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1 files changed, 36 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs b/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs
index 67632bc..7223416 100644
--- a/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs
+++ b/src/Grasp/Interpreter.hs
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ pushI g node = do
let label = if (inL == []) then "" else inL !! rnd
if (length stackN /= 1)
- then error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++ " should only have one stack argument")
+ then error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++ " should have one stack argument")
else doPushI g (head stackN) label
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ implicitPushI g node =
label = fromJust $ Graph.lab g node
in if (length stackN /= 1)
- then error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++ " should only have one stack argument")
+ then error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++ " should have one stack argument")
else doPushI g (head stackN) label
@@ -249,10 +249,42 @@ doPushI g s l =
popI :: GraspProgram -> Node -> IO GraspProgram
-popI g node = return g
+popI g node =
+ let edges = Graph.out g node
+ stackN = targetNodes (getByLabel "stack" edges)
+ outL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "out" edges)
+ emptyL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "empty" edges)
+ in return g
pickI :: GraspProgram -> Node -> IO GraspProgram
-pickI g node = return g
+pickI g node =
+ let edges = Graph.out g node
+ stackN = targetNodes (getByLabel "stack" edges)
+ depthL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "depth" edges)
+ outL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "out" edges)
+ emptyL = targetLabels g (getByLabel "empty" edges)
+ in case (stackN, depthL) of
+ (x,_) | length x /= 1 -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++
+ " should have one stack argument")
+ (_,y) | length y /= 1 -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++
+ " should have one depth argument")
+ (_,y) | not (isFloat (head y)) -> error ("Instruction " ++ (show node) ++
+ " should have numeric depth argument")
+ (x,y) -> doPickI g (head x) (head y) outL emptyL
+doPickI :: GraspProgram -> Node -> String -> [String] -> [String] -> IO GraspProgram
+doPickI g s d out empty = return g