updateIP
+pickI = do
+ curNode <- GMonad.peekIP >>= return . Maybe.fromJust
+ stackNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "stack") curNode
+ depthNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "depth") curNode
+ outNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "out") curNode
+ emptyNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "empty") curNode
+ Monad.when (length stackNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction pick should have one stack argument")
+ Monad.when (length depthNodes /= 1) (error "Instruction pick should have one depth argument")
+ Monad.unless (Maybe.isJust . IN.toInt . GN.toInst $ (head depthNodes))
+ (error "Depth argument to instruction pick should be an integer")
+ Monad.unless ((>=0) . Maybe.fromJust . IN.toInt . GN.toInst $ (head depthNodes))
+ (error "Depth argument to instruction pick should be positive")
+ let depthFunc d n = do
+ nextNodes <- GMonad.nodesOut ( "next") n
+ Monad.when (length nextNodes > 1) (error "Stack nodes should have at most one next edge")
+ if (length nextNodes == 0)
+ then return Nothing
+ else if (d == 0)
+ then return (Just n)
+ else depthFunc (d - 1) (head nextNodes)
+ pickNode <- depthFunc (Maybe.fromJust . IN.toInt . GN.toInst $ (head depthNodes)) (head stackNodes)
+ if (Maybe.isJust pickNode) then do
+ mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel (GN.toInst (Maybe.fromJust pickNode))) outNodes
+ else do
+ Monad.when (length emptyNodes > 0) (do
+ r <- liftIO (Random.getStdRandom (Random.randomR (0, length emptyNodes - 1)))
+ mapM_ (GMonad.reLabel (GN.toInst (emptyNodes !! r))) outNodes )
+ GMonad.updateIP
diff --git a/src/Grasp/Monad.hs b/src/Grasp/Monad.hs
index 86de9a2..0bab4c8 100644
--- a/src/Grasp/Monad.hs
+++ b/src/Grasp/Monad.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module Grasp.Monad (
- nodesOut, edgesOut,
+ nodesOut, edgesOut, edgesIn,
@@ -331,6 +331,18 @@ edgesOut n = do
+edgesIn :: GNode -> GraspM [GEdge]
+edgesIn n = do
+ (gr, ips, fh) <- State.get
+ curNode <- peekIP
+ let ein = Graph.inn gr (GN.toNode (Maybe.fromJust curNode))
+ result = map ein
+ if (Maybe.isNothing curNode) then return [] else return result
reLabel :: Instruction -> GNode -> GraspM ()
reLabel i n = do
(gr, ips, fh) <- State.get