path: root/spec/
diff options
authorJedidiah Barber <>2025-01-21 21:04:54 +1300
committerJedidiah Barber <>2025-01-21 21:04:54 +1300
commitb4438b2fbe895694be98e6e8426103deefc51448 (patch)
tree760d86cd7c06420a91dad102cc9546aee73146fc /spec/
parenta4703a65b015140cd4a7a985db66264875ade734 (diff)
Split public API and private implementation files into different directories
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/')
1 files changed, 532 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/ b/spec/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07f9b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+-- Programmed by Jedidiah Barber
+-- Released into the public domain
+ FLTK.Images;
+limited with
+ FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows;
+private with
+ System.Address_To_Access_Conversions,
+ Interfaces.C,
+ FLTK.Widget_Callback_Conversions;
+package FLTK.Widgets is
+ type Widget is new Wrapper with private;
+ type Widget_Reference (Data : not null access Widget'Class) is limited null record
+ with Implicit_Dereference => Data;
+ type Widget_Callback is access procedure
+ (Item : in out Widget'Class);
+ type Callback_Flag is private;
+ function "+" (Left, Right : in Callback_Flag) return Callback_Flag;
+ Call_Never : constant Callback_Flag;
+ When_Changed : constant Callback_Flag;
+ When_Interact : constant Callback_Flag;
+ When_Release : constant Callback_Flag;
+ When_Enter_Key : constant Callback_Flag;
+ package Forge is
+ function Create
+ (X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String := "")
+ return Widget;
+ function Create
+ (Parent : in out FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Group'Class;
+ X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String := "")
+ return Widget;
+ end Forge;
+ procedure Activate
+ (This : in out Widget);
+ procedure Deactivate
+ (This : in out Widget);
+ function Is_Active
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Is_Tree_Active
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Active
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ To : in Boolean);
+ function Has_Changed
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Changed
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ To : in Boolean);
+ function Is_Output_Only
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Output_Only
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ To : in Boolean);
+ function Is_Visible
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Is_Tree_Visible
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Visible
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ To : in Boolean);
+ function Has_Visible_Focus
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Visible_Focus
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ To : in Boolean);
+ function Take_Focus
+ (This : in out Widget)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Takes_Events
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Get_Background_Color
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Color;
+ procedure Set_Background_Color
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ To : in Color);
+ function Get_Selection_Color
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Color;
+ procedure Set_Selection_Color
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ To : in Color);
+ function Parent
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return access FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Group'Class;
+ function Contains
+ (This : in Widget;
+ Item : in Widget'Class)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Inside
+ (This : in Widget;
+ Parent : in Widget'Class)
+ return Boolean;
+ function Nearest_Window
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return access FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class;
+ function Top_Window
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return access FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class;
+ function Top_Window_Offset
+ (This : in Widget;
+ Offset_X, Offset_Y : out Integer)
+ return access FLTK.Widgets.Groups.Windows.Window'Class;
+ function Get_Alignment
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Alignment;
+ procedure Set_Alignment
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ New_Align : in Alignment);
+ function Get_Box
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Box_Kind;
+ procedure Set_Box
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ Box : in Box_Kind);
+ function Get_Tooltip
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return String;
+ procedure Set_Tooltip
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ Text : in String);
+ function Get_Label
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return String;
+ procedure Set_Label
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ Text : in String);
+ function Get_Label_Color
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Color;
+ procedure Set_Label_Color
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ Value : in Color);
+ function Get_Label_Font
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Font_Kind;
+ procedure Set_Label_Font
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ Font : in Font_Kind);
+ function Get_Label_Size
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Font_Size;
+ procedure Set_Label_Size
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ Size : in Font_Size);
+ function Get_Label_Kind
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Label_Kind;
+ procedure Set_Label_Kind
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ Label : in Label_Kind);
+ procedure Measure_Label
+ (This : in Widget;
+ W, H : out Integer);
+ function Get_Callback
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Widget_Callback;
+ procedure Set_Callback
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ Func : in Widget_Callback);
+ procedure Do_Callback
+ (This : in out Widget);
+ function Get_When
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Callback_Flag;
+ procedure Set_When
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ To : in Callback_Flag);
+ function Get_X
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Integer;
+ function Get_Y
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Integer;
+ function Get_W
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Integer;
+ function Get_H
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Integer;
+ procedure Resize
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ W, H : in Integer);
+ procedure Reposition
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ X, Y : in Integer);
+ function Get_Image
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return access FLTK.Images.Image'Class;
+ procedure Set_Image
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ Pic : in out FLTK.Images.Image'Class);
+ function Get_Inactive_Image
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return access FLTK.Images.Image'Class;
+ procedure Set_Inactive_Image
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ Pic : in out FLTK.Images.Image'Class);
+ function Is_Damaged
+ (This : in Widget)
+ return Boolean;
+ procedure Set_Damaged
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ To : in Boolean);
+ procedure Set_Damaged
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ To : in Boolean;
+ X, Y, W, H : in Integer);
+ procedure Draw
+ (This : in out Widget);
+ procedure Draw_Label
+ (This : in Widget;
+ X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Align : in Alignment);
+ procedure Redraw
+ (This : in out Widget);
+ procedure Redraw_Label
+ (This : in out Widget);
+ function Handle
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ Event : in Event_Kind)
+ return Event_Outcome;
+ type Widget is new Wrapper with
+ record
+ Callback : Widget_Callback;
+ Current_Image : access FLTK.Images.Image'Class;
+ Inactive_Image : access FLTK.Images.Image'Class;
+ Draw_Ptr : System.Address;
+ Handle_Ptr : System.Address;
+ end record;
+ overriding procedure Initialize
+ (This : in out Widget);
+ overriding procedure Finalize
+ (This : in out Widget);
+ -- Widgets that might cause problems for this setup in the future:
+ -- Menus (gets various Menu_Items added to it)
+ -- Groups.Text_Displays (gets a Text_Buffer attached)
+ -- Groups.Text_Displays.Text_Editors (also gets a Text_Buffer attached)
+ -- If weird Init/Final errors start mysteriously occuring then check there first.
+ -- Extra_Init functionality is also duplicated in FLTK.File_Choosers
+ -- for reasons of hierarchy visibility. Really, the File_Chooser should be in
+ -- the Widget hierarchy like Color_Chooser but for some reason it isn't.
+ procedure Extra_Init
+ (This : in out Widget;
+ X, Y, W, H : in Integer;
+ Text : in String);
+ procedure Extra_Final
+ (This : in out Widget);
+ type Callback_Flag is new Interfaces.C.unsigned;
+ Call_Never : constant Callback_Flag := 0;
+ When_Changed : constant Callback_Flag := 1;
+ When_Interact : constant Callback_Flag := 2;
+ When_Release : constant Callback_Flag := 4;
+ When_Enter_Key : constant Callback_Flag := 8;
+ -- the user data portion should always be a reference back to the Ada binding
+ procedure Callback_Hook
+ (W, U : in Storage.Integer_Address);
+ pragma Export (C, Callback_Hook, "widget_callback_hook");
+ procedure Draw_Hook
+ (U : in Storage.Integer_Address);
+ pragma Export (C, Draw_Hook, "widget_draw_hook");
+ function Handle_Hook
+ (U : in Storage.Integer_Address;
+ E : in
+ return;
+ pragma Export (C, Handle_Hook, "widget_handle_hook");
+ package Widget_Convert is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (Widget'Class);
+ package Callback_Convert renames FLTK.Widget_Callback_Conversions;
+ function fl_widget_get_user_data
+ (W : in Storage.Integer_Address)
+ return Storage.Integer_Address;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_widget_get_user_data, "fl_widget_get_user_data");
+ pragma Inline (fl_widget_get_user_data);
+ procedure fl_widget_set_user_data
+ (W, D : in Storage.Integer_Address);
+ pragma Import (C, fl_widget_set_user_data, "fl_widget_set_user_data");
+ pragma Inline (fl_widget_set_user_data);
+ procedure fl_widget_set_label
+ (W : in Storage.Integer_Address;
+ T : in Interfaces.C.char_array);
+ pragma Import (C, fl_widget_set_label, "fl_widget_set_label");
+ pragma Inline (fl_widget_set_label);
+ function fl_widget_get_type
+ (W : in Storage.Integer_Address)
+ return Interfaces.C.unsigned_char;
+ pragma Import (C, fl_widget_get_type, "fl_widget_get_type");
+ pragma Inline (fl_widget_get_type);
+ procedure fl_widget_set_type
+ (W : in Storage.Integer_Address;
+ T : in Interfaces.C.unsigned_char);
+ pragma Import (C, fl_widget_set_type, "fl_widget_set_type");
+ pragma Inline (fl_widget_set_type);
+ pragma Inline (Activate);
+ pragma Inline (Deactivate);
+ pragma Inline (Is_Active);
+ pragma Inline (Is_Tree_Active);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Active);
+ pragma Inline (Has_Changed);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Changed);
+ pragma Inline (Is_Output_Only);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Output_Only);
+ pragma Inline (Is_Visible);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Visible);
+ pragma Inline (Has_Visible_Focus);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Visible_Focus);
+ pragma Inline (Take_Focus);
+ pragma Inline (Takes_Events);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Background_Color);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Background_Color);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Selection_Color);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Selection_Color);
+ pragma Inline (Parent);
+ pragma Inline (Contains);
+ pragma Inline (Inside);
+ pragma Inline (Nearest_Window);
+ pragma Inline (Top_Window);
+ pragma Inline (Top_Window_Offset);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Alignment);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Alignment);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Box);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Box);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Tooltip);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Tooltip);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Label);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Label);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Label_Color);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Label_Color);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Label_Font);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Label_Font);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Label_Size);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Label_Size);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Label_Kind);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Label_Kind);
+ pragma Inline (Measure_Label);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Callback);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Callback);
+ pragma Inline (Do_Callback);
+ pragma Inline (Get_When);
+ pragma Inline (Set_When);
+ pragma Inline (Get_X);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Y);
+ pragma Inline (Get_W);
+ pragma Inline (Get_H);
+ pragma Inline (Resize);
+ pragma Inline (Reposition);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Image);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Image);
+ pragma Inline (Get_Inactive_Image);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Inactive_Image);
+ pragma Inline (Is_Damaged);
+ pragma Inline (Set_Damaged);
+ pragma Inline (Draw);
+ pragma Inline (Draw_Label);
+ pragma Inline (Redraw);
+ pragma Inline (Redraw_Label);
+ pragma Inline (Handle);
+end FLTK.Widgets;