path: root/spec/
diff options
authorJedidiah Barber <>2025-01-21 21:04:54 +1300
committerJedidiah Barber <>2025-01-21 21:04:54 +1300
commitb4438b2fbe895694be98e6e8426103deefc51448 (patch)
tree760d86cd7c06420a91dad102cc9546aee73146fc /spec/
parenta4703a65b015140cd4a7a985db66264875ade734 (diff)
Split public API and private implementation files into different directories
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/')
1 files changed, 621 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/ b/spec/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cedd4da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+-- Programmed by Jedidiah Barber
+-- Released into the public domain
+ FLTK.Images,
+ FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows;
+package FLTK.Draw is
+ --------------------------
+ -- Types and Constants --
+ --------------------------
+ type Line_Kind is
+ (Solid_Line,
+ Dash_Line,
+ Dot_Line,
+ Dashdot_Line,
+ Dashdotdot_Line);
+ type Cap_Kind is
+ (Default_Cap,
+ Flat_Cap,
+ Round_Cap,
+ Square_Cap);
+ type Join_Kind is
+ (Default_Join,
+ Miter_Join,
+ Round_Join,
+ Bevel_Join);
+ type Dash_Length is new Integer range 1 .. 255;
+ type Dash_Gap is record
+ Solid : Dash_Length;
+ Blank : Dash_Length;
+ end record;
+ type Dash_Gap_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Dash_Gap;
+ Empty_Dashes : constant Dash_Gap_Array (1 .. 0) := (others => (1, 1));
+ type Image_Draw_Function is access procedure
+ (X, Y : in Natural;
+ Data : out Color_Component_Array);
+ type Symbol_Draw_Function is access procedure
+ (Hue : in Color);
+ type Text_Draw_Function is access procedure
+ (X, Y : in Integer;
+ Text : in String);
+ type Area_Draw_Function is access procedure
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer);
+ Draw_Error : exception;
+ ------------------------
+ -- No Documentation --
+ ------------------------
+ procedure Reset_Spot;
+ procedure Set_Spot
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Font : in Font_Kind;
+ Size : in Font_Size);
+ procedure Set_Spot
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Font : in Font_Kind;
+ Size : in Font_Size;
+ Pane : in FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class);
+ procedure Set_Status
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer);
+ ---------------
+ -- Utility --
+ ---------------
+ function Can_Do_Alpha_Blending
+ return Boolean;
+ function Shortcut_Label
+ (Keys : in Key_Combo)
+ return String;
+ --------------------------
+ -- Charset Conversion --
+ --------------------------
+ function Latin1_To_Local
+ (From : in String)
+ return String;
+ function Local_To_Latin1
+ (From : in String)
+ return String;
+ function Mac_Roman_To_Local
+ (From : in String)
+ return String;
+ function Local_To_Mac_Roman
+ (From : in String)
+ return String;
+ ----------------
+ -- Clipping --
+ ----------------
+ function Clip_Box
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ BX, BY, BW, BH : out Integer)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Clip_Intersects
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Pop_Clip;
+ procedure Push_Clip
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer);
+ procedure Push_No_Clip;
+ procedure Restore_Clip;
+ ---------------
+ -- Overlay --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Overlay_Clear;
+ procedure Overlay_Rect
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer);
+ ----------------
+ -- Settings --
+ ----------------
+ function Get_Color
+ return Color;
+ procedure Set_Color
+ (To : in Color);
+ procedure Set_Color
+ (R, G, B : in Color_Component);
+ procedure Set_Cursor
+ (To : in Mouse_Cursor_Kind);
+ procedure Set_Cursor
+ (To : in Mouse_Cursor_Kind;
+ Fore : in Color;
+ Back : in Color := White_Color);
+ function Get_Font
+ return Font_Kind;
+ function Get_Font_Size
+ return Font_Size;
+ procedure Set_Font
+ (Kind : in Font_Kind;
+ Size : in Font_Size);
+ function Font_Line_Spacing
+ return Integer;
+ function Font_Descent
+ return Integer;
+ function Font_Height
+ (Kind : in Font_Kind;
+ Size : in Font_Size)
+ return Natural;
+ procedure Set_Line_Style
+ (Line : in Line_Kind := Solid_Line;
+ Cap : in Cap_Kind := Default_Cap;
+ Join : in Join_Kind := Default_Join;
+ Width : in Natural := 0;
+ Dashes : in Dash_Gap_Array := Empty_Dashes);
+ -------------------------
+ -- Matrix Operations --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure Mult_Matrix
+ (A, B, C, D, X, Y : in Long_Float);
+ procedure Pop_Matrix;
+ procedure Push_Matrix;
+ procedure Rotate
+ (Angle : in Long_Float);
+ procedure Scale
+ (Factor : in Long_Float);
+ procedure Scale
+ (Factor_X, Factor_Y : in Long_Float);
+ function Transform_DX
+ (X, Y : in Long_Float)
+ return Long_Float;
+ function Transform_DY
+ (X, Y : in Long_Float)
+ return Long_Float;
+ function Transform_X
+ (X, Y : in Long_Float)
+ return Long_Float;
+ function Transform_Y
+ (X, Y : in Long_Float)
+ return Long_Float;
+ procedure Transformed_Vertex
+ (XF, YF : in Long_Float);
+ procedure Translate
+ (X, Y : in Long_Float);
+ procedure Vertex
+ (X, Y : in Long_Float);
+ ---------------------
+ -- Image Drawing --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Draw_Image
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Data : in Color_Component_Array;
+ Depth : in Positive := 3;
+ Line_Data : in Natural := 0;
+ Flip_Horizontal : in Boolean := False;
+ Flip_Vertical : in Boolean := False);
+ procedure Draw_Image
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Callback : in Image_Draw_Function;
+ Depth : in Positive := 3);
+ procedure Draw_Image_Mono
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Data : in Color_Component_Array;
+ Depth : in Positive := 1;
+ Line_Data : in Natural := 0;
+ Flip_Horizontal : Boolean := False;
+ Flip_Vertical : Boolean := False);
+ procedure Draw_Image_Mono
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Callback : in Image_Draw_Function;
+ Depth : in Positive := 1);
+ function Read_Image
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Alpha : in Integer := 0)
+ return Color_Component_Array
+ with Post =>
+ (if Alpha = 0
+ then Read_Image'Result'Length = W * H * 3
+ else Read_Image'Result'Length = W * H * 4);
+ -----------------------
+ -- Special Drawing --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Add_Symbol
+ (Text : in String;
+ Callback : in Symbol_Draw_Function;
+ Scalable : in Boolean);
+ procedure Draw_Text
+ (X, Y : in Integer;
+ Text : in String)
+ with Pre => Text'Length > 0;
+ procedure Draw_Text
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String;
+ Align : in Alignment;
+ Symbols : in Boolean := True);
+ procedure Draw_Text
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String;
+ Align : in Alignment;
+ Picture : in FLTK.Images.Image'Class;
+ Symbols : in Boolean := True);
+ procedure Draw_Text
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String;
+ Align : in Alignment;
+ Callback : in Text_Draw_Function;
+ Symbols : in Boolean := True);
+ procedure Draw_Text
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String;
+ Align : in Alignment;
+ Callback : in Text_Draw_Function;
+ Picture : in FLTK.Images.Image'Class;
+ Symbols : in Boolean := True);
+ procedure Draw_Text
+ (X, Y : in Integer;
+ Text : in String;
+ Angle : in Integer);
+ procedure Draw_Text_Right_Left
+ (X, Y : in Integer;
+ Text : in String);
+ procedure Draw_Box
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Kind : in Box_Kind;
+ Hue : in Color);
+ procedure Draw_Symbol
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Name : in String;
+ Hue : in Color);
+ procedure Measure
+ (Text : in String;
+ W, H : out Natural;
+ Symbols : in Boolean := True;
+ Wrap : in Natural := 0);
+ procedure Scroll
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ DX, DY : in Integer;
+ Callback : in Area_Draw_Function);
+ procedure Text_Extents
+ (Text : in String;
+ DX, DY, W, H : out Integer);
+ function Width
+ (Text : in String)
+ return Long_Float;
+ function Width
+ (Glyph : in Character)
+ return Long_Float;
+ function Width
+ (Glyph : in Wide_Character)
+ return Long_Float;
+ function Width
+ (Glyph : in Wide_Wide_Character)
+ return Long_Float;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Manual Drawing --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Begin_Complex_Polygon;
+ procedure Begin_Line;
+ procedure Begin_Loop;
+ procedure Begin_Points;
+ procedure Begin_Polygon;
+ procedure Arc
+ (X, Y, R, Start, Finish : in Long_Float);
+ procedure Arc
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Start, Finish : in Long_Float);
+ -- As per 1.3.9 docs, currently a placeholder
+ procedure Chord
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Angle1, Angle2 : in Long_Float);
+ procedure Circle
+ (X, Y, R : in Long_Float);
+ procedure Curve
+ (X0, Y0 : in Long_Float;
+ X1, Y1 : in Long_Float;
+ X2, Y2 : in Long_Float;
+ X3, Y3 : in Long_Float);
+ procedure Frame
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Top, Left, Bottom, Right : in Greyscale);
+ procedure Gap;
+ procedure Line
+ (X0, Y0 : in Integer;
+ X1, Y1 : in Integer);
+ procedure Line
+ (X0, Y0 : in Integer;
+ X1, Y1 : in Integer;
+ X2, Y2 : in Integer);
+ procedure Outline
+ (X0, Y0 : in Integer;
+ X1, Y1 : in Integer;
+ X2, Y2 : in Integer);
+ procedure Outline
+ (X0, Y0 : in Integer;
+ X1, Y1 : in Integer;
+ X2, Y2 : in Integer;
+ X3, Y3 : in Integer);
+ procedure Pie
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Angle1, Angle2 : in Long_Float);
+ procedure Point
+ (X, Y : in Integer);
+ procedure Polygon
+ (X0, Y0 : in Integer;
+ X1, Y1 : in Integer;
+ X2, Y2 : in Integer);
+ procedure Polygon
+ (X0, Y0 : in Integer;
+ X1, Y1 : in Integer;
+ X2, Y2 : in Integer;
+ X3, Y3 : in Integer);
+ procedure Rect
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer);
+ procedure Rect
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Hue : in Color);
+ procedure Rect_Fill
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer);
+ procedure Rect_Fill
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Hue : in Color);
+ procedure Rect_Fill
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ R, G, B : in Color_Component);
+ procedure Ecks_Why_Line
+ (X0, Y0, X1 : in Integer);
+ procedure Ecks_Why_Line
+ (X0, Y0, X1, Y2 : in Integer);
+ procedure Ecks_Why_Line
+ (X0, Y0, X1, Y2, X3 : in Integer);
+ procedure Why_Ecks_Line
+ (X0, Y0, Y1 : in Integer);
+ procedure Why_Ecks_Line
+ (X0, Y0, Y1, X2 : in Integer);
+ procedure Why_Ecks_Line
+ (X0, Y0, Y1, X2, Y3 : in Integer);
+ procedure End_Complex_Polygon;
+ procedure End_Line;
+ procedure End_Loop;
+ procedure End_Points;
+ procedure End_Polygon;
+ pragma Convention (C, Symbol_Draw_Function);
+ pragma Inline (Reset_Spot);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Spot);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Status);
+ pragma Inline (Can_Do_Alpha_Blending);
+ pragma Inline (Shortcut_Label);
+ pragma Inline (Latin1_To_Local);
+ pragma Inline (Local_To_Latin1);
+ pragma Inline (Mac_Roman_To_Local);
+ pragma Inline (Local_To_Mac_Roman);
+ pragma Inline (Clip_Intersects);
+ pragma Inline (Pop_Clip);
+ pragma Inline (Push_Clip);
+ pragma Inline (Push_No_Clip);
+ pragma Inline (Restore_Clip);
+ pragma Inline (Overlay_Clear);
+ pragma Inline (Overlay_Rect);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Color);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Color);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Font);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Font_Size);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Font);
+ pragma Inline (Font_Line_Spacing);
+ pragma Inline (Font_Descent);
+ pragma Inline (Font_Height);
+ pragma Inline (Mult_Matrix);
+ pragma Inline (Pop_Matrix);
+ pragma Inline (Push_Matrix);
+ pragma Inline (Rotate);
+ pragma Inline (Scale);
+ pragma Inline (Transform_DX);
+ pragma Inline (Transform_DY);
+ pragma Inline (Transform_X);
+ pragma Inline (Transform_Y);
+ pragma Inline (Transformed_Vertex);
+ pragma Inline (Translate);
+ pragma Inline (Vertex);
+ pragma Inline (Add_Symbol);
+ pragma Inline (Draw_Text);
+ pragma Inline (Draw_Text_Right_Left);
+ pragma Inline (Draw_Box);
+ pragma Inline (Draw_Symbol);
+ pragma Inline (Measure);
+ pragma Inline (Scroll);
+ pragma Inline (Text_Extents);
+ pragma Inline (Width);
+ pragma Inline (Begin_Complex_Polygon);
+ pragma Inline (Begin_Line);
+ pragma Inline (Begin_Loop);
+ pragma Inline (Begin_Points);
+ pragma Inline (Begin_Polygon);
+ pragma Inline (Arc);
+ pragma Inline (Chord);
+ pragma Inline (Circle);
+ pragma Inline (Curve);
+ pragma Inline (Frame);
+ pragma Inline (Gap);
+ pragma Inline (Line);
+ pragma Inline (Outline);
+ pragma Inline (Pie);
+ pragma Inline (Point);
+ pragma Inline (Polygon);
+ pragma Inline (Rect);
+ pragma Inline (Rect_Fill);
+ pragma Inline (Ecks_Why_Line);
+ pragma Inline (Why_Ecks_Line);
+ pragma Inline (End_Complex_Polygon);
+ pragma Inline (End_Line);
+ pragma Inline (End_Loop);
+ pragma Inline (End_Points);
+ pragma Inline (End_Polygon);
+end FLTK.Draw;